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Everything posted by StrayCat

  1. 100% approve of @UpUpAway95's suggestion too. Although everything cooked may stay warm for a little time : the mecanism we have now can be extended to every cooked / warmed food.
  2. It would be great to not rely on numbers, but rather on visual hints. We had the same change when we lost the precise "time left before night" to the approximative sun/moon clock. 100% agree on this idea, excellent one !
  3. THIS IS AN AMAZING IDEA !!!! 1000% approved !!!
  4. Hello Raphael, In the game, wolves' behaviour is either fully passive (pilgrim - except if attacked) or fully aggressive (except some rare case when wolves run out of fear). I know well of the context and lore of TLD, that the aurora has made them somewhat crazy. But in terms of gameplay, is there a specific reason why you didn't prefer a more progressive approach, with a fleeing percentage chance depending on the game's difficulty (20/80, 50/50, 80/20, and so on) ? This would have added some unpredictability and therefore improve replayability. Have a nice day !
  5. Even this must be a bug, it's actually kinda cool. In terms of roleplay, these are nice hallucinations due to loneliness, fear and adrenaline rushs !
  6. I confirm, I just found snow pants and expedition parka on medium, signal hill.
  7. Hello all, Like other players, I usually end up facing boredom in medium-late play, but have no fun in interloper-like deadly settings (or other deadman challenges, sleepwalk, etc). I prefer intermediate level settings, as I'm no astute interlopist. The last update gave me some ideas, and I have found a custom setting which is giving me very high satisfaction, so I had to share it here. The positive point is the possibility to ADAPT it to the level you want, it's only a concept. Hell, you can even set wildlife to passive, it can still be fun. The main points are : - few or very few animals, - high probability of empty containers, - few items out of containers - hunger to whatever you want (at least medium), - cold to whatever you want (the coldest the better), - no health regeneration (at all, even during sleep). Important setting, do not overlook it. I am currently having a fun and stimulating game. The main gameplay caracteristics are : - few food + few animals + medium to high hunger -> I have to keep moving to find food. Staying in one base is no longer an good option. - cold world + few animals -> hunting (most efficient way to get calories) becomes more of a challenge, as the cold will damage health. The health issue can now be adressed with birch bark tea, making it a very valuable resource you will search for. However, as only a few condition points are gained with it, you will be extra cautious to the cold. But starving will force you to face the cold and venture outside to search for food, while the low resources will prevent you to have good enough clothes to face cold calmly. Any food becomes a excellent find. As you keep moving, you have to keep your inventory in check, and the well fed bonus becomes appreciated, but is hard to keep due to the difficulty to get food... As you can see, everything runs in a circle and choices have to be made. For the intermediate player I am, these settings are really fine.
  8. Although i would really love to be able to drop the backpack, Raphael has made it clear in Milton Mailbag that it would require a complete overhaul of the inventory system, and so that they don't intend to work on it. I guess we will have to wait for mod support. Otherwise, I upvote every idea in your list.
  9. This I 100% agree. Even the gameplay changes would be small, there is nothing groundbreaking here. But my point was all about the immersion : when I go backpacking irl, one of my favorite moments is sitting and setting up a small fire to cook/re-heat my food. In winter, when there's snow and everything is frozen, not chewing on a frozen piece of meat is very welcomed ! I read (not often, but on a regular basis) in this wish list, that some people want to be able to sit on a chair, and read a book in front of a fire. Or other immersive / rolepay requests. My suggestion follows the same lines.
  10. That's not sure. The "frozen/unfrozen" status and mecanism are already integrated (clothes, firewood, carcass...). The only code needed would be to check if the food you want to eat still have the "frozen" status. But some tweaks may be needed for the interaction between the frozen/unfrozen and cold/hot status some food have.
  11. Hello all, Something that usually bother me is when I stockpile meat outside, I just need to grab a steak and eat it right away. Or sometimes I find a can of tomato soup in a bag outside, and I can also eat it right away. Hey, these things should be 100% frozen and hard as a rock ! I know the "frozen ou wet state" is already included in many items but not used (like the firewood). Is it possible to add it to food ? It makes no sense to eat a icy steak or a tomato-soup-popsicle ! or at least we should get a cold / broken teeth penalty ! Having to re-warm it would make for a cool roleplay moment, lighting a fire to re-heat your meal. Or just put it somewhere warm, and wait a few hours for it to de-freeze. What do you think ?
  12. In mailbag #10, there was this question which you answered : ___________________________________________ Question from @Vonwoah: Yes. ___________________________________________ My question is : may we have a clue ?
  13. I guess, just another bug from the custom settings. Custom mode is notorious for not working as intended, and Hinterland is aware of it : >>> 4th question.
  14. Hello, In last Milton mailbag, you said : "I don't think the vision has changed as the audience as broadened. It's also possible to balance things out by introducing new risks -- we may focus on giving you new toys to play with, but then we can also bring in new things to toy with you." Do you have plans to add new features to threaten the player's life ? Every threat is now well known : appart from [thirst, cold, exhaustion and hunger], we have diseases, blizzards, wolves & bears. The last addition was the moose (& broken ribs), but that wasn't an exclusively negative one, as we finally hunt them for their meat and hide, and we can choose to leave them alone for safety. On the opposite, we get no benefit from blizzards (except for no wildlife), it is no more than a threat we have to manage. Do you plan to add more of this kind of threat, thrown at our faces with only "hey, deal with it or die" ?
  15. The custom settings are notorious for not working as intended : for example, many players see next to no difference in wolves' behaviour when changing the value "wolf fear". Other settings sometimes just work randomly. Do you intend to fix the custom mode ? Or, can it be we are wrong and the custom mode is working as intended ? If so, may you someday give us a detailled grid of what every setting precisely do, please ? We have a really hard time getting the setting as we intend them to be, with a lot of frustrating try&miss. Thank you and keep up the good work !
  16. What is the explanation for replacing the brand by a torch, and replacing brandishing by throwing ? Is there an explanation, coding problem, or anything else we haven't understood ?
  17. May you share with us some of the pictures, drawings, sketches, that helped you design the esthetics of the game ? I was looking at the "fan creations" forums, and thought that it lacked HL's own input...
  18. Will we have more "Canadian flavor" added to the game (I'm looking at you, maple syrup) ? I really enjoy that "proud to be canadian" attitude of HTL (even though I'm french), it creates a whole new atmosphere and makes the game stand out.
  19. Approved. Generaly speaking, healing should take more time and rest ; the idea to differenciate the sprain/bruise and the pain is good.
  20. Being able to look at one's own creation with constructive criticism is very wise, as much as not repeating the same mistakes. That a huge +1 for Hinterland. It's also incredible how they take our feedback in consideration. Keep on the good work, hats off for all the team ! Question aside : will the work on survival mode also include new challenges, like Nomad or Whiteout ? Or are these treated separately ? It's so great to wander in the snow woth a goal in mind !