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Everything posted by ThePancakeLady

  1. Welcome Corso. Totally relatable, both. Have fun, unwind and relax. Lots of us "older folks" here (53 here...), with families, work, and other IRL pressures. And yes, TLD is an essential reset button, for many of us. Come, enjoy the fire, some coffee, and some Pancakes, of course. 🥞
  2. Welcome! Jump on in and get to know everyone, as much as you can. But trying to understand us (at least some of us...) may be a more interesting experience than you expected.
  3. Running around in PV a bit. I still find the "everyday" scenes amazing, and beautiful.
  4. Welcome to the forums @Smiley! I think you'll find many people here with similar hobbies and interests. Jump into the conversations here, this is a very "newbie" friendly place. You may have some new information about the game, or an interesting playstyle that teaches some of the old dogs some new tricks. Looking forward to getting to know you better.
  5. Okay, so this is not something new, but has been in the game for a bit, and I missed it. 3300+ hours, and it slipped by me, lol. Or I just tend to load my characters down with so much crap, that I am always over the max carry weight. Lol! Color me slightly embarrassed, but also very happy to have found something I did not notice before.
  6. I can't be the only one who noticed we can sprint while encumbered now. Not sue when this happened, or if it has been in the game for some time, and I just missed it. But, I noticed it during 4DoN, and once that ended, I loaded up an old save game, and started a new one. Both times, I made sure my character had the Well Fed bonus (so this may be a thing...), loaded them up to 83-84 lbs/ max carry weight 77 lbs. So, not greatly over-encumbered, but still carrying more than max weight. Then I ran both around on flat surfaces, then over snowy fields with some up-and-down slopes. No sprains (but no sprain warning indicators either), and yes, they could sprint. The sprint meter showed any loss of sprint from clothing (white meter with a section of red), but they could sprint while over max carry weight. The sprint meter seemed to drain faster and fatigue increased faster. But, I have not done any really deep testing on this, so I am not sure about how much faster, or if the sprint meter takes longer to refill. And I have not tested if thee is a cut-off weight, whee you can no longer sprint while seriously over-encumbered (full red sprint meter, no while showing). Not sure if this is a bug, I did validate all files on Steam, and all validated successfully. Haven't tried it on XBox One yet (because my family is hogging it today...). Anyone see this as well, and do any testing on it yet?
  7. Aroooooooo! (You are most welcome!)
  8. Honestly have not noticed this. Playing vanilla Stalker in Survival, just as many wolves as always, just as many wolf howls as always. The only thing I have noticed about wolf howls in Survival Mode (and Story Mode), is that it seems like a lone wolf will stop and howl, wait for a response howl from another wolf or wolves, and then it will travel toward the response howl(s). They are communicating, and finding each other now, instead of just roaming aimlessly until they meet up. They seem to seek each other out now, as they might IRL. Lone wolf: Howl! (Where are my kin, I need food!) Group of wolves: Howlllll! Howl! (We are here, come join the hunt! We are hungry too!) Lone wolf: Howwwwwwl! (I have a deer here, come to me!) Another lone wolf: Howl! Yip yip! (I am on my way!) Group of wolves: Howl! Bark bark howl! (Human scented! Come to us, we need help with the human!) The AI is improved, they made them communicate more like real world wolves would. Not entirely realistic, but I prefer to know where they are, and where they are traveling to and from. Rather than them being sneakier and more evasive than I am. I am fine with it, even enjoying it.
  9. First, I know this will not be an easy thing, it will take time, and a good bit of effort from the devs. And it is just an idea. Escape Room Challenge You spawn in in a somewhat random location. Each Day or Night will find you waking up in a new location, after you escape the last one. No memory of how you got there. No time limit, but there will be a fail state, if you don;t manage your needs well, and you fade into The Long Dark, trapped, never to be seen again. I was thinking the PV Farmhouse, Cinder Hills Coal Mine, Carter Hydro, Hibernia, Scruffy's Cave, The Ice Cave(s), Grey Mother's House (Milton House), or some other large, more complex location. Doorways and openings are closed off. Gates, grates, doors, fallen timbers or pipes, ect. You need to find a key or keys, or specific tools to clear the opening(s) to try to escape. You have only basic supplies, you will need to loot for food, water, clothing, and perhaps a bedroll, to maintain your needs meters. Outside, the Aurora will come and go. Be careful where you step, or decide to rest. This will be permadeath. There will be "jumpscares", but not the type where someone or something jumps out at you. (Except maybe in Scruffy's Cave, or the Ice Cave, or the Old Bear's cave....) What I would like will require additional physics. Not sure how possible this is without affect perf for some players, so... not sure it can happen. But if it can... Timbers may suddenly fall ahead of you, or behind you. Pipes may fall. Floors may collapse under you, sending you to a lower level. You may find corpses in strange places, blocking your way... gotta find another way around. Wires may come alive if the Aurora fires up. Both at your feet, and above you. Keep your head on a swivel, and pay attention to your surroundings. Boxes or crates may fall, lockers may tip over and fall. computer screens may come