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Everything posted by Mroz4k

  1. Just to add my two cents to the discussion: I never really do these sort of tests, I usually play and just figure out what works the best as I go. So I suppose you should take my word with a grain of sand. Back when quartering was a fresh mechanic in the game, it made sense to quarter the big animals even if you wanted to "use up" all of the resources. Simply because quartering the animal took lesser amount of time then taking all the stuff yourself in the first place. But as you can imagine, this is sorta "strange", in the past, the best way to process a bear was to slowly strip it of its meat, till it have about 4 kg left or so, then use the quartering option to take out the last 4 kg in a meatbag along with "speedy" processing of the materials. Having returned to game after Redux, when I killed my first bear in that game, I actually checked to see if this were still true. After your tests I am no longer so sure, but I could have sworn I tried comparing how long it would take to take away the hide and all the guts from a bear, in comparison to those fixed 2 hours it takes to quarter it. I think the difference was that taking the hide and all the guts was about 10 ingame mins faster then quartering it. I checked this with other animals and this always seems to have hold up. But maybe Im just misremembering it. But from my experience, when comparing whether to take away only hides and guts or quartering the animal to get these materials, its better to just straight-up do it. (if my instincts about this are correct, does that mean that harvesting a gut from a bear takes less time then from lets say a rabbit, I wonder?) (I might just do some tests myself, I feel like Im just fooling myself here). I also noticed some strange things with the ravaged carcasses. I believe they used to spoil just as the normal carcasses do in the game, but ever since Redux I feel as though they last in the regions for tens of days, a lot longer then they used to. Maybe that is why they also seem to have different processing times? The advantage to quartering is decay, funnily enough. I still dont quite understand it, but for some reason, the meat on carcass decays very rapidly in the first few moments after it has been downed, this is why getting an above 90% condition raw meat seems so difficult, I had a method to it that you would harvest the meat off the carcass in increments of 2kg or 4kg, with each batch getting dropped to the ground after finishing harvesting it, thus making batches of best condition meat and gradually making worse and worse batches, which can be cooked in that order to max out condition of the food). Yet, as the carcass decays, the decay seems to slow down gradually overtime. However, quarters have a fixed decay of 10% condition a day no matter if at home or outside, or held in an inventory. This means that quartering the meat fast may actually help "preserve" some of that condition of the meat compared to just letting it decay with the carcass early on. At some point, the speed of decay would change, and the carcass would decay the meat slower then the quarter would, but around that time the meat would have had much lower condition caused by the earliest rapid-decay effect. But those are all just my observations based on my experience, I havent done any proper tests. I do find them very interesting to read, keep it up
  2. I dont think ressurecting an old topic is frowned upon, as long as you add something new to it, I think its all good what is more likely frowned upon are people who would come into an old thread and ressurect it without adding anything to it, if someone said on an old post something like "I like this idea", it would be kinda difficult to gauge from that what part of it they meant, if you get my meaning But I also think it never hurts to add a thread of your own, especially if your idea differs from those other ones a bit. I am all up for random encounters, and I dont think animations would be that huge of a problem now that the studio has their own equipment and bigger team of animators then they had in the past, although I imagine they have plenty of work to do working on all kinds of animations already. I do see a technical issue here, though. You mentioned wolf pack meets one of the bigger animals and tries to "take them on" - problem is, this almost never really happens with the way animal AI is right now. For this, we would need to have roaming animals first. Whether it is a bear, moose, or a pack of roaming wolves, there would need to be at least some animals roaming for these encounters to happen. I am a big fan of the idea that some animals would be roaming - it would add a sense of unpredictability to the game, keep the player aware and invested into the game at all times. Then I would very happily see these encounters happen on occasion in the game.
