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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. love the pun! glad you enjoyed my brief descent into insanity! I watched a documentary the other day dealing with isolation and mental health. Experts say just 15 days of forced solitude can be enough to cause permanent psychological damage – with effects ranging from anxiety to paranoia to the inability to form coherent thoughts. My character has been roaming this island now for over 1000 days. As ole gramps would say, "that boy is batshit crazy!"
  2. @hozz1235 yeah, I looked at various angles to put pants on them but the couldn't get the placement good enough to work viewing from the front. So, after getting the balaclavas placed I pondered how to proceed. Then it struck me, put the boots on the ground and check out the view from behind! That really seemed to do the trick, don't ya think? Anyways, glad you were amused!
  3. It was near dusk and from the observation deck of the lighthouse, I noticed light flickering from the old abandoned church. The light was significantly brighter around dusk and somehow my hopes perked up that I may not be alone. So I thought I should check it out. As I approached the darkened entryway I thought I could hear the muted murmur of voices coming from the interior. The crucifix was alight and the cracked stain glass windows reflected a somber light and the air was pungent with the smell of burning cedar. The pews appeared to be full of worshippers as I slowly stepped into the sanctum. There was an oddity about them that sent chills up my spine. With growing uneasiness as the hair on my neck began to rise, I fled in panic, but not before glancing in one last time... I was truly afraid, for now I knew I was not alone....
  4. vague question, so you might wanna elaborate? This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but, it may have something to with online gambling, especially poker. FTS Tournament may refer to the Final Table Series. An online poker tournament sponsored by Spartan Poker if memory serves. I believe they are based out of India. Does that help?
  5. A good reminder to all indeed. But there is always one in every crowd who ruins it for the rest and it looks pretty evident who that individual is...
  6. I think we were just keeping the camera idea lore friendly. Standard film would require processing and that means chemicals and what not. Considering there are already polaroid pictures in the game, it would make sense that if a camera were to be available, it would probably be a polaroid since the photo film is self processing. Also, since it's an electrical driven device, it would be contingent on an aurora to energize the film battery pack so that the user could take pictures, or at least be able to eject them. besides, there are plenty of mag lenses available in the game, so really no need to introduce another object just to have it be broken down so that the lenses could be used to start fires. that would defeat the entire purpose of introducing the camera, dontcha think? At this point, it's more of a luxury item and if it could do double duty to enhance the map, that would just be gravy!
  7. of course IRL, you would be able to do so, but not in Hinterland's universe! I think they take a perverse joy in making you pick them up. Have you ever done so in survival mode just after reloading and kinda miss the shell casing and end up firing a round into the ground? lol, used to happen to me all the time until I just put the revolver away and then picked up my brass. As to collecting the shell casings in Story mode, I did at first, but then realized the futility since there was no opportunity to reload. I just left the spent casings on the ground where they dropped. The one thing that I do like about reloading the revolver is that you can do so on the run or while walking. I started doing that when dealing with the never ending onslaught of timber wolves, but I never looked back to see what became of the spent shells, so much for policing your brass...
  8. Got to give credit to whoever made the food mod though, those was some pretty lore realistic looking items. Gotta love the SPAM, isn't that pretty much what you'd expect to find if you found some old cold war era nuclear bomb shelter? SPAM probably has a shelf life of 200 years! lol I doubt they will be leaving the hatch in though. just based on where it was, location wise it doesn't seem to serve any other purpose except for being a side quest destination for the story line. Although it might make sense to just leave it there considering it's pretty much in the middle of no where. Even in the lower difficulty settings, the loot you find in a prepper's cache isn't gonna dramatically alter a player's survival potential, right? Interloper players, probably wouldn't care if it's there or not. I guess we will see come December.
  9. I like the blue flare for scale! That sure is one big piece of birch bark. You can probably make a shload of tea outta just one piece! where is this by the way?
  10. Yes, that is correct. have you ever gotten that prompt, your not tired enough for sleep or some such message? even after you've had a full sleep period and awake completely refreshed, if you intentionally contract food poisoning, the required cure is two antibiotics and sleep for 10 hours. I find that I can get my characters day/night cycle back into rhythm that way.
  11. Sometimes, I eat raw meat or fish so that I can get food poisoning. that way I can get 10 to 12 hours uninterrupted sleep regardless of fatigue level during recovery. I usually do it to reset the sleep/wake cycle so that I wake up after sunrise instead of hours before the dawn...
