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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Of course this idea will never get an traction with the developers, but... I'd like to see an update to the stats and record keeping, for example besides just getting experience points in various activities, I'd like to know how many times for example I've repaired a particular item. I've been scrapping all the metal fixtures in the upper portion of the dam and whenever the hacksaw has degraded to 25% condition, I've repaired it back to 100% before continuing. Since it's the only hacksaw in my possession, I've been careful to keep it well maintained. So I'd like to know how many times it has been repaired. I've lost count at this point since it's taken me over a fortnight of playing irl and I still got quite a way to go. How about letting me know how many days I've worn a particular piece of clothing or home many times I've repaired that piece of clothing. Sure my sewing/mending keeps going up, but I'd really like to know how many days in a row I've worn that pair of jeans... they practically stand up on their own when I do take them off, lol. anyways, I'm a stats fan so I just wanna know. Who's with me on this?
  2. Ah, the lowly hacksaw... Overlooked by many, this handy versatile tool can do just about everything and then some, not only being able to cut up tree limbs, but also harvest the completely frozen carcasses of those animals that "got away." Combine those features with actually cutting metal and you've got a tool that can change the outcome of any survival run. Considering the relative abundance of scrap metal sources on the island needed to repair the hacksaw, it would take years before you'd run out of materials to repair the hacksaw. Long live the hacksaw!
  3. Oh noooo! You set the bar for what was possible and set in motion the chain of events that brought us to where we are today. I honestly woulda quit playing this game years ago had it not been for your discovery. If anything at all, you are Jedi Master, and I your humble padawan...
  4. Nice, I like your ramp! What a clever way to access the space! The loft looks like the perfect place to cure pelts and hides and also act as additional storage space. Remember back when the best we could do was to cure some hides on the wall using the curing in place glitch you discovered? Ah, those were the days... Looking how far the game has progressed and now we're playing with mods, makes me wonder what's coming next and when are we gonna get it?
  5. Outstanding! I think we'd all enjoy seeing some pics of your loft!
  6. Welcome to Ash Canyon, the one place where you can always find a book of matches when you encounter the Sitting Dead... Another nice little box of wooden matches conveniently laying near the corpse of this poor unfortunate chap. Alone half way up the mountainside, a mere rope climb from the entry way into the gold mine or a quick rappel to the canyon floor. Either place would have probably given this fellow a better chance for survival rather than just sitting down to die. I took his matches and turned out his pockets which yielded nothing. What a cold and lonely way to fade into the long dark...
  7. As the title asks, did I just discover a new glitch? New stalker mode game, Ash Canyon and I just entered the gold mine. I fired up a regular red flare and began walking down the tunnels and of course got my socks and boots wet crossing the semi frozen water pools as I made my way to the center chamber where I hoped to retrieve the technical backpack. Will was complaining about having cold wet feet so I decided to change boots as i had two pairs in my possession. I didn't drop the flare, just toggled my inventory as I hit the "I" key on my keyboard opening my inventory. I used the clothing UI and changed boots and when I closed the menu the flare was no longer in my hand, nor on the ground but never the less the interior tunnel was still being illuminated. I walked the rest of the way to the main chamber and when I picked up a lump of coal before heading to the backpack, suddenly the flare reappeared in my hand... Now this sorta thing has never happened to me before, so I'm curious if anyone one else in the community has experienced this? It was defintely interesting and kinda nice not having the glaring flare in front of my face for a while! Now I'm wondering if I can duplicate this phenomena perhaps using a lantern? Imagine being able to transit and entire length of a cave basically hands free...
  8. Yeah, what do you do once you've met all your basic needs? That's where a survivor has to become very creative with how they spend their time. Probably a big reason why Hinterland put Cabin Fever in the game, dontch'a think? I spend most of my days outside gathering and stacking firewood in preperation for those long days and nights when the blizzards are bound to force me to stay indoors. When inside and I've got the fire going, I boil water. Sure wish I could fill one of those bathtubs and take a hot bath. I don't think I've had a proper shower or bath since Astrid asked me to fly her ass out here...
  9. I love a good heartwarming story about animals and people. this is one such tale
  10. I just love it when I find a short clip from somebody's game that they posted on YouTube. Turns out this one is from one of our communities modders who has made a few outstanding mods that many of us are currently using. anyways, I got a kick outta this one...
  11. isn't the internet a wonderful thing? a quick google search and you've got thousands of possible gif's and memes
  12. all we ask is that you throw us a little bone every once in a while...
  13. I think you both missed the entire point... I'm here everyday too, but it ain't a party when I'm here by myself... not too much fun when it feels like your in a ghost town
  14. Word! I was on the forums a little while back and during a peak time on the weekend when you would expect lots of activity and there were only 24 people on the forums and I was the only actual member who was logged in. The other 23 were just nameless guests who could only read post but not comment or contribute. Pretty sad if you ask me...
  15. how you find it during the big freeze after the thaw... power restored....
  16. lemme guess, trailer at the cannery in Bleak Inlet an oasis amidst the chaos...
  17. if I am not mistaken, story mode updates will continue to be free per the commitment Hinterland has made to complete story mode in its entirety. With the separation of survival mode from story mode, you will end up purchasing "updates" to survival mode if you choose to participate in their DLC programming. The decision to separate the survival portion of the game from story mode portion means that greater emphasis can be made to complete story mode in a timely manner and to fix any irregularities without having to double down and duplicate those "fixes" in survival mode without any further compensation.
  18. apparently you haven't played story mode or you would have already encountered the rare albino stag.
  19. I'm pretty sure your wrong about that. more likely it is the broken lighthouse in Bleak Inlet considering you can see part of the sky thru the stairway.
  20. you forgot to mention there is also a mod for question #1 it's called "Ankle Support 5.0" and it pretty much fixes the shortcomings of the sprain mechanic. per the readme for the mod: Sprains in *The Long Dark* are based on slope. A common sprain risk is can be around 30%. The base game calculates certain factors to it, like sprinting or crouching, and when you are over-encumbered or exhausted. However, they added a total amount of 0.3% for over-encumbered or exhausted instead of the supposed 30%. So basically there is no penalty for being exhausted or over-encumbered a the moment. This mod fixes the problem with new configurable options in the mod settings. In addition to this and with the permission of [zeobviouslyfakeacc]( I added all the functionality of ankle support and made them also configurable. I.e. you can now add wrist protection and ankle protection to gloves or boots, respectively.