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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Yeah, cabin fever can be a real pain in the ass, but it is a real phenomena and certainly would have its place in a situation such as the one our survivor finds himself in. Cabin Fever can be exacerbated by isolation, poor nutrition, lack of fresh vegetables and fruit, poor indoor air quality, vitamin D deficiency, and lack of routine. The long nights, short grey days and lack of sunshine, cold, closed spaces, and lack of mental stimulation trigger a shutting down of cognitive abilities, and mild to moderate depression can set in. In more severe cases, paranoia, an urge to run away, and extreme restlessness are common symptoms. The triggering mechanic does indeed need some tweaking but the malady in itself could and would lead an individual to make irrational choices like running outside during a blizzard. It does pop up in the most inopportune times in game however and for many players that can be a constant source of irritation. Knowing that it can happen in game should enable you to prepare for those times when you become symptomatic. Just look at it as another condition you have to manage in game and have your Plan B in place. Locate the nearby caves, cars and wind secluded locations where you could shelter outdoors if necessary. It always seems to wanna get me when I engage in long term crafting projects or when forging, so I try to make it point to go outside as often as possible to complete small tasks like mending or repairing which help to keep the condition at bay.
  2. The hunting lodge is a great spot as you describe it. Not my first choice although the 6 burner stove does have tremendous appeal. There's something about it though that doesn't sit well with me. Maybe it's the immovable clutter in the upstairs bedrooms, but its more likely that it's because I get the heeby jeebies when I have to go into the basement there. Hands down, I'd have to say the Mountaineer's Hut on Timberwolf Mt. I know, no stove... meets every one of your other bullet points plus offer local access to fishing! My second most favorite place is the Lighthouse in DP. There's just something about living in a lighthouse. 🏩
  3. thanks for the clarification, missed the interloper part...
  4. I'm curious why these and not the actual hatchet and hunting knife? same wear yes, but harvest times are longer with improvised. Do you sharpen them using your whetstone?
  5. Food borne illness from parasitic infection can be a very real thing when consuming undercooked wild game. Proper butchering technique and thorough cooking can help to minimize potential exposure to bacteria and parasites. As a real life hunter, I've come across quite a few animals that were riddled with cancerous growths and lesions. Not to mention that many of the deer were covered with blood sucking ticks and fleas. Not to appetizing if you wanna know. Carnivores, ie. wolves, big cats, bears and even wild pigs often carry trichinosis a parasitic disease cause by roundworms. People can become infected with Trichinosis from eating raw or undercooked meat that contains the roundworm larvae. After the meat with the parasite larvae is eaten, the larvae grow into worms in the intestines, which reproduce and make larvae that go into the bloodstream and travel to the skeletal muscle and embed. Stomach symptoms tend to appear within a couple of days after eating infected meat. symptoms usually include diarrhea (loose stool/poop), nausea (feeling of sickness in the stomach), fatigue, and stomach pain. Other symptoms may appear weeks after infection and may include fever, headaches, chills, muscle soreness, pain and swelling around the eyes. The length and severity of symptoms varies depending upon the number of parasites in the meat and the amount eaten. Although rare, complications can develop and affect the heart, brain, and lungs; these complications may be fatal. Fortunately, in TLD once you get level 5 cooking skill your risk for parasitic infection is eliminated! yay! In the mean time, eat the bear meat, get the warning, switch to venison, let the counter reset and start back the cycle again. No sense in letting all that good yum yum go to waste!
  6. You look pretty good in that gear. Just keep it all repaired and you can dramatically increase your warmth and windproof bonus. I try to never let anything get below 75% if I can help it. Worn clothing is okay but "decent" or "new" is way better. If you can, wear two pair of deerskin pants. and yes, fishing hooks, cause there is a fishing shack up there and that is a great source of food and of course lamp oil for all those storm lanterns your gonna recover when you conquer the summit!
