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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Great idea for the Wish List!
  2. I believe HL only does that if they alter an existing area in some one which would result in the possible loss of gear to the player.
  3. Run with it buddy! You're much more creative than I.
  4. I don't really care. I created this post to track issues (as I see them). Thanks for your contribution.
  5. I'm LOVING this update! So much stuff to explore. Thanks again!
  6. This appears to be a bug. Notice my temperature gauge is 3 bars up, but when I stand in this water and pass time, my temperature goes down: 1377311279_TheLongDark2021-12-0919-16-16.mp4
  7. Another down the road from the prison.
  8. Inaccessible battery? In truck in BR Prison courtyard.
  9. Hey, who says we have to live like savages? We should start TLD cookbook!
  10. I just do it at this point to bug you @piddy3825 😋
  11. Some great information there and very exciting to read! Thanks for taking the time to explain this and your transparency, @Raphael van Lierop.
  12. And you thought Carter Hydro Dam was dangerous during an aurora! TheLongDark 2021-12-08 18-25-27.mp4
  13. Inaccessible sewing kit at Forager's Remnant. Anyone else able to get it? 1254987764_TheLongDark2021-12-0814-38-01.mp4
  14. I did Clothing & Fire Starting and neither are showing.
  15. Thought I'd start a thread here. I spray-painted a cave entrance but it didn't show up my map. I did zoom in. It was a clear day. <I'll try some other SP somewhere else> Transition points not being mapped (Keeper's Pass North -- BR)
  16. I'm about an hour into BR - isn't it funny how excited you get when you see something like a tarp, blue plastic crate or a generator? Even though we can't interact with them, it says to me, "Hinterland continues to give us new things". As a dev, I know nothing is trivial and I appreciate it all.
  17. What a great surprise to come home to from a long day at work - Steam telling me an update is available for TLD!! Got my gin martini ready and gonna take a vacation day tomorrow. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Viable, yet lengthy treks for resource gathering compared to other locations. Also, I would recommend some "bread-crumb trails" leading back to the farm house - those blizzards in PV can be horrific, not to mention there are not many easily-identifiable landmarks around the house (orchards).
  19. Being an original Fallout fan (even the predecessor, 'Wasteland'), I've played them all from the beginning. When 76 first came out, I was really disappointed and didn't play it again until about a month ago. Yes, it's come a LONG way and I would recommend giving it another try.
  20. A sprinkling of Fallout 76 but my current emphasis on Far Cry: Primal (it's been sitting in my Steam library for ages so was time to try it out). Just finished up my playthrough on Cyberpunk 2077 as well - had some achievements I wanted to do.