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Posts posted by ManicManiac

  1. 6 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

    Can't hurt to ask though, right?

    It never hurts to ask.  The wish lists are precisely the place for players to brainstorm, discuss ideas, and see if the Team is interested in any of them.  I recall a long while back a thread suggesting something like birch bark tea... and now we have it.  So, by all means toss your ideas into the ring.  :) 

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  2. 57 minutes ago, Doc Feral said:

    It's useless on wolves (tried it, they just stop and keep their distance growling while you have it braced, which is not for long anyway) and heavy

    Well, (and this is pure speculation on my part) I suspect that part of the reason why they have been holding off on introducing the bear spear into Survival Mode, is possibly because they are trying to figure out a way to incorporate it's for wolves as well... either to deter them, lance them, or rework the spear struggle to look/work right when the wolf tried to jump us when we have it set.  I would assume that would take new animations and a rework of the present mechanics.  I think that when they do work into an update, it have a feeling that it won't just be for dealing with bears (though of course that would be the primary purpose).

    ...but that is just my guess.

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  3. @ThePancakeLady
    Yeah, it would be a lot of effort to implement and perhaps it's not a likely inclusion because of that... I was just thinking about my current run and thought, "how neat it would be to see the hostile wildlife get into scraps with each other instead of only out to kill me..." :D 

    Granted, wolves do hunt rabbits and deer as well... perhaps the bear might one day get an update to do the same.

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  4. I know something like this must have been brought up in the past, but I didn't want to resurrect and old post.  That seems to be frowned upon.

    I think it would be wonderful to see more interactions between the wild life (even from just the standpoint of an observer):

    It would be interesting to be able to see 2 or 3 wolves harassing a bear or try to take on a moose.  Now I don't mean for the wolves to win though, (as that would create an opportunity for a player to very easily scavenge bear/moose meat and hide) but rather just have an interesting encounter to watch.  The bear or moose eventually driving them off causing the wolves to scatter and things returning to normal.  (of course the default behavior of wolves fleeing would still be there, just perhaps a small chance if there are 2 or more to "trigger" the mini-encounter).

    I just think I would be an interesting occurrence for a player to see. 

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  5. Naturally I think we'd all like to have the bear spear (we know the team has been working on it for the survival sandbox - so I believe it's coming)
    I think it might be nice to find Jeremiah's knife someplace in the survival sandbox (perhaps more durable than the other knives).  As far as I know it was removed with the advent of the story mode redux.  I can't really think of any other unique items from story mode that would really be of value... ("survival stew" maybe?)

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  6. 5 hours ago, justyr1 said:

    Last time I played the challenge it ends right when the blizzard was about to start

    You could always chose to just subsist until the big one hits, and then after it starts go on your scavenger hunt.  :D That's what I did.

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  7. I managed to find a revolver just before this update.  I liked that I really did have to search far and wide for it.  It made finding it so much more satisfying.  I was originally just going to do a death march up Timber Wolf Mountain (as I had started a new survival run just before Steadfast Ranger dropped) so I could just restart a new run post update.  However, since I've found most of the new content... I guess I'll see this one to the bitter end and try for "The Will to Live.

    So far, I haven't any issues with sprains since it got retuned (I've taken some pretty risky routes and fallen off a rope once - I've been surprisingly lucky).  I've only found one revolver so I don't know if the tuning for the spawns will only come into play when I do finally start a new run (I mean I only need one anyway :) ).  So far, the rifle aim has been dead on for me... though I will admit I've not yet taken any longshots.  That will come in the days ahead though, I'm sure of it.

    All in all I think Steadfast Ranger is shaping up as an excellent update to an already excellent game.  Thank you.

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  8. I kind of liked that the revolver was so rare.  It really makes finding one a special and satisfying moment.  I know that people are excited about it because we all want to rush out and try it, but I just hope it doesn't become too common.

    I'm good with the rifle being a little more rare for much the same reason.  I love those moments when I know I'm not well equipped and I have to rely on my wits to survive until I fine more tools to aid my survival.


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  9. :D but 12 = 2 reloads.  Though honestly I do see why this scaled back a bit... I have found more than 100 rounds so far; which is a mountain of ammo all things considered. 

    I can't wait to try this update out.  Thank you Hinterland, thank you for everything.

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  10. I've seen a lot of weirdness on the forums this past week.  It's one thing for us to give honest feedback, and it's another to sort of try to browbeat the team that has been working for years to bring us a better experience with each iteration.  As a community we need to keep things in perspective.  Change is going to happen, and with anything that is changed or introduced there will be a period of adjustment... both for players and for those changes to get fine tuned by the team until things are working as they intended.

    To be clear, I'm not speaking to/about anyone in particular, I am trying to address the whole community.  We all have to take things in stride, there maybe bumps and snags along the way as the team continues to try and expand and improve this game for us.  It's fine for us to offer suggestions and give feedback, but we need to recognize the line where we go from trying to be helpful to being just pushy/demanding.  Also, to remember that as things grow and change things may not go we expect them too... getting aggressive and hostile won't help whatever thing you're upset about.

    Let's all remain calm.  Let's give the team room to work.  Let's not dwell on things we already know they are working to fix/tune.  Let's try to avoid being pushy with our opinions.  Let's try to temper that odd sense of outrage I have seen littered throughout the forums over the last week or so with a little more perspective.  I know that since I signed on for early access on the late end of 2014 this game has grown by leaps and bounds, and I think that if we look at it objectively the game overall has vastly improved in that time.