  12. Wowser, that is one helluva laundry list of questions... 1. yes walking on snow free streets is faster than walking across snowy fields 2. the jury is out on this one, as sometimes the sprain mechanic seems to be a bit wonky. but when you see the prompt. stop and take a breath... 3. you can eat moldy food with impunity... it will disappear when it finally goes bad. surprising on how long it takes though stored outside vs. inside 4. considering the carry weight of the lantern(s) and limited fuel supply, no, but if it works and that's all you got... 5. Considering how much scrap metal there is in the game, you can afford to keep them repaired to 100%. just leave a set in every base camp. 6. I'd never break down a rifle. Repair to 100%, there are plenty of cleaning kits in the game. Load it and leave one in every base camp. 7. I personally repair whenever my clothing drops below 75%. repaired clothing is warmer than worn clothing. Plus there is an abundance of cloth in the game 8. Can openers insure maximum calories per container opened. other than that, it's just extra weight in your pack. use your knife... your not starving anyways 9. Why break tools down? repair them and leave them in every base camp. there's plenty of scrap metal in the world. waste not, want not... 10. The rock cache is an excellent container. but food items will still decay and eventually disappear. There's a lot of loot on Voyager and it's fun to try to gather it all up and drag it to one location. I did that a few times myself... If you have time, check out my post in the general discussion thread, called "Setting up Shop at Camp Office." I think you'll get a kick out of it. Now a days however, I like to establish one or two base camps in each region. complete will all the items I need for extended periods. btw, have you found the prepper's caches in both Mystery Lake and Pleasant Valley? Depending on which variety you find, there's still more loot to had! Good luck in your gamplay! "Don't just survive when you can camp out and thrive!"
  13. I suggest you check out @DiscoJonny, post in Wintermute thread entitled "Found this gem on Youtube" That's where your wanna go... @LeeandaI meant to suggest that to you also...
  14. Damn, No wonder they were rioting!
  15. Thanks @Sito, it was fun! You have no idea how many lanterns it takes to brighten up the place! And yes time does seem to work differently when you transition the map via the cave network! I've always been overwhelmed at trying to learn the map at HRV but now with a better understanding on how the ice caves connect it all together, it's slowly starting to make sense and the region is quickly becoming one of my more favorite areas to go camping! "Don't just survive when you can camp out and thrive!"
  16. just a reminder that Interloper difficulty has a completely different loot table than any other difficulty setting. Some items may only spawn in one or two places on the entire island. Not this helps, @sierra 117, but I just recently started a new Interloper game and found a set of high quality tools in the parked car on the broken bridge near the bear cave in Desolation Point. I know that's a damn long way to walk to check if you haven't been there already, but just wanted to give you a heads up. Just in case you haven't been there yet and you still need that tool set! can't repair anything without those pesky tools, right?
  17. for what it's worth, I did find a little spot behind the outdoor workbench nestled up against the huge snow pile where you can build a fire that is almost always out of the wind. If you jiggle with placement you can put two fires side by side and still get that wind sheltered benefit. Helps a lot when you got lots of fish to fry or whatever.
  18. piddy3825


    @past caring, Outstanding never the less! As to the hide, if you are going to stay in story mode for a while just playing as if you are in the sandbox, then I would suggest making a nice moose hide rug. Otherwise I don't think there is any other use for the hide. But as @Pinar5-06 mentions, you will find a completed moose satchel if you complete the forest talkers side quest. and thanks for the mention @Bimbobjoejr., I did post a pic of that most lucky one shot kill of a moose in share your screenshots, you can find it on page 166 of the thread.
  19. I got just the thing... talk about some scary sounds that might play on the radio, this actual sound byte just made the hair on my neck stand on end!
  20. piddy3825


    OUCH! Hinterland sure knows how to put the "gotcha" in this game! Here's a resounding Yay, for you though for bagging a moose!
  21. and the best irony of all, would be that it's an old polaroid camera with flash attachment that was used to take pictures of convicts being processed into the jail. but now when we find the camera it only works during an aurora!
  22. @Blizzard Walker Thanks for sharing your observations with us. I think the you've coined a new phrase, "the randomness in decay." The TLD universe does in deed operate in a fashion where the conventional wisdom about how things work just fly out the window. Items that we would expect to last for decades last only for a few uses. Items that would normally be preserved for thousands of years by the bitter cold climate don't last long at all. again, appreciate your feedback! happy gaming!