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Everything posted by Smellyfries

  1. There are definitely some interesting color combos during sunrises and sunsets. Welcome to the forum btw!
  2. "Excuse me sir, your driving license has expired, I'm going to need you to step outside of the vehicle."
  3. Honestly a really good point. Maybe improvised socks are a little much, especially since getting frostbite on your feet is such a rare occurrence. I am down for a craftable pair of socks that are made out of hide or something, provide decent warmth, but are quite heavy compared to the socks in game. Something that doesn't make the immediate start of the game easier, just an item to spend those excess pelts you have. I can see some extremely fuzzy and cozy socks made of Timberwolf pelts.
  4. YES! I've noticed this lag since the dlc was released and I had just accepted it as apart of the interface. After hopping into the game real quick, and noticing that the lag was gone, I AM SO HAPPY! Genuinely amazing patch! Thank you for all of the hard work on fixing these bugs, I'd give everyone in the studio a hug if I could!
  5. I like this idea. You are still technically the survivor of a plane crash at the start of survival, so maybe a simple box to check when selecting your spawn would place you at one of the wrecked aircrafts.
  6. Might be able to find some socks washed up on a beach somewhere. The key is getting out early enough to grab them before they decay, but they should last long enough with your settings. On a interloper run I started, I found my second pair of socks at 1% on the crumbling highway coastline. I grabbed them, and immediately ran for a shelter to repair them, but about halfway there was a random tearing sound and the socks became ruined lol. If you find a pair in a container they'll likely be higher quality.
  7. I started a Stalker game with random spawns, and was placed in Blackrock at almost midnight. Blackrock is already a rough enough spawn for me, and the fact that it was pitch black didn't help. Found a flare beneath one of the power lines and immediately heard the howls of a Timberwolf pack detecting my location. I just lit the flare, turned and ran. Almost immediately I cornered myself between the river in Blackrock, and Timberwolves. So now I had the choice of either getting eaten by wolves, or drowning. I decided to take the swim and not feed the wolves.
  8. @piddy3825Thank you for posting about this mod! Definitely going to be looking into this one when I finally get into modding, probably when large content updates really slow down. I can see myself setting up a nice tent with a relaxing campfire on a calm night. Cheers!
  9. Feels fitting for such a cold environment, agree that the color of the tarp is a bit too bright but I do like the patches in the tarp. Maybe if there were splotches of dirt or simply areas of worn color it would fit more. Now all it needs is a little camp stove and that tent could be home for weeks! This combined with the Place Everywhere mods and similar, I could see an extremely cozy campground being made in almost every region! Just fits the game so well!
  10. Whilst it's sad that TLD could be finishing up possibly next year, I cannot wait to delve into the mods this game has to offer! Being able to turn a simple cave into a home is awesome! Does the tent act as a wind barrier? Always wanted an alternative to the snow shelter when it comes to camping out in the open.
  11. Little shot of a sunrise from inside a cave in Ash Canyon. I forget where this cave was. It's over Mackenzie! I have the high ground! (Desolation Point)
  12. Maybe those weren't reishi mushrooms harvested from that stump. Joking aside, this is an extremely odd bug, definitely recommend making a bug report. Don't want this bug happening to someone on Interloper and having their run end immediately due to the insane time skip.
  13. True, I thought there was another option of what clothing item it could be, but I forgot that the dress shirt exists since I never use it. Maybe they're wearing a Cowichan sweater under the dress shirt? Sometimes you've gotta go for style instead of survivability.
  14. Requiring some sort of bed to sleep when the 50+ degrees of clothing you are wearing is probably comfy enough for the back of a cave.
  15. This would be a very nice feature. I'm sure I'm not the only one to start exploring on a perfectly clear and calm day, only for it to immediately turn into a blizzard.
  16. I always thought that since the car battery is so heavy, that we could just drop it onto a charging wolf at the right time for a wolf pancake. Welcome to the forums!
  17. It's a possibility that they are wearing the fisherman's sweater. If not, I agree that their arms are a bit too pasty.
  18. I'm so excited!!! Also looking at those examples of proper hand coverings, it appears as though whatever outer layer you are wearing will appear on your arms as well! Also, are those new reload animations!?!? I'm almost jumping out of my seat! Thank you for the dev diary Hinterland! Cannot wait to see what's in store in the future!
  19. Been a while, but extremely strong winds will produce the sounds of a blizzard. There doesn't always have to be snow for the wind to whirl and whistle like a blizzard.
  20. Honestly didn't know that, then I don't mind food poisoning being delayed. I feel like it would bring a bit more thought into what you eat, and when. Additionally, it may help prevent survivors from getting food poisoning on purpose just to sleep for 10 hours, since it could be delayed for such a significant time.
  21. Also, you can use a milling machine to repair tools fairly cheaply, though they aren't fun to get too.
  22. I'm hoping that the safe house update allows for some freely placed decorations and furniture, I'd 100% love to do this in a cave or other small locations.
  23. While I like how realistic this would be, I feel there would be a ton of player deaths due to the new system. Imagine eating a tin of tuna fish that was going a little bad, and being used to the old system, you wouldn't see the food poisoning affliction indicator, immediately assume your fine, sleep for an extended period of time, and die. However, I believe this system would work if when you'd eat a poor quality food item, the game would give you a "risk" prompt, similar to cabin fever. Something like, "you ate something nasty, you may get food poisoning" with a predicted time of either getting sick, or clearing up in 4-6 hours. Like the idea, just I feel like there should be a big emphasis on the change if it would get implemented.
  24. Something about decoys is that they used to work way better, lets say a wolf is stalking you and you drop some smelly bait. The wolf would immediately stop stalking you, and prioritize the bait. Additionally, if it ate the bait, there would be a brief window where the wolf would just turn around and walk away, presumably to buy you a little more time to leave. It would only start to charge at you again if you get really close to it, almost in struggling range. Also, there was always a small chance that the wolf just ignored your decoy, which I thought was a fair feature. Now, using decoys back then made every wolf encounter super easy if you knew what you were doing. Since the wolf prioritizes the decoy, it is no longer stalking you, so you could just take your weapon of choice, stand a little ways away from the bait, and line up the easiest wolf shot of your life. I don't remember when decoys were nerfed, but I completely understand the reason. Dropping a decoy made wolves a cakewalk, and though we have our torch method today to deal with wolves, on harder difficulties, relying on a torch could be difficult due to lacking matches, and the harsh weather. It feels a lot less like a free wolf kill than the old decoy method.