  3. This somewhat agrees with my recent observations on bear hunts. It would appear that sometimes, the bear bleeding seems to stop. Three times I have had issues with bears that I shot, that started bleeding out, but never actually bled to death. My best guess right now is that the animals tooo far away from the player despawn and respawn as the player gets closer to that area, and that bears (due to their animal speed) tend to run away sporadically in a bigger area then other hurt animals, meaning they could theoretically run away out of their "loading distance", which could maybe reset the bleeding mechanic, much like going indoors and outdoors, which would naturally re-load the animals too. But I think it would need more testing. But when I made a thread on this, noone seems to have this kind of problem as me. Yet for me it happens a lot. Since my laptop is quite weak, I play the game on mostly the weakest settings possible, which is why I think I might experience this so often. After getting proper hits on bears, with arrows stuck in them, then waiting outdoors for enough neccesary hours to wait for them to bleed out, Id find them to careless stroll around their usual patrol locations as if nothing happened.
  4. Not anymore, although this was the rifle you would find in the Episode 2 in the pre-redux version. Its a bit a pity that the redux removed some of these cutscenes or unique items like this different look of a rifle, or the unique item called ball cutters that you needed to get through the fence area below by the hunting lodge. I found some random YouTuber I dont know who played and recorded this, if you wanna watch the whole vid feel free, not trying to plug the YouTuber just provide a proof. Skip to 4:25 of the video, you will see its the same rifle design in there, although once the actual animation starts, it regresses back to the old original model.
  5. That may be true right now, I don't think its safe to say it will be the last firearm ever added. I does not matter that we recently got a different firearm for the game, some suggestions for items to be added were made 4 years prior to them actually getting added. I think Hinterland adds community requested items into the game based on how commonly these items are requested. For that its best to suggest your ideas regardless of the time to add them. @Skelegutplays There is no reason to be rude. This is the old Rifle design for a special story-mode rifle Will found mounted on the wall in Hunting Lodge. After repairing Jeremiah´s rifle in the Maintenance shack and finding the corpse of one of the forest talkers, Will decided to check out their base of operations, upon arrival he found the rifle on the wall. It was not a different weapon, it was an identical rifle to the one we already have in the game, it just looked slightly different before you picked it up. The design on it is actually just the storm lantern light reflecting. After you picked the rifle up, it turned into the old design. This rifle was in the Story mode Pre-Redux version. Frankly, I would be happy if they added this model into the game in exchange for some of the old models of the rifle. I think it would be nice to add some "graphical" variety to the same kind of item, that applies for a lot of other things too. The items could be identical in every manner of speaking, simply look differently if dropped on the ground. It would add a little bit of extra immersion to the game.
  6. In my recent Voyager attempt with the new update (and its early issues with sprains etc) I got into a deep with a wolf who put me into a struggle (and I tried holding the button without setting it in settings first... silly me - so I went into a similar kind of struggle as a bear, where I woke up "after", and lost a lot of condition due to it. ) This happened at Maintenance yard. I made my way out of it through Forlorn Muskeg after some basic rest on the way to Mystery lake´s more forgiving region. Well, sometime after low blind, a blizzard hit, and if I didnt have my trusty can of Go! energy drink, I would have been a popsicle by now! After I chose to chug it, it gave me an incredible boost to energy, clearing my fatigue and allowing me to sprint! I have ran to the safety of the Hat creek cave, where I arrived at 3% condition, dropped down to 2% as an aftermath of developing an infection because I had no way to treat that after my wolf struggle... Get yourself a can of this delicious, life-saving nectar as well, and survive the most unfortunate scenarios! Just for 2.99! For your reading pleasure, in the spoiler, you shall find my two most relevant status update posts I made on this The Go! energy drink is great tool if you get yourself into a bind, I am not sure how much fatigue it recovered for me, but it was quite a significant amount, Id say about 30%... now I sprinted it all out, so Im not sure if that fatigue dissapears afterwards, but for a quick boost of energy, and the reduced fatigue affliction, it makes for a great tool for sure. Sounds like everyone is using them for climbing. I guess I can see why - but I will keep mine around for difficult situations. I can do the rope climbs well enough with coffee and frequent rests, I never really speed up the rope climbs that much, if I can reach the summit within a day, I consider that a victory... for that, I only need one cup of coffee and full fatigue when I start the ascension from the Engine ravine (or Mountaineers, where I goat down the hill to Engine ravine). I use the coffee for climbs only for its ability to reduce fatigue. Since you can hit escape to interrupt drinking of items, you can take a sip of coffee before the climb, only use up about one 4th of the coffee mug, and get the fatigue reduced affliction for long enough just to climb that one rope. This is the best way I found to make use of coffee so I can save it up for later. Great that now I can sip birch bark tea to make a refreshing drink for when I just wanna have a drink of something hot in the mornin.
