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Everything posted by LkP

  1. Don't feel dumb, I thought that too. It is clearly stated "Playstation or Xbox", not "game edition for PS or Xbox". If I understand correctly what @MrsMilton is saying, @Admin, @Raphael van Lierop : that may be just a mistake, but that's a big one. And I'm sorry to say that it looks a lot like the usual advertising trick meant to fool a customer... I'm very surprised nobody commented on that in 3 days.
  2. LkP


    It's a common issue. I suffer from it to a certain extend (I can focus on one person talking in a group but it's an effort, and after one or two hours my brain switches to I-am-not-here mode...). A friend of mine can't follow a one-to-one conversation with music in the background, even very low. And yes, sure, it's an autistic trait. But autists are human, and "nothing human is alien to me". Everybody have autistic traits. The number and the extend of these traits can define one of the form of autism. Tell this people that a diagnosis is a very complex procedure, it requires a lot of sciences (that most of these guys couldn't grasp) and a little of "art".
  3. Yep it's nice. I was busy cooking on that one but I'll stay a bit more in DP to play with the wolves on the next aurora. I wonder how they deal with this moving light. And also to see how it looks from the top.
  4. Yeah you're right. What makes you sure it's not in PV (could have been added with the re-do for Wintermute) ?
  5. (I don't know if I didn't remember it, or never went out during aurora here, or if it's a new feature added to the lighthouse)
  6. I also think it's a very good idea. Just a small improvement, but nice, still.
  7. Fetchez la vache ! 138 rocks, rly ?
  8. ~/.config/unity3d/Hinterland/TheLongDark/Player.log
  9. just on that, I've noticed a higher CPU usage since the update would be worth trying with another game (if/when I have time) Anyway, TLD is playable as it is. I'm lucky or blind enough to not be so uncomfortable with the z-fighting.
  10. Impressive, all my respect to the Astridzzz
  11. C'est dommage, la musique du 16ème est intéressante aussi... 😛 Welcome !
  12. yep, ok for the kernel, but latest mesa/nvidia is not a option for stable. I'll consider switching to testing. Thanks for the inputs.
  13. Debian stable. I have to check if the situation change since the last big update. (will do that when I'll settle a bit for the winter )
  14. That may be a direct answer to the request, isn't it ?
  15. @stratvox thanks. Last time I tried, the problem came from vulkan. But I'll give it a try again.
  16. hmmm, you didn't quote the smiley, @jeffpeng , that's not fair
  17. Quickly changelogs : yes, please, yes bug report : I did receive a mail the last two times I made a report (they just don't like you :p) define real (don't, I got the joke)
  18. I'm far from being that accurate (normally I'm happy when close enough to scare them), but it's fun to have tons of bullets to just waste in target practice
  19. My experience is "stupid plays 4DoN" First 4DoN, and I hate spoilers, so I dive in without reading too much the announcement. 1st day in CH is cool, plenty of gears and food grabbed. That seems too easy. I quickly check the admin post on the forum. Alright, day2 wolves, day3 aurora, day4 hell-of-a-blizzard. I make my plan : day 2 in PV (for the exploration possibilities), day 3 in TWM (for the views), day 4 back in PV where I stock coals (for the "I'd like to actually survive this"). So, of course, when I go near the old prepper cache, ain't got no rope to let me go to TWM. I try to goat it. Yeah, 'cause I'm that stubborn. Back to the forum. Oh ok, CH, PV, MT, ML only... I don't like MT so much, and I've already spent many hours in ML, but ok, let's go skate on the lake. We're day3, and I want to go from PV to ML through the dam. When I saw the first wire sparkling I could have punch myself for being that stupid. And I'll try to pass anyway tabernac, I'll find a way, because I'm stupid and stubborn. For those who are looking for challenges, I shoot a wolf from the top of the dam (but I took the screenshot right after the shot without the HUB, 'coz yeah you know why). I was successful after 4 or 5 shots. I got you ! (can you see it ?) Running pixels
  20. I would definitively have trust your words, but thanks Strange indeed.
  21. With matches AND firestarter in inventory ? So, no more baiting, or at least way more difficult, no more driving deers to wolves (or is that a bug ?) for an easy meal. Anyway, I'm ok with that, new challenges ! (interloper-like starts will become really hard)
  22. off-topic but... if you can explain how you did this setup, would be much appreciated
  23. Please, don't make him an offer he can't refuse