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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. and so this chapter of the life of your survivor closes... so did you ever attain the achievement? Faithful Cartographer
  2. 🎶.., tell me when the bear gets here It's eight o'clock, and I wanna rock Got a bucket full of beer! Oh, any night's alright for fighting Get a little action in Gonna light his ass on fire tonight 'Cause any night's the night I like Any night's alright, alright, alright...🎶
  3. 60 minutes of cinematic narratives! Do I see a full length feature film in our near future as well?
  4. I could get behind building a greenhouse, all the elements are basically already available in game and the gardening concept was alive and thriving in Pleasant Valley long before the collapse. Wouldn't be to far fetched that the survivor could potentially find some seed packets either in the barns or the basement of the farmhouse. Or even in the abandoned farmer's market/community garden center at Thompson's Crossing. Given all the abandoned vehicles strewn about the countryside, our intrepid survivor could collect all the car windshields for use as the glass panels. all the planks and crates could also be used to create the walls and raised beds. Stones could be used as flooring materials and also as a means for thermal storage further making the idea feasible imho. Considering that the survivor has the minimum tools at their disposal, prybars, heavy hammer and hacksaw, not to mention both hatchet and knife it seems reasonable that the survivor could and would attempt to construct such a structure knowing of course that they are essentially stranded on the island for the rest of their natural life. There's also plenty of potting soil available for the necessary dirt to build the raised beds, considering all the dead plants in pots that can be found in abundance in just about every intact structure on the island. All those plant pots themselves are already perfect vessels for growing herbs and assorted vegetables per @The Doctor wish list. If it were me, I'd opt to build a "lean to" type of structure against my existing home base. In this case the farmhouse in Pleasant Valley. I'd start by repairing the broken windowpanes on the enclosed porch and from there move around and enclose the front porch as well, basically choosing which ever side received the best sun exposure as my primary growing area. Given the magnitude of this endeavor I'd imagine collecting all the materials would be hella time consuming and equally difficult to transport. Imagine carrying a car windshield and then having to drop it so you can fight off a roving wolf attack! Oh no... cracked or broken windscreen becomes unusable
  5. Table side cooking service, for when you want that fine dining experience!
  6. if it appears like it was/is skewered then yes! I worked on that for a long time to make it look like the meat was skewered. this is how I spend my time in the sandbox making those long tedious days tick by...
  7. If you are looking at older maps, then yes, locations have changed fairly dramatically due to the addition of rocky terrain which would have otherwise buried those prepper caches. those caches that were affected were subsequently moved to nearby locations, although nearby isn't necessarily close by!
  8. when you get the urge for restaurant style dining.... GYU-KAKU JAPANESE BBQ
  9. yeah, I'd venture to say that your game is glitched. as i see it, you have a few options; you could delete this game and start a new one, you could leave it be and start a survival mode playthrough, you could continue playing and exploit the glitch, explore as much as you can. If it was me, I'd turn in a debug ticket with tech support and I'd go continue playing the glitch for fun!
  10. I found a forge hammer in the gold mine in Ash Canyon. didn't expect to find that there, but it kinda makes sense that if they were mining gold, they might be using a heavy hammer! Some particular observed locations in which a heavy hammer may be found include: Bleak Inlet Near The Harbinger at Last Resort Cannery. Mystery Lake At Carter Hydro Dam inside the dam complex, at the workbench. In the Forestry Lookout. At a fishing hut under the fireplace. At Trapper's Homestead on the workbench. Coastal Highway In one of the cars at Coastal Highway near Log Sort or at Coastal Townsite. On a metal shelf, and in the large toolbox in the garage work area, Quonset Garage. In one of the ice fishing huts under the fireplace. At the Abandoned Lookout, under the chair. Under the workbench in Fishing Camp In the Cinder Hills Coal Mine Pleasant Valley On the upper level of the Barn in Pleasant Valley. In the basement at Pleasant Valley Farmstead. Under a shelf at Signal Hill. Desolation Point On the shelf in the engine room of The Riken. At Hibernia Processing on the workbench or the tool rack shelves. Forlorn Muskeg In a red box in the Old Spence Family Homestead. (or under the workbench, or outside the wall) Near one of the pallets at the Bunk Houses. Hushed River Valley Near the Mysterious Signal Fire. Near a corpse in the southern Ice Cave. Timberwolf Mountain In one of the containers in the Tail Section of Timberwolf Mountain. Under the workbench at the Mountaineer's Hut. Under the stove in the fishing hut on Crystal Lake. Broken Railroad At a shelf in the Maintenance Yard, or in one of the toolboxes. Ravine In a train carriage. In the fallen gondola. Mountain Town (Milton) In the back of the truck in front of Bank Manager's house. In one of the low tier houses on a crate. In one of the low tier houses on a metal shelf. In the closet at Paradise Meadows Farmstead. good luck!
