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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. yeah, I did too on voyager. seems to me this probably gonna be one of the "new" guarnteed spawn points for the bearskin bag. do you think that might be likely?
  2. yeah, Mukluks which used to one of the rare items in the game are now pretty common place. I've found no less than 3 pairs since I started playing.
  3. lol, with the insomina I feel like I'm walking around like a zombie during the day, you'd think a cup of coffee might help?
  4. speaking of bows, have you noticed how your bow now seems to be a bit more powerful? I'm constantly overshooting my targets now when I aim with a little arc like I used to. I'm kinda liking the added range to the weapon, but still struggling to get dialed back in.
  5. @Shadox I'd have to agree that I the items I do find are usually candy bars, chips and jerky. Well at least now I have some bows and arrows, so I'll be doing a little hunting to augment my supply of ketchup chips!
  6. lol, I think the dev team is chuckling about the player reactions to the new loot tables. Nothing is where it used to be and believe me, I've checked. upwards of 85% of the containers, cabinets and corpses are empty, so many that I've practically just quit looking into them as it seems it has become a colosal waste of time. I started playing voyager difficulty when the dlc dropped, where I randomly spawned into mountain town. Couldn't find a gun or a hatchet anywhere and believe me I've been looking. I managed to make my way to the airfield, looting and scooting the entire way there and have yet to find any firearms, but luckily I have managed now to find a couple of hatchets as well as a couple of bows and some arrows. So at least now I'm able to get a little payback. Fortunately there were no wolves in the area while I was stumbling about the new area exploring and looking for loot, however this has dramatically been corrected by one of the 4 update tweaks that have been issued since the dlc dropped. I'm not complaining, but I think I'd like it more if the items I do find would be found in areas more likely to contain those items. Like tools in tool boxes, food in kitchen cabinets, etc. you know what I mean?
  7. glimmer fog... seemingly innocuous until it starts messing with your brain chemistry. I've succumbed do this new condition twice now since arriving at the airfield and each time I was far, far away from the hangar. And yeah, waking up every couple of hours is maddening. The only time I got a good nights sleep was when I accidently got food poisoning eating a questionable can of sardines. At least the food poisoning recovery mechanic provided a good work around to my insomnia cause I slept 10 hours straight after popping a couple of anibiotics and drinking a liter of water. Now that I'm back in the hangar, I hope to utilize the bed in the basement! yeah, insomina is quite a pain in the butt...
  8. Sometimes I forget how truly beautiful this game is when I play...
  9. update, okay never mind... the wolf pack just showed to terrorize my continued efforts to explore the airfield! I guess I'm gonna get to make that coat a lot sooner than I thought, eh?
  10. lol, right? Especially when they are walking towards you. on the other hand, it really helps to make sure your screen or monitor is really clean! That way you can see the "brown" color better at a distance!
  11. what really woulda been cool is that since does are inherently smaller, that it would take 3 doe hides to make a pair of boots or a pair of pants!
  12. hmm, interesting. I launched the game I'm currently playing just as soon as the DLC unlocked. In my game, not only is there no wildlife in the new area except for rabbits, but I also have yet to find a single firearm. I got plenty of bullets though...
  13. Hey Admin, just curious but the new region seems completely empty of wildlife except for rabbits. Is this a glitch that should be reported or is this what y'all had in mind?
  14. Thanks for the reminder on how to use the hidden content veil. Not everyone knows how to use the spoiler mechanism to hide their content. Good stuff!
  15. Thanks for the heads up. I suspected that addressing these changes wasn't going to be a quick and easy fix. And again a big Thank You to the awesome talents of our dedicated community of mod content creators! as my granddaddy used to say - Anything good is worth waiting for...
  16. makes sense. been so long since I've explored a new region, I've forgotten how it worked...
  17. Just curious what everyone thinks about this? Don't want to ruin anyone's expectations by revealing images a month before y'all get to play.
  18. Found my first hatchet today in a tool box in the hangar! yay! still no firearms at all... and haven't seen a single whetstone yet either... But I did find a moldy fish, complete with mottled skin, just can't wait to cook it and probably get food poisoning! lol
  19. yesterday when I launched the first time, there was no option to spawn into the new regions. but I believe after the midday update, now a player is able too. perhaps the new areas are contingent on having at least crossed into the new are from Broken Railroad via the transition areas once before it's opened up as a selected spawn area, but I think, the update yesterday fixed that as it was probably a glitch. anyways, I just jumped back onto the game and now I have an option to launch directly in the area. go figure, eh?