to life during an Aurora, displaying a black screen, with a grinning skull on it, before it shorts out and goes dead, or burns up. Phones may ring, startling you. Clocks may have wildly spinning hands. Icicles or stalactites may fall. Trees may crash down through openings in cave ceilings, or through a window or wall. Sinkholes may open up in front of you. Ceilings may collapse. You hear knocking on doors or walls, gates and grates rattling, metal grinding on metal. Yes, this is not an easy thing. it would need to be a paid DLC, not free. Or perhaps a new game in the TLD world, something different, down the line. NO Multiplayer or co-op. Singleplayer. You are on your own, trying to get out to safety, and survive the wrath of an angry Goddess (or God or villain, or monster... whichever you see fit to visualize in your own mind.) Yes, it is Halloween right now, so my mind goes to some of the best scarehouse experiences I have had in my half century of life. And this is just an idea. 💀
  10. I never said anything about the Nobel Prize, btw. I posted about the discovery and creation of insulin the at was proven to work on humans, for the treatment of diabetic hyperglycemia. And the Canadians were the firs to do this, and patent it. Your article points out that Nicolae Paulescu may have discovered how to extract insulin, but his tests were on dogs, and only proved that his discovery was effective on canids, no mention of humans other than theory speculation. Would he have been first with proving effectiveness on humans if he had not stopped his research because he went to the military, due to the Big War? No one will ever know. We can only speculate. I do feel that the Nobel should have been shared, perhaps, but the Canadians are the ones I thank because they were able to make insulin that worked on humans, and basically gave the patents away for almost nothing in terms of money. They could have been greedy, and held the patent themselves, to try to profit hugely from it, or they could have demanded a much, much higher price for the patent. They did not. Only Big Pharma in countries with no socialized prescription medication coverage for all citizens seeks to make huge profits off of medications people need to actually stay alive.
  11. Yeah. It isn't perhaps 100% IRL realistic, but it is 100% plausible. And if we are killing wildlife to eat and stay alive, on the Island, at least, harvesting the animals' pancreases to extract the insulin, just like in Victor & Eva's true life story, would be a possible solution, until production on a grander scale is possible. Especially if you play the game with the belief that return to the Mainland and "civilization" is possible someday, somehow. Though I also get the feeling that the residents on Great Bear would do all they could to remain independent, and self-sufficient.
  12. Did you know the gentlemen who invented (or created) insulin for human use back in 1921, sold the patents for it for $1 each, so everyone could have access to it? And they were Canadian. I love Canada. I kinda owe my life to them, and their country. 'Nuff said. And yeah, I love biohackers, too. If they succeed, Americans with IDDM, and people all over the world with the disease, could someday have affordable sources for our life-sustaining medicine, instead of being milked for profits by Big American Pharma. (Yes, I am passionate about it... and I donate to this project. ) (a And yeah, not sure if deer would be a source for insulin for us, but if water buffalo can be, who knows.)((Great link @devamadhu! Thanks for sharing it. Love Hackaday, great site.))
  13. @sierra 117- my response was to a general audience, not to you in particular. My only direct response was to MarrowStone, about Type 1 Diabetes being hereditary. And I never said you did. Neither did MarrowStone, from the way I read their post. That's your choice. I have said something similar many times. But, I have also been in a situation where I was stuck underground in a cave for 2 days, when we had a cave in. I was lucky to have my insulin and other medical supplies. I did not have to make that choice. And to be honest, if that moment comes, the will to live and desire to stick around may very well overpower my feelings of not wanting to be a burden to anyone else. Because death by hyperglycemia and DKA for a Type 1 Diabetic is not quick. It's slow, painful, days of puking and other messy digestive disorders, pain, and waiting for the Cheyne–Stokes and/or Kussmaul breathing to kick in, and slowly smother me as I gasp for breath. I may very well beg for anyone and everyone to make it stop, or to make it better, and let me live. Won't know for sure unless or until I am in that situation. And yes, Dimitri would have a chance, as long as he can get back to civilization, and find more insulin. How good of a chance? Depends on what the Mainland is like when he got there. People will loot pharmacies if TSHTF, but most of those looters are going for narcs, not insulin. How much insulin is there to be found? Depends on where you are, and how many Diabetics are out looking for it. 1 vial won't hold out forever, you can only ration so much, It will eventually run out if there is no more to be found. Syringes will be another issue as well. But there would still be a chance.
  14. And quickly... this is not entirely true. It was believed to be hereditary, and it may have some validity being seem as such. More recent research has revealed tat Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder. Possibly passed down, possibly not. No one else in my family has ever been diagnosed with Diabetes, Type 1 or Type 2. Just me. About 6 months after I had a serious Influenza infection as a child. That actual Flu (not a stomach bug, but the actual Flu) may have triggered my immune system to over respond, and attack my pancreas, damaging and destroying the Islets of Langerhans. So, it may be *sometimes* hereditary, in that autoimmune diseases can be hereditary, but it does not always occur in multiple generations of a family. But agreed, it is not the fault of the patient, in any way shape or form.
