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Everything posted by ogreranger

  1. Truly and sincerly.. I wish you all GL.. but wow this forum is nimby..Proof of concept.. How many years? Peace be with you all.
  2. Who the F**k plays this game for 5000 plus days? Are we all that serious? Omg Yall just made me sad... This is a game...Ya want anything else move to canada and live in the wild for real..See how well ya manage your resources then.. frelling torch..wtf
  3. The Twilight Zone start. Seems you got the flux capacitor working finally:)
  4. To my knowledge as long as baseline resource is set to "low" top tier clothing and manufactured weapons will not spawn regardless of what loose item availability is set to. When I increase the loose item setting I will find much more of whatever loot is allowed per the baseline resource setting. I sometimes create runs with baseline "low" and loose item set to "medium" just so I can find...Something, even though I know that the loose loot (and the amount of) that I find is still regulated by the baseline resource setting. Yes. I can have every setting interloper except baseline resources set to "medium" and it seems to me any and all loot available in game can be found at some point somewhere on GBI. Except perhaps the frelling mukluks, but that may be my bad RnG. To me a toggle(s) that adds the ability to change any and/or all settings/percentages would be just... Super! +1 indeed.
  5. ha! Nerd. Pretty clever. does this count as an easter egg? Easter bug perhaps? still, HA
  6. Thou shall count to 138 ....No, like seriously. 138 stones? That be next level wabbit huntin' ☠️ 😀
  7. Some say breaking down cans into scrap metal leads to a lot of scrap metal(It does). The same could be said about taking a hacksaw to Hibernia (It really really does.) The difference is convenience and/or time depending on perception. Making 3 hooks requires 1 Scrap metal, a workbench and 20mins. *Wish* Making 1 hook requires 1 Recycled can and 45mins. Gives a return on an item that (at the moment) has no use other than the survivors imagination and to boil water. May not be the best choice but that would depend on the situtation. I do not think there is a debate on the quantity of resources in the game especially on difficulty levels other than interloper and I would even include interloper with regards to specific resources. I find the more I play the game the more i just wish for more and or different choices to apply to the resources I already have.
  8. ogreranger