  7. I dont think you are going to get a reply out of someone on a two years old post With the release of Redux, some of these questions were answered, well, at least partly, and some encounters probably raised new questions, too. There is a lot to Will and Astrid that is mentioned in about 3 pages long backstory that was written for these characters way longer before the Story mode was out, I think might have been all the way down during the early days of Alpha... about how they were married, had a little son but the kid died due to some accident, that neither of them ever got over it, and they drifted apart. That Will was a pilot using his dad´s old plane and like his father, he has the tendency to alcohol abuse, that he has short temper but is actually overall quite kind. That Astrid is a doctor who worked on remote med station at the island where she met Will, working for some egghead at the Medical Centre, which she quit after they met, then went back to working there after the accident split them apart. I know a lot of people believe that the Case that Astrid had is somehow related to the Aurora event, just like Jeremiah. I think thats caused intentionally by game design, people like to clutter two separate things together as one if they happen in rapid succession. I think that Astrid was on a mission to deliver some medical supplies to the Perseverance Mills because a patient of hers, probably someone she cares about a lot, was seriously sick and there was no doctor around there to help. And that despite losing her case, she is trying to get there to help that person, knowing that if she doesnt get there in time to render some sort of doctor assistance, that person will die. As for why she abandoned Will? Climbing down the ravine, especially if she is hurt, would not neccesarily mean she could save Will, but could also result in her death. Or other scenario may have forced her, like wolves running away... although that would not explain why she left the cloth markers on the trees... unless its shredded clothes left behind uninentionally as she is running away from the wildlife. I have a feeling we will learn more of Astrid´s escape and the duration of what transpired to her during Episode 1 and 2 at the beggining or during some flashbacks in Episode 3. I think Jeremiah is an ex Military loner who just likes the solitude. Although he is mysterious, I am unsure if he is also straight related to the Aurora incident. I get the idea that he is a prepper of a kind, and as such he probably forsaw several Doomsday scenarios as plausible (I would know this because I am the same way). Atkinson or whatever was the name of the person Jeremiah was trying to contact is probably going to be his old army pal, or maybe a ranger, either way, someone similarly likeminded to Jeremiah, and I believe Wintermute is one of the code-words for a specific doomsday scenario they agreed upon, and will probably have some kind of contingency plan, not to "save the world" which is what I believe most people assume in their expectations, but to survive in this new kind of world, that has been battered by the conditions that render industry dead. Probably a Doomsday scenario that accounts for Solar flare EMF interference. I know original posters couldnt deduce many of these things because of Predux conditions. Still, those would be my theories based on the info from first two episodes and the old background written for the characters. You dont need to waste time asking me to provide a link to the backstory for the characters - I wish I could, but I cant find it anymore. I read it somewhere long time ago in an article about the game, well over 4 years ago, and I couldnt find it anymore, its probably burried somewhere on the web. So you would have to take me for my word there, although note that it was a long ago since I read this Im very hazy on the details, so dont rely on my recollection of it too much. There are many mysteries to Great Bear and TLD universe in general, I might make a thread on Conspiracy theories in the future, when I put my ideas together. To ask specific questions and see what the community comes up with .
  8. Ive recently had an inkling to go play a game I used to play during my childhood, the Heroes of might and magic 4 - and beat some of the campaigns in there. That is why my appearance on the forums dropped after the release of Steadfast Ranger. I guess it was a good thing for my new survival game for achievements, because I think that by now, the most glaring issues with the new release would be at least toned down. I had a craving to play some Long Dark today, so Imma go do that.