    To those who've tried to be voices of reason, keep it up.  It's clear that it's needed most during patch time :D 

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  11. @Bronco
    I agree that you can use the revolver for hunting... I'm just saying I think it was intended function was mainly as a deterrent for hostile wild life (wound them/scare them away - depending on a hit or a miss).  I mean sure if you pump enough slugs into anything it will eventually go down.  If you notice it's less effective than the Rifle, I'm just saying that I think that was the intended design choice. 

    13 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    I had one wolf that I shot with a clean hit, blood trail and everything, and the wolves killed count never went up.  It may have been a glitch though.

    Yeah, that might have been a bug.  Have you sent a support ticket to have the team check on it?

    I had one instance in this last run where I ran afoul of a wolf and tried to take him out with my improvised knife, one day after the struggle my wolf kill count hadn't increased either.

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  12. I've not found one yet, so I can't speak from personal experience.  I do believe Raph mentioned in the update video that it was meant as a defensive weapon, and that it was less effective on Wolves, Bears, Deer, Moose.  I don't believe it ever intended to be on the same level as a rifle.  Seems to me that while bleed out might eventually occur, it was meant more as a hostile wildlife deterrent and not so much a hunting weapon.

    Also I believe that the team is taking a closer look at the revamped aiming mechanics, so things will likely get fine tuned with the next hotfix.

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  13. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 2:37 AM, ManicManiac said:

    I like to think of Jeremiah as an old special ops type who changed his name and disappeared into the seclusion of Great Bear Island... who was once involved in an "incident" on Shadow Moses Island in the Fox Archipelago.  :D 


  14. (late to the party but...honest question) Is anyone sure the game isn't just taking bullet/projectile-drop into account?  (I mean, granted it probably shouldn't be that dramatic at such close range - just curious if that's a factor) 
    I mean either way, it's getting re-tuned... it's just something that crossed my mind.

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  15. @Raphael van Lierop
    I admit I didn't see that bit from the previous question (it wasn't intentional to double up on it).

    Yes, I suppose it is a bit about cleaning up after ourselves (one of the old things I was taught about camping/hiking - what you pack pack out).  Maybe it's also a bit of an esthetic hang-up for me.  Numerous times I just wanted to put down some fire to thaw a carcass or just the necessity to keep warm, but just as often I opt not to only because I know it will be there forever.  There are plenty I would definitely want to leave in place as a landmark or a good strategic spot to have a permanent fire pit.  I guess I'm just a little too choosy about it because I don't want to clutter the landscape with seemingly random fire pits :) 

    I really appreciate you weighing in on the idea regarding ice fishing... it's been a question I've wanted to ask for a long time.

    Thanks again, and have a good weekend!

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  16. @BareSkin
    :D No worries at all... I didn't feel attacked.  Just positing a possible counter point for consideration. :) (perhaps I play devil's advocate more than I should)

    I also hope we can see a use for batteries and vehicle fuel tanks in the future as well.  It would be nice to maybe have some kind of rig involving a car battery that would let us more reliably power things during Auroras or something like that. 

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  17. @BareSkin
    Fair enough... I was just adding my thoughts from my previous experiences.  While I don't disagree, isn't it also possible for a random spawn to look seeming placed perfectly in a location it's not meant to be, but also look like it was placed there intentionally? 

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  18. Seems to be a bug (referring to the original picture).  I've hand batteries that have inexplicably "fallen" out the bottom of cars or displaced from their usual cradle under the hood.  (as @ajb1978 said - currently not an item of use/interaction)

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  19. I know you mentioned expanding on the fishing mechanics is still on the list of possibilities for future updates...  What are your thoughts on the player being able to find/craft something like an ice fishing Tip-Up?

    (Context) the idea that perhaps ice fishing in addition to the present mechanic, could maybe also be a passive activity like using the rabbit snare (the difference being the tip-up only yielding one fish where as sitting at the hole to fish already has a chance to yield more in a given time frame).  That a player might set the tip-up, freeing up the player to go do something else until the flag pops up when a fish is caught.  Similar to the snare if it's neglected for too long the fish would "get away" and need to be reset.  (I know you had a question about fishing last week, but since this one was more specific I hoped it would be worth posting)

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  20. I know that you and the team always have to weigh gameplay value against difficulties inherent in adding or changing features/mechanics, but how would you feel about players being able to breakdown burned out campfires?

    I mean, even if only as an option to get rid of them when we are done using them.  I ask because I find myself looking for good places to put them outside, and most often I opt not to just because I know I will eventually wreck the place with campfires just littered all over.  This is also why I don't use fire to thaw carcasses, I know it would make it easier to harvest and keep me warm... but I just can't get past the fact that it will leave a fire pit there forever (I suppose I also worry if leaving fire pits around might interfere with limb spawns as well - if left in a place a limb might usually spawn I mean).

  21. In my experience so far, the sprain mechanics are much improved.  A single wrist sprain is no longer leaves you defenseless, so I though this was a nice balance against the expanded treatment that was introduced.  I really appreciate the quick work by the team in dealing with bugs and anomalous occurrences and I can hardly wait to see what else they have in store for the future.   With each update the game gets better end better, and I can't express my gratitude enough that the Hinterland team has been so dedicated to growing and enriching this experience for all of us.  :) 

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