  11. never eat sushi you find in an old gas station....
  12. ahhh, yes! The ole instakill areas where one misstep leads to the end of a glorious run with unanticipated finality! Yeah, there are a few areas like that, I know, from practical experience. The first time it happened to me, I was on day 482 and thought it was gonna be smooth sailing to get that 500 day achievement. that was an epic WTF moment for me to be sure. It only got worse from there as the second time it happened I was on day 842 of a survival save game that I had been playing off and on for over 3 years. at best the height of my precarious perch was ridiculous, definitely survivable as compared to previous falls in game, but no as instadeath claimed my survivor ending my run in pursuit of 1000 days. I've learned now to avoid certain areas, particularly when it comes to goating around in Raven's Ravine especially near the train trestle like you mentioned. since you mentioned that area, you should look up a video here on the forums posted by @Gun Tech., he found the one and only way down to the bottom of the ravine avoiding the instakill zones! I know you stated you have avoided googling videos, but in this case, I think you'd get a kick outta watching how he did it!
  13. hello @I_eat_only_wolf_meat, So glad to hear your playing "blind" so to speak, learning how to play the game without "googling!" That speaks volumes about the purity of your gameplay. I hope you have achieved level 5 cooking skill by now, only because your avatar's name is "I only eat wolf meat!" lol, otherwise constantly having to deal with parasites will be a daily concern for you until you do! I agree on a few of your points, like wind affecting distance for smelling the player and that non-potable drinking water should be attainable from fresh water fishing holes. That would make perfect sense in terms of using the water purification tablets. On the other hand, prompting a warning sign about dangerous terrain ahead seems simplistic and counterintuitive to the game's essence. It's not like the weak ice warning you get when venturing too far from shore on the icepack. When you are standing on a cliff side looking down, I think it's reasonable to expect injury and or death without warning if you were to proceed any further. I guess that kind of behavior is what they would call "reckless" and what better way to learn what terrain to avoid in the future other than to be injured or killed in the process of discovery? Anyways, welcome to the forums! Game on! Play hard! Die hard!
  14. Perhaps. It's hard to know what effects may occur when you introduce unsanctioned and untested "code" into the program. That's probably another reason why Hinterland is so firm on it's position regarding unsanctioned modding. Not that two auroras within 6-12 hours of occurrence in game would give a player any significant advantage in the game though, imho.
  15. I've had that happen a few times. Didn't think that was out of the ordinary. I figured it was due to changes in the weather or something.
  16. not sure if this helps or not, but can you access any of your previous saves before you found the aircraft? if so, resume game play from there and avoid looting the suitcase. better to re-play from there and cover the same ground twice than having to relaunch a new campaign. also you may want to post this issue under the Contact Hinterland Support thread so the dev team can take a detailed look at the issue. They will provide you with instructions on how to submit the necessary file data. Good luck!
  17. Welcome to the Forums! looks like you already found the most popular thread here. The game does indeed have some truly spectacular sights definitely worthy of immortalizing on film. Just wait until you get out to Hushed River Valley or Ash Canyon, you will develop an even greater appreciation for the beauty of the artistry that comprises this world. Looking forward to seeing more of your work! Game on!
  18. actually you can "hang" pelts or hides on walls without using any mod(s). It's been dubbed the "curing in place" glitch and it allows you to cure any hide against most surfaces. the process is fairly simple, yet time consuming. when a pelt or hide reaches 99% cured, you pick it up and hold it against the wall. you just stand there holding the item up against the wall, you will see it in a solid red pattern. As the clock progresses and you reach 100% cured, the item turns from red to its normal color and viola" the item is cured in place. I've experimented with this process extensively since it was first discovered. Here's a pick where I covered the peg board sales rack in the gas station in CH>
  19. as many as possible! they make excellent wall decorations!
  20. lol, that's because when ever I find myself in HRV it's usually during a snow storm if not an outright 3 day blizzard. I'm gonna have to go there now and seek out this phenomena and wait for a good photo opportunity!
  21. @pandggaming I do so like the rainbow on the waterfall pic. Don't remember ever seeing anything like that in my own games. Outstanding!
  22. unfortunately you can't walk on top of something that you set down. I guess those items aren't actually "meshed" that way. you end up just walking right thru them, it's like they have no real substance. too bad. I wish planks or crates were an interactive item, in that you could pick them up and move them. I could see a player building a plank and crate bridge!