  9. I have found the revolver in my favorite place in Mystery lake, by the corpse in the cave at Lake view vista. I went there to catch some coonies. Found a corpse in fetal position, revolver lying right below its hand, it looked like it was dropped by the man during the death. When I found out the revolver was half-loaded, I had an instant realization of dread. Maybe it was just unfortunately designed, but the suggestion in that situation is very strong... A corpse in fetal position, with a hand to the side with opened grip, the half-loaded revolver lying right below. The indication here saddens me, but it is a part of survival too, I suppose, better to go quickly then to bleed out slowly, I guess. This game sometimes has very powerful moments, and I wonder if this one was designed as such by mistake or not. This was no doubt the strongest moment for me in this game in a while.
  10. I admit the sprain system is a pain right now, I end up leaving a lot of gear behind and I do my best to keep some reserve in carrying capacity, Well fed bonus is very useful right now... But I get that this is probably just temporary issue and that they will fix it. Found 2 revolvers till now, and very interestingly - the 2nd one that I found was already loaded. Had 3 rounds in it. Which is wonderful - always found this "video game logic" of finding empty weapons and having to find ammo for them to be immersion breaking and lame. Now, you can find both unloaded and loaded weapons, it seems. This makes the Revolver all the more useful if you are in desperate need of ready-to-use defensive weapon. The ammo doesnt seem to be so rare, either, which is great. At least it wont be so hard to level it up to level 5. Birch Bark tea is amazing. It is just right... not terribly powerful and not completely useless as a medical item... even though I would probably love it regardless, only for the warming up bonus... it is simply great! Go! energy drink is also great addition! Although so far I have only seen one... it has already saved my life, was able to run down to Hat creek from Low Blind before dying from freezing when a blizzard showed up.
  11. This is incorrect. You can still find 100% condition food in containers at day 80. Food inside unchecked containers doesn't spoil, only if you open it first. Neither do the clothes or other perishable items. What you describe has to be some sort of bug, or you got extremely unlucky. It does not make sense because all the same food types inside the cargo containers always have the same exact condition. Meaning that it would be impossible to find a single piece of soda can inside because all the sodas would have the same kind of condition, unless it was for example grape soda, the container had it as a single item, and the condition of it was the highest of all the sodas. Still doesnt explain the fact that items inside containers at around day 100 can be found at 100% condition. Items are only generated once you start opening the container. The only explanation I could think of is that you tried to open the container first, stopped, then left and returned many days later to find the contents spoiled. It pays to remember to also store all clothes indoors at all times. Storing them outdoors will cause the clothes to get wet and possibly frozen, but at the very least it will destroy their conditions much faster than usually. Same applies to bedrolls. Thus it is unwise to keep bedrolls lying around in outdoor caves. Below a link to the food decay in TLD.
  12. I made several birch bark teas, and I turned 4 rabbits into steaks. By the early afternoon next day, I am ready to leave the cave at around 75% condition, I should be able to survive with this amount all the way down to Mystery lake area.