  15. Not even going here. Okay, fine, I am going here. I have had Type 1 brittle Diabetes for 48 years. They way the situation is in Wintermute is not true-to-life-realistic. But it is "realistic" enough to make for a compelling story, and some choices for the player to make. Because of my long list of other medical conditions, yes. I would likely die before Astrid ever found the community Hall. But Dimitri does not have any other known medical conditions, according to the story. Go right away to get the insulin, and try to help Dimitri (who could survive for a few days without insulin, if his diabetes was well controlled prior to the crash, but he would be suffering, greatly), or let him lay there and suffer for days and days, getting sicker and sicker, closer to death and closer to the point of no return? Astrid, as a physician, would have been trained in this, and would know more than the average layperson would, about the risks, the progression of hyperglycemia, and what Dimitri would be going through. Father Tom would not really have a clue how serious it is, other than knowing it was "bad". Astrid would want to go find the insulin ASAP,. She would follow the Hippocratic Oath she took as a physician (if you see her as a person who takes that oath seriously, which I do, or she would not have felt the need to contact her ex, to deliver whatever is in that case to the people in perseverance Mills... who are sick, as well). Your choice(s)- do you make the choice(s) that she would make, as one dedicated to saving lives, or would you make the choice to play her as a doctor who forsakes the oath she took? We don't know that there is no way back to the Mainland, or that the production and supply of insulin is cut off in the rest of the world. Astrid and Will both seem to think there is something to go back to, to keep on trying to live for. The rest of the world may not be going through the same thing Great Bear Island is. A physician takes an oath to help and to "First, f do no harm". Leaving Dimitri there to suffer while she chases down local legends would be doing harm, because she was neglecting the known patient who needed help the most. Giving him the first dose of insulin and returning it to him gives him a chance to survive, and be saved. And no... there is no natural replacement for insulin, no plant or natural supplement that will keep a Type 1 Diabetic alive, Type 2, perhaps, diet and exercize can help control the disease, because in Type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas is still producing some insulin. Just not enough, or the body cannot use it efficiently, so insulin or medications that improve the body's ability to use what insulin it has can make help to control the disease, and give a good quality of life. Type 1- the body produces no insulin. None. Which is why those of us who have it need insulin injections, for the rest of our lives. Pancreatic transplants are being tried, with limited success. Transplants of just the Islets of Langerhans (the clusters of cells in the pancreas that are responsible for insulin production and release) are being tested, with limited success. Someday these may be a viable option to cure Type 1, right now they are still experimental. But... insulin has been around for some time now, and has evolved and been improved significantly. If there are cattle and hogs left in the world, the ability to produce beef and pork insulin would still be there, to a degree, and would be the most likely option pursued after an apocalyptic situation like this. Diabetes knows no boundaries anyone can develop the disease if they have the "right" genetic and physical make-up, Even if every living person who had the disease died in the apocalypse, more would be born with it as humanity recovers, and begins trying to repopulate. Insulin was developed in 1921, and put into use treating humans with Type 1 Diabetes in early 1922. So it can be produced in much more "primitive" societies, using the old ways it was produced with in the 20's. It would not be as effective as what we have now, but it would give every person with Type 1 Diabetes a chance to live, and possibly even to thrive. And yes, there are many, many Type 1 Diabetics, particularly here in the US, and in third world countries where insulin is in short supply, who ration their insulin, due to cost or unavailability. It happens daily, all over the world. It just doesn't make the news like cancer, or ebola, or black plague outbreaks do. Those who have o to ration insulin live, they are not generally healthy, or "thriving", but they are alive, hoping things will get better, and trying to be as productive as they can be, while they wait for Big Pharma to stop trying to make a fortune off of life-sustaining medications like insulin (among others, I might add, like cancer medications, heart and breathing medications). So yeah, I played Asrid's choices as I feel she would have, as a physician, and as a person who wants to help people get well, survive, and thrive, if she can, and who believes that the world is not completely dead, away from Great Bear. I feel she and Will, and the other survivors believe there is hope that they can get back to the Mainland, and be saved. What choices did you make? Would you make different ones after reading this?
  16. Post this in a Wish List thread, so it does not get missed by the devs. They are more likely to see it there, as it is likely to get buried in a general thread like this.
  17. ThePancakeLady