  7. Hands down, one of my most favorite regions in the game! Typically you will find a hacksaw in the hut on Crystal Lake but usually the condition is fair at best. There's more hacksaws in a container at the summit, but that wont help you if cannot open the container. Take @Screenshot Pilgrim advice and bring along some tools and scrap metal so you can make immediate repairs to the hacksaw when you find it. Even if you decided to bring one with you. I usually break down a shelf or two in the bunker next to the rope climb before transiting to TWM. Lots of times there's a hacksaw in the bunker as well. side note, the lockers in the bunker are sometime locked, so it might make sense to bring a prybar along so you can pop those lockers before you begin your transition to TWM. Plenty of loot in those containers, so I would travel as lightly as possible. That way when you go to loot those containers you'll have sufficient room to carry the goods without being severely over encumbered. Having the well fed benefit and the moose satchel is advantageous as well considering the sheer amount of loot you'll recover in your quest to the summit. Good Luck!
  8. hey, no worries at all. hope you've had a chance to play since you posted your question. but if not, rest assured you will find plenty of rounds laying about once you start looking. As was mentioned above you could make a special trip to the summit, there's probably at least 20 rounds plus cleaning kits in addition to some rifles. But, honestly you will find plenty on the way there. The only other advice I'd offer is to use some illumination whenever you loot the inside of a building. I find the light helps to "locate" those stray rounds that are under beds, chairs, desks and lockers. good luck!
  9. Well that is totally cool! Now I'd like to see a collection of maps with each of the spawn points mapped... hmm... new side quest idea?
  10. As memory serves, that's the bunker transiting PV to TWM. If that's an actual hatch symbol next to the broken cabin, that does look to be a new symbol if you ask me. But then again, I so rarely sketch the map ie, Faithful Cartographer that I may just not have noticed before. The big question is if and when you find the random spawning prepper cache in PV and sketch the location, will that same hatch symbol show up on your map?
  11. since I'm in DP, I forged a dozen or more axes. i just use them til they break, harvest the salvage and keep chopping!
  12. deceptively small pile, yes? there's something like 120 kilos of fir, cedar and sticks dumped in that pile. I wish it looked more impressive...
  13. Lighthouse aged meats! damn, that's good! You win a free bag of meat, my good sir!
  14. Good luck to you on this endeavor. So I'm curious, considering there's a shload of content out there, what are planning on doing differently as compared to some of the known TLD Youtube content creators? What's your niche gonna be?
  15. not really sure what i should call this pic... Meal prep with a view? Illuminated cookery?
  16. I feel your pain. Having developed an acute case of acrophobia myself I try to avoid the train trestle in the Ravine as much as possible. Same goes for having to climb along the ledge of the dam when trying to return to ML from Winding River. I'd still brave the trestle as at least no wolves so there is some respite in that. Don't forget to bring a pot or two... no pots in DP
  17. I had a tremendously good time playing the event. I appreciated the ability to complete the badge challenge across multiple saves as I did experience a few "deaths" in pursuit of the blessed maple nectar. In hindsight, however I do wish it would have been possible to have been able to complete the challenge by spawning 25 or more bottles across the entire world map and made sure the bottle spawning was totally randomized within region(s). Instead of just having guaranteed bottles pop up like in the PV farmhouse for example. just my two cents...
  18. that has actually been around for a very long time
  19. Hear Hear!! I'd like to see a lot more being done in terms of crafting and movable items for display purposes as well. You are so right when you say you get bored doing the same routine, if your getting bored at 300 in game days, wait til you get a character up beyond 500 or 800 days. It would be nice to be able to "pin" those notes or polaroids on one of the corkboards or bulletin boards found in game. How about being able to hang a copy of your own world map on the wall? The idea of making things movable and stackable would add tremendous improvement in relieving long term boredom as it relates to repetitive gameplay for long term survivors. If we are going to go the distance, then I want some taxidermy items as well, like mounting the bear's head on the wall and or especially the moose's huge rack of antlers. oh... and a wall mounted torch sconce too.... So dev team, let's get cracking!