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Everything posted by Smellyfries

  1. Apologies for the loss of progress, it was likely caused by the many different updates that took place between the time you dropped and picked the game back up or an issue with the ps4 memory, but I wouldn't know, but insulting Hinterland isn't going to fix anything. Perhaps, too look on the bright side, you can start the game fresh again, and experience it as though you had just played it for the first time, something that long term players often wish for. Anyway, hope your progress does return, got to remember the engine was just updated, and there are likely to be new bugs surfacing, but they are sure to be patched out in no time!
  2. I tried starting in Ash Canyon, however I got an unlucky start from the Darkwalker just as I made it into TWM, as had appeared to start near the exit into Pleasant Valley, and during my time of panic, and attempts to avoid it with a lure, I forgot that the bear exists nearing the entrance to the valley, leading to the Ash Canyon transition, and got mauled. I'm sure if I had a bit more of a cool head, I'd probably had gotten to experience a really long game.
  3. 83. Accidentally start reloading your rifle when a wolf charges you. (True Story) 84. Tin of Sardines. Enough said.
  4. 100% agree! My thoughts are that not only do some of these feats require insane grinding, but I personally dont enjoy the drastic changes they bring. I enjoy the small benefits that dont ever change the core aspect of survival, like combat with the bear and moose, that is a significant change. Just my opinion though.
  5. 100% the Timberwolf Clothing should exist, and in my personal opinion, I'd love it, if instead of having a high warmth bonus, it would instead have one of the highest wind resistances in the game (Due to the heavy amount of fur it has), making it a good outer layer. Of course, it should scare regular wolves more frequently than the normal coat, and maybe give a slight boost to damaging Timberwolf Moral. Just my opinion though.
  6. I played a slight amount of Winter's embrace back when it was released, and one of the things I truly enjoyed about the event was how the indoor temperatures had been drastically decreased, and though it wasn't as cold as outside, it still brought added challenge, as you couldn't simply hole up inside a building to warm up without a fire anymore, until you got really good clothes at least. So a small wish to add to custom mode, is to allow us to tweak the indoor temperatures, and allow us to make the insides colder (Never warmer than they already are). It could go something like this: Normal: (Regular Indoor Temperatures) Chilly: (-10 Degrees) Cold: (-20 Degrees) Freezing: (-30 Degrees) *Note: All temperatures are in Fahrenheit* That's all, I'm interested in what others think. Have a good day.
  7. Greetings! I wish to undertake the Escape The Darkwalker challenge once more, but I wanted to add a twist to it, but can't think of anything. Does anyone have any sort of challenge, or twist to add to make it a bit more interesting? (Quick note: The game mode is perfectly fine, and It is one of the most unique and fun experiences in the game, I'm just looking to add a extra twist.)
  8. Survival mode is designed to delete your save upon death. This can make every death a learning experience, so you can take what you learned and try to live longer with the next character. This is a key design decision and likely won't ever be changed. Wintermute isn't Permadeath like survival, so you don't have to worry about losing everything upon death. I personally love the permadeath feature of survival mode, and even if I lose a long term character, I learn from my mistakes, and always get excited to start fresh with a new character. Hope this helps! Survival mode can be quite difficult, but if you keep pushing onward, you'll master it in no time! And remember, there's always the Forums, and you can always ask the community for help!
