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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. no syrup... alas but i did break open a crate and got new cargo pants. was a suitcase too, with new army jacket. instant clothing upgrade! yay!
  2. lol, i just scrolled back and look at your original post and turns out I could make things out pretty well much to my chagrin. however, I do like the lighting effect in the update version. the pics definitely give off more of an abandoned/ruined/forgotten post apocalyptic vibe. Still think that wolf is kinda smiling at ya!
  3. thanks, me too. I was able to make out that wolf though in the others but had no idea about the first two. what are you doing skulking around like that in the middle of the night? that wolf looks kinda like he knows you? "nice doggy..."
  4. @J80H, good to know. I might just divert when I get up to Mountain Town after all. Thanks for the heads up!
  5. From what I heard, a player had made it all the way to the signal fire only to find the satchel, was not there. That alone is a good enough reason for me to avoid the place. That being said, I'm still having fun playing this event.
  6. @odizzido, Shasta was a regional brand in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle/Tacoma/Portland areas. They may have reached up into Vancouver, BC just based on proximity.
  7. I really want to be as thorough as I can be in my quest for syrup and explore as much in the world as possible before the weather or wildlife do me in, but... From what folks have posted, it sounds like some spots may not be worth the effort? So is climbing the summit at TWM a silly notion? What about the coal mine in CH, I'd have to wait for an aurora to get down in there. And HRV, not my best map, I'm kinda reluctant to go there fully equipped in good weather, lol. I'm trying to map a logical route that will allow me to maximize the search without having to do any backtracking. I see excursions into HRV and TWM as riskier side quests since there's only one way in and one way out. I do feel more comfortable tackling TWM for certain. I'd appreciate any thoughts or opinions on any strategies you may be willing to share. Thanks for reading!
  8. I wonder if Shasta is still around. They had this jingle where somebody would pop open a can and they'e starting singing "I want a pop, I want a Shasta!" and of course they'd be holding an orange flavored drink.
  9. I actually got 5 once in PV. Found one in the PV outbuildings between the town hall and the farmstead. then found 4 in the farmhouse. One in the usual spot by the toaster, one in a kitchen cabinet. One in the backpack on the bench by the bathroom and one actually in the refrigerator! Never ever happened again.
  10. Hey fellas, my two cents... As I recall, when custom settings were introduced part of the idea was that folks could "share" their "custom games" via the code that is generated when the game is launched. I guess the idea is we share the code, which is probably exactly how Winter's Embrace works currently, except for the part where I put the code in myself. I've never seen any discussion in the forums on sharing custom game codes but it might be worth throwing the dice and seeing what comes up. Seems to me there's always lots of discussions about game balance and whatnot so I'd think there maybe some interest could be generated. Look how "Share your Screenshot" blew up over the years. This could be huge! I just tweaked a powder puff game for my niece, turned off blizzards and turned on high intensity auroras! Every day is nice day and the lights are on at night! lol
  11. Outstanding marksmanship and quick thinking under pressure! Dropping them both practically on top of one another, too! You get my vote for the Nomad of the Month award! Btw, what are you gonna do with the hides, since your doing a Nomad run? Look at the size of those bear feet!
  12. I found this combo in a fishing shack... Made me wonder if this is random placement by the AI or is this pairing of flavors intentional. Is grape soda and ketchup crisps an actual thing?
  13. Found this in my kitchen this morning! still looking for ketchup crisps...
  14. I randomly spawned in CH, right at the mouth of the tunnel crossing into Raven's Ravine. I made a big circle starting with the cabin by the picnic ground, rounding by the fishing village, jack rabbit, then misanthropes, hitting the fishing shacks in a zig zag pattern before getting to the quonset hut. I consumed two bags of crisps on the way and decided to save the rest until I found a bottle of syrup. Before leaving the gas station, I emptied my food inventory in order to lighten my load. By that time I think I had enough soda and food products to open my own gas station convenience store. Not to mention the full on new wardrobe of boots, parkas, snow pants and more than a few pairs of work gloves. I only hit the standing buildings by the gas station so there's still a lot of un-looted cabins and cars, but before I did manage to find a bottle of syrup, but by then the chip count was already in the double digits. I'm thinking the chip to syrup ratio must be close to 20 - 25 to 1 more or less. Does anyone have any info they would like to share? I hope they put an item counter in the stats later on, that would also chart how of a certain food item the player has eaten. I'd like to see how may cans of orange soda I've drank with all those chips!
  15. Matthew Posa I do believe. I love his mock ninja battles with his dog Monty. They are quite the pair!
  16. my two cents is go with the satchel. Seems like every drawer or closet I open has an article of clothing in it. Sure lots of it needs major repair but that is a small sacrifice for being able to haul 5 kilos more of syrup!
  17. This is probably a familiar sight to some of you. Looks like another normal day in PV. I don't know what possessed me to try to make a mad dash from the town hall to the farmhouse but I figured I'd done it so many times... right? I guess I zigged when I should have zagged and the next thing I know, is I'm lost. I mean really lost... so thankful when I first came across these trees, at least something looked familiar. Then I could make out the power line hanging in the background so I knew it would lead to safety. I felt like the "little engine that could...." I'm almost chanting, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!" oh, come on Will, don't give up!!!! I am literally at the doorstep... Come on Will, don't give up on me now! ARRRGHHHH!!!!!!
  18. I saw someone mention that they found a food cache in ML but it did not have any syrup. That being said, I also know the cache sites quite well and in my last two excursion into ML have not been able to locate any of them either. Same goes for PV. I would have loved finding the clothing bunker as the last time I found it, there was a brand new expedition parka and a decent pair of insulated boots!
  19. Yeah, pretty much confirmed. Spawns in three possible places in the farmhouse. By the toaster, on either side of it, in the cupboard with the partially open door and under the table next to the stove.
  20. Right? I've gifted a copy to all of nieces and nephews as well!
  21. actually I'm not, that is the second screen you get after clicking on Winter's Embrace. Since you can have multiple saves, it apparently refers to them as the sandbox. Never the less, I was expecting the badge to pop up on my screen as it does with most of the other badges but subsequently when I checked this morning it said it was unlocked. So I guess I'm good afterall!