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Posts posted by ManicManiac

  1. @Raphael van Lierop
    I think majority of this community think you are doing a wonderful job.  Especially considering all the things you have to manage, deal with, and overcome.  I for one am only here because I love the game, and I care about this community.  While none of us can really know or fully appreciate what you have been up against or having to work though day in and day out since 2013, I just want to say that I think you are doing amazing things and I will always do what I can to support your team and their projects.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, kristaok said:

    ❤️ Thank you for adding the Go Energy Drink! the Birch Tea! the Revolver! The new Pain and Vision Distortion Mechanics! and the Cloth Hand and Head Wraps!!! :D I appreciate ALL that ya'll do!

    100% agree, all of the additions by and large really improve the depth of the game for me.  Looking forward to what else is in store for us down the road.  :) 

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  3. @kristaok
    :D I'm not attacking anyone.
    I didn't call you any names nor did I ever attack your character as a person, it seems you are twisting my words now.
    As I said I never intended to exacerbate your condition, but I'm not going to pretend I agree with you just because you are upset.

    I agree this has gotten pretty derailed, if you like we can discuss things more someplace else.  Again I regret that you feel the way you do... but I can't control how you choose to feel or interact with others.  I do sincerely hope you feel better and wish you all the best :) 

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  4. @WellsleyFarms
    No one can control how other people chose to interpret and internalize that is being presented.  I suppose most people will biases everything to try and fit it into their own point of view.  Other people here have clearly already made up your minds, and have negatively constructed a version of reality that fits their world view.  - I am very sorry to see that, but how others wish to see the world is entirely up to them.

    This topic clearly got derailed along time ago.  :) 


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  5. @kristaok
    I wouldn't accuse you of anything, just making an observation based on behaviors I witness.  I realize you are in a fragile state right now and did not wish to exacerbate your condition.  I was only trying to point out that you might be over reacting to (in the grand scheme of life) a relatively small problem.  I am encouraging patience, because what you are having anxiety about is being worked on. 

    Hang in there, it's going to be okay :) 

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  6. @FINDarkside
    I'm not being rude to you... you are expressing you opinion and I am expressing mine.  Since you got on the forums today you've seemed intent on being hostile.  I can't control that you read Raph's statements though a filter that bends/twists them to support your point of view, it's a natural and human thing to do.  I'm just pointing out that your manor in these posts are not helpful or productive in any way.  The more a person raves on about a thing the more it just sort of turns into to noise with no real impact.  There is a difference between respectful discourse, and being openly hostile to any who don't conform to your view point. 

    Like I said, it's not healthy :) 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Amazombie said:

    I think the main frustration...

    I think the main frustration comes from a misplaced sense of entitlement.  Hopefully you read Raph's statements... did you?  They don't seem at all offended or uninterested.  People just need to accept that this is their intellectual property, not ours.  They want to support mods, eventually and on their own terms.  Which is both natural and correct.  That this does not suit some, is not a Hinterland problem...

    I can't agree with your point of view because what you are using to prop up your argument is fundamentally and objectively not true. 


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  8. Alright folks, time to reasonable here :)

    First of all, whether or not Hinterland advocates people modifying their intellectual property is entirely up to them.
    Second, Hinterland has already stated that they want to integrate mod support and tools later on.  So, I'm not sure what you are all up in arms about.
    Third,  Hinterland has explained that the last update incorporated an update to the engine... and that this unintentially broke your mods as a unanticipated side effect.  They weren't out to break your mods, they just weren't compatible with the update... and that's not Hinterlands fault.  Mods are third party...

    :D Honestly folks need to take these things in stride. 

    Nevermind, Raph has stepped in.  Please disregard any part of my post that does not align.  He of course knows the intentions of Hinterland better than any of us.  You know, because they are his intentions.  :) 

  9. With any change we have to give it time... for the player to get used to it and for the Devs to fine tune it, tweak it, and bug fix.

    The shooting mechanic is more nuanced now, and there are likely some pesky bugs that go along with that.  Some of it will take practice on our part, some will take adjustments on Hinterland's part. 

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