    New Maps

    Maybe not, but if random map generation isn't worth an expansion or paid dlc I don't know what is. well said.
  9. Yep and Yep..I live in the Rikken and embrace the creepy specifically because of that gosh floppin' bear..When I go to Hibernia, I Loot N Scoot! I actually just visited the wolf cave for the first time recently because I wouldn't go on the far side of the factory. Damn bear. Disturbing.Technically.Disturbed.You bet.
  10. No not bored, it just seems you've gotten into a pretty solid routine being day 181 and all. Then I read about the encounters with Mr. Bear. Nothing like a bear attack to help you remember omg I am on day 181! 😆😂 . I admire your courage to walk into a bear cave and poke a bear with a stick. iirc I am pretty sure there's a saying about that😉 I recently did start a new run. Somewhere around @BareSkin's Sleepwalker 7(or maybe 8 ) I used interloper settings as a base and changed... rest as a resource off. At rest recovery off and normal(no stat in the red) recovery set to low. Bear,wolf,moose spawn are set to very high and wolf spawn set to close. I also have a different hunger system, manage my own water and fuel containers, I also have a solstice which affects weather over a 4 month period(4 seasons,spring being the least cold and winter is,well, not nice) and i am trying to utilize the hacksaw exclusively as it seems i have been under utilizing "the Catherine." I, like you, craft the hatchet for chopping wood. I tend to make one mostly for wolf encounters but since i usually have a hatchet i tend to forget the hacksaw can be used for more than making scrap. So far I have escaped PV, but not before i was mauled by a bear at signal hill(that was a new one for me) ruining 6 pieces of clothing, some of which i had just found at the farmstead, including my shoes. I have made it to the dam in my socks, and i haven't seen over 30% condition in the 6 days my survivor been alive. I had forgotten that the dam gets a lil chilly at night when you don't have the proper gear and harvested a rabbit. Luckily i canceled at 8% condition. Starting and cooking is interesting to say the least below 10%☺️. I did however find a hacksaw in the dam, which come to think of it is about all i found. Still no shoes though..Bonus find was an 82% bedroll at the hunters blind near the dam... oh geez i've gone and blathered on. apologies. I am looking forward to ya next loper run too G'luck in the cold.
  11. Waterfall in DP near Matt's truck makes me nervous as well. I had not learned that the moose was king of the bridge yet and on a really windy day, with waterfall noise in the background, I was gathering fir on the hill across from the truck when i heard what sounded like an angry moose..bah must be the wind i said to myself. The voice in my head kept telling me to go investigate to make sure i was not going bananas. So i climbed to the top of the hill, arrived on the corner of the bridge only to leap off edge just in time to avoid Mr. Moose charging..As i downed some painkillers for my ankles I said to myself, "guess i found the moose in DP." So do you strictly stick with "the Catherine?" I try to maintain at least on hatchet mostly for encounters of the wolf kind. After reading sleepwalkers i made a new run to see what this lady is all about. 😆
  12. I once spent 3 weeks in DP gathering enough coal, fuel and food for the Riken to ensure I would have all materials necessary to make tools for months, Only to realize the same thing you did! "Wait. WTF! Where is my hammer? (Facepalm) Is it possible for the hammer NOT to spawn in DP? I have found them in various spots, in the Riken and like 2 or 3 different places in Hibernia..Iirc even found one under the bench upstairs by the lockers at the light house..Twill be a disheartening day indeed if that happens to be, considering I thought I to be a guaranteed spawn(at least somewhere)on the map. I hope I didn't jinx me luck.... Well, getting a mackinaw IS a good reason to visit DP🙄😜
  13. Just read all this. Very much enjoyed the writing and was fun to see you're progression Although I do not know exactly what classifies as NooB, I am going to go out on a limb by saying you are way past said status . I Don't think I have played TLD in weeks since coming to these forums because of the wonderful writings and things and stuff N such (hmm why is that sentence a Deja-Vu?) Anyhoo thanks for writing and I am looking forward to more loper adventures:)
  14. I now know that i am not alone.☺️
  15. Same here for me..I had my gun out when i entered this cave, all the bones put my hairs on edge. Glad i only heard one bark.. 3 wolves in this cave would have been problematic, to say the least.
  16. I was going to play TLD last night. Instead i ended up finding and binge reading Cindrella story by @BareSkin. Alas, the season ended(looking forward to the HRV trials) leaving me with a much healthier respect for science, a sore side from laughter(thank you, been needing that,) new strategies galore, and strangely an urge to strip to my britches and run around outside in the snow. After realizing i now do not have the time for actually playing anymore, i choose instead to sacrifice some more sleep because i have stumbled upon sleepwalkers 1. More reading ensues.Lots more actually, because here i am at sleepwalker 8, realizing i am no longer in the past but instead wondering what is going to happen next. ☺️ I am so glad to see such enthusiasm for this game, even when talking about exploits or flaws, you state it with a shrug, like meh, the fellows up top will get to it, no worries. I can't wait for more! well done survivor.
  17. Oh there's parasites for sure, regardless of cooking skill.. so far any carnivore meat I have chowed, raw or cooked has always increased my internal don't eat carnivores percentage. I have found if i eat bear up till say 15% and switch to anything not carnivore for the rest of the day the risk clears(risk check per 24hr period) I will say say i am RNG lucky so far but i do not go past 15% if i can help it. So far that i have noticed, keeping the processed food around(ruined or above ) is beneficial because some of the food items in my experience are less likely to give you rot gut. I have cooked ruined pin peaches just to see if it helped and more often than not, no FP..More so than eating them slugs cold..Imo cook skill helps quite a bit but only ith the type of food item your eating..BTW i have gotten food poisoning from cooking 14% con pin peaches too so i think the RNG gods are always in play..The cooking skill 5 clearly states you will not get food poisoning, but in my reality i think if you test the DM there is always the possibility of rollin a 1😉
  18. Agreed. I set up base camps in most regions for exactly the SHTF reason.. I also try to set up mini camps (lil food, lil water etc..) for the same reason along travel routes within regions just in case i'm to heavy, tired, or (insert dilemma here) I always store meat everywhere i can. imo having the choice to eat a ruined or rancid anything is better than fading(especially if you have a chance at cooking said meat), but that my long term thought process. Food poisoning? ...Phaw got Mushrooms and a bearskin bedroll for that. level 5 cooking = no food poisoning? I have tried this a few times(cooking skill 5) with raw rabbit(98-100%) and have still gotten food poisoning roughly 2 of 5 times. I just recently cooked a Soho salmon i found in a boat in DP at 32%. cooked it and woke up later to "ow my tummy."