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Everything posted by GothSkunk

  1. Consider yourself blessed, then. If you don't read the news, you're uninformed. But if you do read the news, you're misinformed. Either way, you're screwed. Best to just focus on yourself and your loved ones, and not worry about everything going on around you if you're not in immediate danger. And if you are in immediate danger, again, the priority is you and your loved ones.
  2. Rock caches are made in the Navigation sub-menu of the quick-access circle. They require 50 stones to construct, and can store 30 kg worth of stuff. No more tossing meat on the ground for this player!
  3. Thank you, Hinterland! Edit: [UI] Cooking UI now displays updated weight of items, instead of always showing the base weight. *GASP!* Does this mean that when we cook raw meat now, it'll actually lose some weight in the cooking process?
  4. It's a great zone, and a hell of a challenge. In my experience, the windiest region in the game. Not as many blizzards as Pleasant Valley, but just as dangerous.
  5. It did in fact change. Much to my chagrin. I used to use that path to carry bear meat to town without having to deal with the wolves along the road by the church and the woodlot by the water tower.
  6. Revolver's fine. OP just has bad luck. OP also didn't know moose don't bleed out, so...
  7. All predator meat is infected, cooked or not. Level 5 cooking just cooks out the infection from cooked meat.
  8. This is just me nitpicking, and by no means will it make-or-break my experience playing TLD, but tree assets should not be placed on top of rock assets... because trees can't grow on rocks. I don't have any examples to show at the moment, but I know I've seen it, particularly in Mystery Lake. And every time I do, the thought "that shouldn't be there" is in the back of my mind. If devs get around to it, that'd be great. If not... oh well.
  9. The only way to get parasites once you have level 5 cooking is to eat predator meat that's raw. Your chance of infection immediately jumps to 75% when doing so. Do so again, and it rises to 100%. If you're 100% sure that you did not eat raw predator meat, then it's a bug and should not have happened. I find it odd that you're the only one reporting such a bug, though. And even so, if you got it from eating cooked predator meat, you should still only have a small percentage chance initially, rather than jumping right to infection.
  10. Sigh.... To be fair, he DID die like... seconds later.
  11. Fix? There's nothing to fix. You've just got bad luck.
  12. They're fire accelerants and matches. But I too cannot see the significance.
  13. I totally get what you're saying, and it is definitely a problem, in theory. But you're talking 1500+ days. Theoretically, such a thing is only a problem on long runs like that. Most people will die well before they run out of painkillers or rose hips. But, as it stands, Broken Ribs is the only affliction which REQUIRES painkillers/rosehips as part of the remedy, so... take care when drinking the stuff.
  14. Homemade jerky is delicious. I would know, I make it. However, the process involved in making jerky is extensive. Even in ideal conditions, you're easily looking at cooking time of 3-6 hours, depending on the meats fat content. At the difficulty level I play, I have absolutely no problem going through an entire moose or bear's worth of meat well before any of the cooked meat gets mouldy, so meat preservation is entirely unnecessary.
  15. Well I live alone, and I don't fall asleep until sunrise, so I rarely have a problem when I'm playing TLD. I never get distracted. Best thing I find is to have a goal in mind. For me, this goal was most recently to collect all 71 buffer memories in the game. Took me 719 in-game days to do it, and I started in April or May of 2019, I don't remember which. Now that I'm done, the goal is to finally explore and map the Hushed River Valley for the first time ever. It's exciting because I've never been there before until just a few days ago, so it's all brand new to me. But, it's also scary because condition recovery takes so long if I get injured, that a bad run-in with wolves will keep me confined to the cave I'm using for shelter until I can properly recover. I could run out of food before I'm 110%, and be compelled to go hunting in bad condition, risking more confrontations with wolves or bear. If somehow I manage to fully explore the hushed river valley, then that just leaves the Bleak Inlet. And while that sounds potentially exciting, my experience in WIntermute told me I'm terrible with dealing with Timberwolves. And, condition recovery being what it is, I am quite confident that, if I do die, it will be because of Timberwolves in the Bleak Inlet. But yeah, best advice I can give is to have a goal in mind, something to work towards. For me, that was collecting all the buffer memories.
  16. The challenge is significantly easier than what I did. The Archivist challenge only requires you to get one buffer memory from each location. I collected them all, in a survival mode game.
  17. Hinterland added 40 additional buffer memories from the initial 31 after bringing in the Archivist challenge. They just haven't updated the numbers to reflect it.
  18. Finally, at long last... I started this run in May of 2019, and I just finally collected my last buffer memory this morning. I played a custom setting I call "Stalker++". Code is here, if you want it: Code: 8kmY-nmpa-KBof-DSyG-LgEA Features: All settings are set to Stalker, with a few exceptions. Calorie needs are Interloper level Interloper gear spawns Rifle spawns Condition Recovery is set to the slowest possible regeneration rate. The new wolf AI really made this a challenge in the latter end. Because I could no longer rely on decoys, I got into a lot more wolf struggles. And since the quantity of wolves is the same as what you'd expect from Stalker, you can expect to cross paths with them a lot! It takes multiple days to recover from even a single wolf attack. I'm still alive in this game. Desperately need new knives, which is what I'm going to work towards now.
  19. Forlorn Muskeg is, by design, a wetland. I'm not entirely sure how exactly it works, but yes, walking around in the zone does have an impact on how wet your feet get. Anecdotally, I have only noticed this out on the muskeg proper. Any area that's pretty solidly snow -- such as the areas near the radio towers, for example -- won't have this problem. But anywhere where the ice is thin or blue, walking on or standing on it for prolonged periods of time gradually makes your feet wet. However, I've never run over the muskeg with running shoes. I am confident that what you're experiencing is by design.
  20. Salted meat is one thing. Jerky is another. Having made my own jerky before, the amount of time it takes to make jerky is significant. I use my kitchen oven, placing the jerky on cookie sheets. Depending on the fat content of the meat, it can take anywhere between 3 to 6 hours per batch. Translate that into the game, and we're looking at minimum triple the preparation/"cooking" time of the meat you're looking to jerk. Not to mention that there isn't a proper apparatus in game to do it... except maybe the fire barrel, since it has a grill. But even so, you don't jerk meat over an open flame, but rather over a low, consistent heat. Embers would be ideal, but good luck getting embers to last multiple hours. Besides, even with the meat from big game like bear and moose, you should never run into a problem where the meat decays faster than you can eat it.
  21. As the thread title suggests. Give wolves and bears an increased chance to charge at you from farther away when you have a sprained ankle. Reason: You're limping. It's obvious to any living creature with eyes that you're wounded and in discomfort. That makes you vulnerable. And you being vulnerable makes them more bold.
  22. I'm here on my quest to capture all the buffer memories in the game. ALL of them. Once I'm done with Broken Railroad, I'll just have Orca Gas Station and Milton Credit Union, then I'll be done. Assuming I don't die. Which would be terrible. I'm almost 600 days in.