  9. Thanks for the kind words! Personally, the part that always gets me in Interloper is the beginning, as it does with many people, so I'd probably have the 5th difficulty slightly replicate that start, by having your character start with the bare minimum like Loper, and perhaps have the weather, and temperature effects also replicate interloper. I'd probably also decrease wolf spawns by a tad, as the insane number of wolves in Stalker should remain its unique aspect and not this one's. Something I'd think it could do, that would make it unique, is keep the level of quality loot you could find, like the expedition parka, and gauntlets in Stalker, but make them rarer, so that you'd only likely find them in Safes or TWM. However, if it could be done, I'd remove the quality hatchets from spawning, but keep the knife. This way, a forge run is still made to be a decent goal, and you can learn to navigate the weather effects, and hostile wildlife in Loper, but with a little more security with some of the better equipment you'd find in stalker. One last thing I'd probably do add a bit more difficulty, is to remove the revolver. This way, you'd only have the bow and rifle to deal with wildlife, and as annoying as they are, this would also make you think harder about traveling into Timberwolf territory. These are just my ideas of course, and I'm happy to receive criticism from others, and can't wait to hear other ideas on how this difficulty could be designed. (Also a good name for this difficulty if you have an idea for one, I'm terrible at giving stuff names)
  10. When you initially aim with the revolver, your character will lock onto the animal for a brief moment and aim the revolver's sights over them. You have to hover the cursor extremely close to them and then aim, and at level 4, you can barely see it. At level 5: it's a little better and lenient. You can especially see it if you aim the revolver at a charging wolf, and the slight flick of the camera when you aim. Hope this helps. It's likely meant for moments when your panicked, and just need to quickly aim and shoot without thinking.
  11. A thermos would be nice, a way to hold coffee, or teas and keep it warm at the cost of extra weight. Maybe it could hold 2 teas or coffees.
  12. A feat that just came to mind relates towards well fed. A feat that gives you an additional 5% to your maximum condition when well fed. (So 110%) It's small, but it's a good slot filler on easier difficulties, and that extra 5% can make that condition bonus a bit more useful. (I can't think of a good name for it.)
  13. Greetings. I've played The Long Dark for a long time, and 90% of my play time is in Stalker, but even after 600+ hours, I can't handle the extreme stress and difficulty spike that occurs when playing Interloper on a new game. For a long time now, I've wished for a 5th standard difficulty, one that balances between Stalker and Interloper. Now I fully understand custom mode exists, and I've recently been using it, but that's only because I unlocked all the feats, grinding for hours knowing that custom mode doesn't allow feat progression. This difficulty is for those who play Stalker, and want that added difficulty, but still want to progress feats, especially the long ones such as Fire Master, Snow Walker, and the recent addition: Blizzard Walker. This is just my opinion of course, and I'm interested in what other people think. Have a good day everyone!
  14. Seems cool! Thanks for responding, and perfectly understandable. I like the idea and I hope it gets a good look from Hinterland!
  15. I personally believe that the bear spear wasn't added to survival because it would ruin the overall presence, and strength that the bear possesses. During survival, the bear is never to be taken lightly, and with low skills with the bow and rifle, attempting to kill a bear will require proper positioning, aiming, and some decent tactics to harvest a bear unharmed, (or some good running if you fail, and ruined clothes it it catches you). Adding the bear spear would make the next 10 bears trivial, as killing a bear via QTE would completely remove all the previous actions I stated earlier. This is likely why the bear spear remains in story mode, during a game where it serves more as a plot device. This is just my opinion though. If the spear was added to survival, I wouldn't use it.
  16. I'm very interested in this QTE, so I'm just wondering now how you would initiate the QTE? Does it happen automatically, or do you start it via some other means? What tool/weapon do you use, and will the QTE not initiate if you decide to try and use your bow to take down the wolf instead (like TLD currently)? This is a very interesting concept, sorry for the many questions.
  17. 73. Trying to navigate the gas in the Blackrock mines whilst overburdened. (In survival mode)
  18. I would like to have Costal Highway as the one map. It has everything a survivor would need food wise, with plenty of fishing locations, bear, deer, wolves, and a moose spawn. It makes good use of its space, even on the frozen ice, and there's a structure in just about every nook and cranny, making exploration pay off. If it was the only map, then I would probably move the Riken and its forge to somewhere on the ice, preferably on the ice nearing the transition towards crumbling highway, where the ice is rather barren. Other than that, Costal Highway is perfect to be a one and only region. Just my opinion though. I'm interested in hearing the ideas of others.
  19. This is a beautiful Time-lapse! You are very talented! Music makes the time-lapse seem even more beautiful than it already is!
