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Everything posted by Smellyfries

  1. I feel like sanity isn't needed for TLD, as I believe the mindset of the player already takes its role. Surviving long term in TLD can take insane amounts of dedication, as even on interloper, after hundreds of ingame days, you've got plenty of food, best possible clothing, and have experienced almost every challenge the game has to offer on this difficulty. Now it's your own willpower that drives how long you want to survive as this character, as days blend together, and to-do-lists get completed. I feel like the ultimate willpower of the player represents the mindset of the survivor as you survive this endless apocalypse, and is in my opinion, an already great stand in for sanity.
  2. There's also the possibility of the trader potentially selling the different bow variants. Perhaps by trading the unique bow to the trader, they'll be willing to make and trade new bows to you after taking some time to "study" it. They'd likely be expensive, considering the possibility that they're basically making a bow that they're not getting any use out of, but I can see the trader being a potentially good source of non-renewable resources, especially cooking ingredients like potatoes and carrots.
  3. You can kill bear and moose with the noisemaker if they're already wounded. Definitely an interesting use of the noisemaker.
  4. Trench sights would be amazing for this revolver! Would make it quite stylish too.
  5. Honestly, I'd take the ability to collect salt water over everything else. A renewable supply of salt would be nice, and maybe salt could be used to help preserve meats in the future.
  6. I've found that if items have rather large hitboxes when trying to place and organize them, that reloading the indoor or outdoor area they are in often fixes the hitboxes to be their correct sizes.
  7. Honestly, I always empty a rifle or revolver whenever I need to clean it, even if it does literally nothing. Simply the back of my brain screams about gun safety whenever I handle firearms in games. Cleaning a loaded rifle or revolver just sounds super sketchy.
  8. Smellyfries


    I was hoping you'd be able to find ptarmigan nests hidden in hillsides, eggs would be nice for a few recipes.
  9. I remember on one of my longest runs on stalker, I was in Desolation Point forging some arrow heads in the Riken, but I quickly realized that I was completely out of food. So I went outside and thought that the best method of getting food was to visit Scruffy's cave, and try to harvest some meat off of the animal carcasses in there. I entered Scruffy's cave rifle in hand, and in an effort to save bullets, I decided to just get into a struggle with scruffy and try to kill him with a knife. I was very quickly added to Scruffy's supply of food in that cave. Why I didn't just bother shooting one of the wolves or even deer outside I won't ever know. Definitely one of my dumber deaths.
  10. Were you doing any specific actions when the moose attacked you? Perhaps the game thinks your still trying to do something or thinks you're in a different place and is constantly trying to correct itself.
  11. I'll be honest this is a very dumb suggestion, but the first time I got my hands on a skillet, I've thought about how effective it would be as a weapon. I mean, it's got a decent handle and weight behind it, so if you'd ever get into a wolf struggle and don't have anything ells, perhaps the good ol' skillet might be enough to stop the wolf from eating you for breakfast by serving it up a delicious cast iron sandwich. Or you could cook up the wolf a meal and become friends! Either way I just wanted to share something that has been in the back of my mind for a while.
  12. Most I ever use rack caches for is to store fuel, usually coal, as I often stop by the mines when returning too base and end up crawling back with 40+ coal that needs storing. I made a rock cache simply named "STICKS!!!" can you guess what I stored in it? One run however, I gave myself a challenge to never eat/cook ruined food items, so I created a rock cache next to my pile of foods to quickly void all rotten meat and canned goods at 0%. Never used it for real storage, just as a trashcan lol.
  13. I've had this happen to me multiple times. I've shot multiple rabbits with fire-hardened arrows, only for one of the rabbits to just shrug off the hit, and run away like nothing happened. I wonder since the arrows can't stun rabbits (or ptarmigans now), and they have such low damage to require at least 2 arrows to the noggin' to scare off a wolf, that with low archery skill they sometimes just can't kill the rabbit. Though this only seems to happen when the arrow breaks, so perhaps the arrow kills the rabbit simply by hitting and sticking into them, but if the arrow breaks on hit, the low damage, and the fact that the arrow doesn't actually stick into the rabbit, isn't enough to kill them. Though I kind of like this feature. We're trying to kill stuff with the equivalent of a pointy stick that's been made extra crispy over a fire. Maybe this is a intentional design to represent how crap these arrows are.
  14. @Moosemaster A interesting challenge I'd suggest is seeing how long you can survive in The Hunted part 1 without ever completing the challenge. Exploring all of great bear whilst having an unkillable bear that is constantly stalking you throughout your entire journey can be more intense that the Escape The Darkwalker challenge. One heads up I will give is that I don't believe auroras are possible in this challenge, so no Bleak Inlet or Blackrock workshops unfortunately. Another challenge I suggest is completing the Escape The Darkwalker challenge without using runes (with the exception of the rune required to complete the challenge). I've found this challenge to be an extreme test of your map knowledge, though depending on what route you take, it can be quite luck based. If I think of anymore I'll drop them here.
  15. Is there a reason I cannot create ice fishing holes? I just recently discovered that you already have the blueprint for Tip-Ups, and wanted to place some at Pensive Pond and Long Curve River in Pleasant Valley, but even with a heavy hammer and prybar, I am unable to break the ice open because it's an "invalid location to place object." I can't break open the ice anywhere on Pensive Pond (ignoring the fishing hut), nor the Long Curve river near the transition zone towards Blackrock. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
  16. Awesome job! Sorry for the extra anxiety and stress this challenge brings. I really like your route, it eliminates the need for that darn rope in the transition zone, and not needing to get out of HRV super late into the Darkwalker's aggression sounds way nicer. Congrats!
  17. I started cheering after reading the Dev Diary! I cannot wait!
  18. The Transmitter in Desolation Point isn't required for the tale, and doesn't progress it. The transmitter in Desolation point is one of two that don't progress the tale, I don't know the location of the second. All of the transmitters listed under the objectives for the tale in your log are required to progress, but can be done in any order. Though I believe the optional transmitters will still allow you to find points of interest with the secondary mode of the transceiver in their respective regions. Hope this helps!
  19. I was out Beach Combing when I found this legendary Cat tail stalk. They weren't joking when they say it's "not very filling." 😄
  20. Don't know if you are still experiencing these issues, but I highly recommend you submit a bug report under the support page. Additionally, posting your topic under "Technical Discussions" and giving it the "question" and/or "support" tag will likely let more members of the community see your topic, and help you out! When the DLC was first released, a lot of my settings were reset, but I didn't have any issues with sound. Apologies that I couldn't help more.
  21. As of now, standing on weak ice does cause the ice to visibly crack beneath you, and make loud popping sounds as the ice begins to give way. I do like your idea of the ice changing to a darker shade of blue as your risk of falling through increases, and I wish that weak ice looked a little more different from surrounding safe ice that you can walk on. Though it could take out the process of learning, and adapting to locations like Forlorn Muskeg, and developing your own method of avoiding falling through.
  22. 100% agree with ya! When I first got my hands on the Woodright bow, I wanted to use it so badly, but once I saw that it still degrades relatively quickly, and that you can't make another. I just left it on a table in my base as decoration. I like your idea of getting the blueprint from finding the bow, though instead of an extra note to pick up, the game can add the blueprint when you simply collect the bow, much like how it does with noise makers. I'm also thinking of the Woodright bow being an reward for completing the Signal Void tale on interloper, making it an late game option for that difficulty, and give more of a reason to complete the tale.