    Im in desperate need of a bow and some arrows, as a preferred weapon of mine.

  13. Apologies, I was wrong. I woke up in the middle of the night. Well, I made my way through the cave, cooked up the meat from the deer I found mid-way up, and made it to the other side. There I decided to repair most of my clothing while hiding by a toasty fire, hidden behind a rock, sheltered from a wind. I was rather succesful, and my previously terribly torn-up clothes no longer looked so grim. I also found a decent thin wool sweater mid-way up. Most of my clothes are still crap, but at least I am not going to lose the temperature so fast now. Nevertheless, my condition would make travelling over greater distances an issue. I will spend a day here at Marsh ridge, and recover my strenght enough to make a decent push through the Muskeg all the way to my destination of Camp Office. Maintenance yard had a small rifle book for me. And the way sprains are right now, I will need to do my best to avoid getting overencumbered too much. which means regularly dropping gear and leaving it behind for later visits. 

    It is Day 4 and I plan to make great use of this birch forest... to stock up on the kind of food that will allow me to quickly regain some of that lost condition.

    Now I only hope I dont run into a moose in here... although for a late game, I would not mind having a moose in here.


  14. The Cave

    At merely 3% of condition, I fall down onto a bedroll. Im tempted to make screenshots but right now, every second counts...

    I sleep 1 hour, wake up with 7% condition. I sleep another hour and at the very beggining of this hour, my biggest fear comes to realization... the infection, caused by the wolf bite, develops.

    I wake up with 3% condition again.
    I drink the reishi tea. I drink a full load of water.

    3% condition remaining.
    I eat a bunch of peanut butter.
    2% condition remaining.

    I go to sleep for 10 hours.

    I wake up fully rested, it is early in the morning, and I have about 12% of condition.

    I survived. I was clinging to life, but I have lived through it.


  15. Forlorn Muskeg.

    Im freezing. Im half dead. Its awful weather outside. I grab a few sticks that I come across, as I cut my way to the low blind. I know my only chance to live is to make it to the Hat creek cave, where I can hopefully reculpurate, especially if I actually catch the infection.

    I make a fire to warm up, and I cook two cups of reishi tea from the mushrooms I grabbed earlier. These are my last chance in case the infection hits. No peroxide bottle in the blind... just more bullets for both firearms. Im getting desperate... what now...

    I start walking when winds pick up and blizzard launches. This is it. No chance I will reach it on my 20% condition unless I do something... I rip open the Go! energy drink and chug it in one sweep. This boost of energy is great! And this fatigue boost and stamina boost will certainly give me a chance!

    I run what I can towards the creek, as Im freezing to death.

    I reach the bottom of the creek, and 10% of condition is shown by a blurry vision of my screen.

    I reach the upper lake. 

    5% condition.

    I finally jump into the cave, at alarming 3% of condition left. I am safe, for this very moment... but who knows what happens if infection strikes? I will for sure die then...

  16. The bottom of the ravine proved to be bountiful. Sewing primer book, three carcasses and a bunch of other items, including the stuff like Go! Energy drink. Stripped the animals of their hides and meat, then made a campfire as I shredded a jacket for cloth. Slept till high noon next day.

    Climb out of the ravine turned out to be uneventful. At the top I grabbed my gear and went on my way. Decided to go check out the hunter´s blind. Mid way a bear crossed my path, and I quickly ran towards the Maintenance yard. Luckily, he did not pursue me. However, I ran into a wolf, a really brutal wolf who jumped me... and nearly killed me, with forcing me to bleed. I ran towards the door of the hut, popping second flare... bleeding heavily. Inside, I stopped the bleeding. Alas, I have no peroxide bottle, nor any Old man´s beard! I searched the entire place but no luck... meanwhile the infection risk stopped at 90%. No antibiotics either... I rest up through the night after drinking a cup of herbal tea that I discovered in a microwave. I am stuck somewhere in around 30% of condition, with infection risk high and no way to treat it, in a building surrounded by wolves... now THIS is survival...

    I realize that if I stay, I will most likely die. I drop the rifle - it is slowing me down too much. Still, I decide to take the rounds with me in case I need them further down the road.

    I cant seem to find peroxide anywhere. My clothes are torn to bits so Im getting cold, fast. Another wolf jumps me right as I manage to fire off a shot with a revolver (no point saving bullets now!) I go down into a struggle but one hit with a hatchet and it runs off, giving me nothing more then just a bruise. Still, my condition takes a hit and that is not something I can afford!