    4DON 2019

    Then you need to file a bug report on the Spport Portal. It isn't hard crashing for everyone, so, it isn't a 100% game code thing, necessarily. Your console may be trying to tell you something, perhaps. If it was 100% game related, my game would hard crash on XBone as well. And it isn't. My daughter is playing 4DoN on it right now. Without issue. So: is the place you need to go, file a report, and see if they can help you, and others who may be having the same issue, get the game going again. Arguing about it here is not going to get it fixed for you.
  18. Yeah, we can feed them and fatten them up pre-hunting season, as well as put out salt licks for them. But once hunting season starts... that stuff needs to be gone. Even the salt licks. The Fish & Game Commission slat licks stay out though, even on State Hunting Lands. And they are strict, if they catch you. Deer, wild turkey, rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, whatever. No baiting of any wildlife, unless you are part of a culling hunt, and have a culling permit. Not much culling going on around here, with so many deer dying from Chronic Wasting Disease. Which is a bit of a scary disorder. And yeah, I am not a bait hunter in game either. I use bait to give me a chance to get the heck away from wolves in Stalker. I generally don't go looking to draw them closer to me, lol. My playstyle is more avoid/evade. My husband prefers the killer/hunter approach.
  19. ThePancakeLady

    4DON 2019

    Running smooth on my XBox One X as well, so not sure what to tell you. Turn HDR off, (if you have it enabled)- it does have a perf hit on XBone.
  20. TFW- you spawn into 4DoN, and head directly to Jackrabbit, hoping to find a lantern right inside the door. And... Denied!!! Just a few more from 4DoN. It's different never seeing the sun, but the moonlight makes for some lovely captures.
  21. ThePancakeLady

    4DON 2019

    I was just playing, and the game did sync when I exited.I can access my entire games library, just seems like the typica Steam Sale (Halloween Sale started today, I think) crash when everyone tries to pile onto the store and see what goodies are there. Just checked, I can still launch the game, and my save is intact. No issues. Only Community (forums) and Store are offline for me (no activity feed- Community, as well). I'd be giving it a try if I were you. Unless you are saying you can't login?
  22. Indeed, in the US State I live in, if you get caught baiting deer or (other wildlife), with corn, or apple piles, or grain piles, ect., you will get a hefty fine, and possibly jail time. Even just having a huge pile of apples on your property, that obviously did not fall naturally can get you pretty big fines.
  23. ThePancakeLady

    4DON 2019

    Not here, my game is running buttery smooth after the hotfix and update. (Higher-end rig, on Windows 10... you show me your specs, and I'll show you mine. )