  20. Greetings! I'm attempting to acquire the feat for Snaring 100 Rabbits. I have a question about snares if someone would give me a idea answer. How do Snares actually work? Do they actually require a rabbit to walk through them, or do they have a chance to snatch a rabbit after a set time frame in a rabbit grove? This may be something I'll find out soon, but I'm hoping someone would give me some idea. Thank you have a wonderful day!
  21. mfuegemann, I understand your fear towards the end. I was originally talking about the 4days of night version, but in response to the official challenge, It is even more terrifying in my opinion. I found that the small changes I realized at the start were scary, the Darkwalker now moves in game time, he gets faster the more pages you collect, and ultimately gaining enough speed to easily outrun you in the end. It is terrifying, and somehow I beat the official challenge on my first try, and I must say, I love the tension as soon as you get the last note and need to reach the circle. When I heard that roar after you get the 10th page, I knew that I had to be perfect from then on, and I was everything but perfect. I literally almost died, by falling down a valley in Timberwolf, and crawled to the circle with only 3% condition. I knew that you take damage when he is nearby, so I placed down the banish rune, used all three of my emergency stims, and took a 3 hour nap, before waiting for the inevitable to arrive. I give the new official Challenge a 10/10 I give the 4days of Night challenge a 10/10 for snoopiness
  22. I actually love the wind feature to be honest, and now I'm not annoyed at it anymore due to the fact that's an actually feature, not just bad luck which I always seem to have. It's a hidden trick of the Darkwalker that many may pass as "Bad luck," glad others thought of this too!
  23. Yesterday I attempted my very first game on Escape The Darkwalker, and I must say, this new event is extravagant! On my first Attempt I lasted 2 hours and 4 minutes, and got 3 pages. This unlocked me the first badge which I was so glad for! This event is something I've always secretly wanted in TLD, a mode where you are stalked by an unkillable beast and all you can do is survive. Yes we've got the challenge with the old bear, but that has a win scenario, Escape The Darkwalker doesn't. On my Second Attempt, I quickly took all the information I received from my first attempt, and then read the Update Page for the first time before starting again, and this time, On my second attempt, I lasted 3 hours and 3 minutes, and got 8 out of 10 pages, giving me my second badge, and unlocking the Endless night custom, and the Darkwalker feat. My thoughts on the Event: This event is amazing! I love the over all feel for the environment now that it has the green mist, I love the Darkwalker, the fact that you can't see it (till it eats you that is...) and the fact that you can hear it, even if your seemingly two regions away from it. The sounds of its booming steps, the growling it makes as it gets closer, the anger you can hear as it breaks one of your runes, and the music that follows it, with it slightly creepy when it's far away, and with it being extremely distorted, and fear inducing as it stands only 650 feet away. I like the implementation of the fog, it is a perfect mechanic to prevent a player from hiding in the same cave for as long as possible, and I like how the fog acts. At the start of a new game, you can see almost clearly, the fog isn't that bad, you can see your surroundings, and you get a good feeling for where you are. Then, the fog begins to grow, it grows larger, grows closer, and as it begins to get hard to see, you hear it stomping far behind you, you may be faster than it, but every turn you make, it gets closer, every hill you climb, it gets closer, and as you strive to make it to the next campfire, the wind starts, and it becomes faster. I must say, the wind is the one thing that annoyed me, and after a while I realized it was a ability of the Darkwalker to try and slow you down, and every campfire I strived to reach, the wind picked up with it, and slowed me down further. I think this is the one time that the wind was programed to always be in your face in the direction your heading, and the only time the wind made you faster, was when you were walking towards the Darkwalker, which made it more nerve-racking. So to sum up, I love this event, and I'm giving my greatest thanks to Hinterland for making this event a thing, and making it so amazingly, it gives a great challenge, that can be overcome using strategy, and smarts, but also provides the fear, and constantly puts you on edge during the entire time, simply because you don't know where it is. Thank you Hinterland, and thank you to anyone who reads this!