    My condition is very, very poor. I manage to leave the Broken Railroad freezing and in deathly state... wondering if I will ever be able to return here again. What started off as very fortunate run has turned very grim very fast.

    Forlorn Muskeg adventures next.

  17. Due to the new update bringing in an entirely new skill, no doubt neccesary for the skills achievement, I will be starting out a new game of Voyager for achievement run. I wouldnt be able to get them in my previous game because I already looted all the game´s places with skill books, and basically looted entire "game" without the containers which would severely limit the amount of bullets and revolvers Id find in that game.

    Also kinda wanna start all over again using the new game update features from the start.

    First day I spawned in Broken Railroad, below the bridge leading up to Hunting lodge.

    I climbed towards the Hunting lodge. I decide to look inside the cars... what do you know! A revolver! I stuff it in my pocket. No bullets yet, but a nice find!

    I proceed to loot the Hunting cabin next. Found some better clothes, some food, a rope and cookbook. Also a rifle and bullets for both firearms - now I have fully loaded revolver and rifle! Too bad I dont plan on using them any time soon... 

    Evening is coming and I decide to climb down into ravine next. I goat down the rocks behind the hunting lodge and make my way towards the climb. I sprain my ankle - so I pop the pills and bind my ankle with a bandage. Then, I drop some gear and climb down.

  18. I only got one, literally first item I found in the new game that I fired up, a Voyager where I spawned in Broken Railroad right below the bridge by the fence gate, leading up the stairs to Hunting cabin. I wont say where I found it specifically to make it interesting but soon after I found a rifle and bullets for both weapons, kinda nice start for the game if I wanted to fire them without training... which I wont Heh, would love to dual wield em. Wonder if that will ever be a feature... (no doubt it will be a mod feature when the game gets official mod support )
  19. I must say I am starting to share your sentiment, OP. I admitedly dont use rifle very often in general, but I was curious to find out. I fired up Hunted part 2, since that allows me to start the game with fresh rifle in 100% condition and 10 bullets, (9 with the one wasted on the Old bear outside). I went on a test run to see what this is about. I noticed the shaking when cold, which I thought was a nice touch, but I must say out of all 9 shots fired, I have missed 8 of them on deer at various distance, and on 9th shot I was able to hit rabbit at very close distance of about 3 ingame steps. If this is distance neccesary to hit something with rifle on begginer´s skill, it will make the rifle unusuble without studying the books on firearms throroughly. I will use more fresh challenges to try and figure out the inner workings of this new update, but my first initial feeling agrees with the findings of OP - the new rifle system seems very difficult (which IMHO is something I like, assuming I can figure out how it works and use it efficiently after I figure it out) Edit: On the second try, I am slowly getting the hang of it. Second game, I actually got mauled by the old bear, so this time I was testing out the try when down to 15% of condition, the damage to condition seems to influence bobbing, altough only slightly (could also be that this was done because the mauling reduced my fatigue to about 85%). Turns out that they changed what is considered the "tip" of the sights. Used to be that in order to hit , you would aim the very top of the sights to your target (yellow dot in the picture) and that was the area where you would hit. Now, the "hit" area seems to be hidden behind the steel tongue of the sights, about 1 tenth down the sight (red dot in the picture). Try that out, see if that helps improve the quality of your shots. I like it. More realistic this way, Id say, also more challenging because you have to determine a bit better where the shot goes by your experience, since its partly obstructed by the steel tongue of the sights.
  20. Please don't discuss game hacks, save editors, cheat engines, or other game-altering software in our official forums. Thank you. Linking the words of one of the Community engagement officers from these Forums, a Staff member. So I wouldnt be so sure about whether this topic is okay or not. Who adjusts the Wikia? The community, not the Hinterland staff. It may have been a helpful program but I would hardly call it necessary. You can still make screenshots then upload them on the site, manually, right? Might be more tedious but not impossible. I fully agree, and even if I wouldn't use them very much personally, I would greatly appreciate official mod support. It would solve the longest standing issue of "game content for survival coming out too slowly" by allowing the community to create official mods which would help people adjust the game to their liking. It would once and for all shut up every person who has ever complained about the lack of content because with official mod support, the amount of content would only be limited by the amount of modders, working on new, official mods. By using official tools provided by Hinterland, which would make these mods protected against any kind of malicious misuse of malware and such practises.
  21. Also, be careful - the Hinterland dont take kindly to discussions of mods, modding of the game and or discussions on this topic, as seen here. I am not a moderator or any kind, and I am not Hinterland staff, but I study company economics and maybe my explanation of why this is bad will help you people understand why I believe Hinterland cracks down so hard on unofficial mods. TLD is their product, and as such its protected by author laws. When the game receives official mod support, it means the company created another product which has tools to adjust their original product, through their own tools. With official support, Hinterland can monitor and control the modding and protect the players from potential abuse by modders. But, if someone unofficially mods the game, it means that they illegaly crack through the protective layer of their game, exposes the code which Hinterland has exclusive author rights for, and modifies it through unofficial means, completely out of the control of Hinterland. Problem is that in order to do this, they must break the author law, because the modification happens without the Hinterland´s approval. If the initial means of modding means that this person broke the law, what is stopping them from hiding malicious malware in these mods, to prey on the unsuspecting players? If this happened, the backslash would then fall on Hinterland, whom had no say in the matter in the first place. To sum it up - in order to create unofficial mod, the modder must break the law. What is stopping them from using this oppurtunity to hide malware within them as well? I would not be surprised if the TLD unofficial mods were blocked by Hinterland on purpose. The fact that unofficial mods exist opens them up to exposure, if anyone were to be damaged by the use of these unofficial mods, it could hurt the game and its reputation. That is all I am going to say on this subject because I really don't want to get banned for discussing it. Unofficial mods are a bad idea and you shouldn't be using them, if you love this game and the company that made it.
  22. I am pretty sure that The Long Dark doesnt have official mod support yet. These few mods were created by the community unofficially, and players use them at their own risk. I dont expect the Hinterland will respond to this and if they will, not in a very friendly manner. I am fairly certain mod support is one of the most commonly requested community suggestions, and as such is probably in Hinterland´s own wishlist for future, but as far as I know, TLD does not have mod support yet. But I could be wrong, just a regular forum member here. You could probably search around the forums for other Mod related threads and see there what their stance on the subject is.
  23. I was just about to say something on this thread when it was locked by the Admin, before I could. Im not going to make a new thread on it, at least not yet, but this is an issue I want to bring up after some time goes away and I give Hinterland time to settle the initial hard work on implimenting the new update.

