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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. True, except when it's windy, which it seems like most of the time.
  2. Are you sure? I've always selected a bedroll.
  3. Same here. Bug introduced recently. @Blabla, have you reported it?
  4. I like to call this my "Hypothermia risk all the time, know the maps, starving, tired and parched game".
  5. For that matter, wouldn't they be able to attack you at a lookout tower as well? Just need to climb the stairs...
  6. I seem to recall the corpse is very near the entrance to the cave (or inside). Try climbing the hill to get above the cave. I doubt it's there but may give a different perspective.
  7. I guess the bigger question is, does it help? 😋
  8. Auto-walking, while crouched in a low-pass portion of a cave.
  9. Can't recall this ever happening - My character said the typical line, "Boy, sure could use some water." Very shortly afterward, I looted a water bottle and she said, "Thank you." But the "Thank you" was in a different tone of voice than I'm used to hearing.
  10. Opening any locked container Entering a door Picking 3 reishi mushrooms Sleeping Passing extended time Crafting More coming soon! Add when you take a sip!
  11. Get the list of locations you need to visit, print it off and tick off each one as you discover it.
  12. I'm sure you're already taking advantage of the 6-burner stove. There are typically rabbits around there too.
  13. Perhaps Great Bear inhabitants actually do some forest management to reduce wildfires!
  14. I only have a single usercfg.68231. I did try backing it up and deleting it (forcing the game to create a new one) but same issue.
  15. It really only becomes relevant if you run out of ammo.
  16. I think I got most of the hole patched! A few skins and some left over Pea Coats to patch the smaller holes.
  17. Nothing like a beautiful sunset to finish off a day of bountiful looting!
  18. I'm sure this has been said before, but I can't stress this enough! Drop your canned items (Tomato Soup, Pinnacle Peaches & Pork and Beans) in front of a lit fire to open (and cook) them while you cook other items on the primary burner surfaces of the fire/stove. This not only is this efficient but can rapidly increase your cooking skill!