    Here is my post:



    Was this the best way to go about this topic? No. Getting upset and posting while upset is never a good way to handle any kind of confrontation. I read everything carefully, I don't think the real reason why Kristyok was upset was because of the game. It was the fact that after posting a few comments about it on steam, on her latest where she wrote something along the line of  "I wish I could play so I can test out the revolver" she was branded a spammer on the Steam forums and warned for it. I think that would make everyone upset. As far as I can tell, a comment like that is not dissing the update in any way... (then again I did not read it, perhaps it did in some way, but the way Kristyok described it, I can't see anything wrong with it, and I would be just as upset as she is if that happened to me)

    If there is one area in which the Hinterland Staff severely lacks, it will be the management of Forums reports and the whole warning system. I understand locking threads that blame Hinterland for the new update not working. But it is not a fair treatment to punish someone for "spamming" just because they made a few upset posts about it at first, then posted a different kind of post instead and got punished for this particular different one. What about punishing people who reply to threads about faulty update with a tip to back-up the saves, then turn off the steam cloud and make a completely freshly reinstall the game? These people are often branded as trolls and warned for posting this tip. Yet, as you can see from others posting in this thread, doing this can fix this issue. (I had this issue in the past during one of the previous major updates, had the same kind of error and this was the only solution that actually worked. I dont believe this was ever an issue of the game or the update, but more likely an issue of corrupt update files, caused by some issue Steam had mid-updating. Not unreasonable if internet connection gets interrupted for a moment during the update).

    If my experience tells me anything, I will probably be banned for this comment and it will likely be deleted because it criticizes one of the most sensitive subjects on these forums. But on the off chance it is not, there is a long-standing issue with transparency and unfairly judged, biased reports on these forums. Of the inability to distinguish when reports are filed legitimately, and when they are filed out of spite. It is most likely the reason why these forums are so tiny compared to the actual game community behind this game, and why long-standing community members eventually "run their life expectancy" due to various reports amassing over the years. It greatly favours bullies who abuse the reporting system to manipulate with other forum members, and harass them through the hands of Administrators.

    I wish this could change one day but that is unlikely. It would require self-reflectment of a sort that only very few people are capable of.


  24. It doesnt help that I dont know how to post and explain myself briefly in English. That is why my posts are always so long. This gives people the idea of me, trying to "hide" something in there, which is not true, it is just a biased notion people get. English is my third language, Ive learned to use it by using its rich vocabulary, this makes it very difficult for me to get my point across briefly. I dont use it to converse daily in speech, I only use it on the internet daily, through reading and watching TV shows. Daily use of speech is neccesary to get into the routine of getting your point across briefly.

  25. I am straight up terrified to post a single comment anywhere on the forums.

    It takes 3 warning points that never expire to obtain a permanent ban on the forums. I have gotten two of those points in the last temporary ban for something I have not done. Instead, for many days I was berated and harassed by a different forum member, first directly through messages, then later via endless reporting of my posts (at least I suspect so, there is no way to prove that). Or, it may have been a biased admin, monitoring me so closely & pushing me with endless public warnings just to unnerve me until I did something that could be considered against rules. I don't even want to consider that possibility, cause if that's true, I have earned myself a permanent ban...

    There is nothing I can do to report such harassment. But instead, my personal advice to help others improve their forum content is being reviewed as moderating & telling people how to post (HOW??! Never did I say "you have to do this!", I made a suggestion to do it differently, and explained why!), and the fact that I get more influence on the forums is considered as "establishing authority" on the forums. (I have no authority here!!! And I cant stop that I get more influence because I post more, that is how it works. Experienced community member is a form of influencer). What is even more sad is that I used this influence for good things, to help breathe in life to the very stagnant forums by encouraging more discusssions and for people to spend more time in here. (Unlike the same person I suspect of mass-reporting me, who has been going around, claiming things Hinterland said without pointing into where they said it, which is an actual moderating, and showing their influence around as a badge of authority to boost their ego.)

    I have integrity, I made promises not to escalate things with this said user to prevent escalation, and for that, I earned myself harassment and eventually ban. Meanwhile this person continues to defile this community and noone can say anything about it. 

    For months I was a part of this community and it was never a problem. This person comes back and suddenly, everything I do is a problem. Id say the cause of all the problems would be the "recent" change, the person coming back, the cause and effect would point towards that. 

    If I do get banned, the rest of you be careful. It is just a matter of time till this person picks a different target, perhaps because you upset them, and this whole situation will repeat again with a different victim. Free speech posting is no longer as safe on the forums as it used to be.

    I would ask for more transparency with reporting, how it is done, how it is considered, what are the chief decision factors. And abuse of reporting to harass and berate others for revenge or other personal bias should be strictly prohibited by the Forum rules, othervise this cannot be a friendly community, because it takes one angry, self-righteous prick to mass-report all you do to put the admins on your back and strangle you with warnings and endless observations. How can a normal person not feel depressed, stressed and desperate when everything they do is being put under the microscope?

    I thought taking more time off from getting unbanned before posting would help, I slept twice since then and I dont feel any closer to knowing what to do. 

    I admit that I am scared, desperate, stressed and I feel abused and violated, and hopeless because there is nothing I can do about it.