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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Good question! I'm gonna presume that not all mods will be broken? Assuming Melonloader will still work, those mods needing attention will just show up in red? And since those aren't working and presumably need to be updated, should we just delete those all together?
  2. Chips and Beer! Nothing better than salty snacks and little hops inspired beverage to wash it down!
  3. “Tonight I will suck the marrow from your bones!” “I will dry them and work them most cunningly into instruments of music! Whenever I play upon them, your spirit will writhe in bodiless agony!” “You burn prettily,” the last words you hear when you encounter the Darkwalker.
  4. those were probably the result of being mauled by a bear and later being eaten by hangry wolves...
  5. Oh, you might be onto something there! a little risk involved when plunging a hole in the ice. Great Idea!
  6. I was just being facetious. However, I'd figure that there would have to be some sort of algorythm that would be associated with production. However, just because a player could now punch a hole thru the ice anywhere they wanted to, shouldn't necessarily mean that they would actually catch a fish, right?
  7. Welcome to Thompson's Market. What used to be a nice little convenience store is one again a thriving marketplace We now offer roadside dining Let's step inside and check out the place We've fully stocked the store in anticipation of your needs First thing you notice is we got beer! We got snacks and shovels Need a gun? check out our crates of guns for daily specials! got the munchies, try our heat and serve prepackaged meals. also see out 2 fer 1 special on ground coffee Spam, Spam, Spam... no green eggs or ham... For all your illumination needs Our homage to Stacy For all you mountaineering needs, climbing, hiking and camping supplies Need a nap? try our new rent a cot for the weary traveler How about a quick bite before you head out? Please return your empty bottles to the crates in the back. We're open round the clock, so please come check us out. We'll leave a light on for ya!
  8. Looking forward to seeing all the new sights, objects and whatnot with the upcoming release of the Far Territories. Curious if there are going to be any prepper's caches being introduced as well? Seems a shame if after all that effort we don't get another randomly spawning bunker or two. just a thought...
  9. outstanding! very creative way you've enclosed the walls and the rug as a door makes the space very homey! I'm gonna be sad when all my decorated bases in my games become meer memories...
  10. okay, you've really piqued my interest. Can we get the full tour please? I'd like to see more!
  11. Hauling coal into the firehouse using an old wheelbarrow wasn't exactly the kinda day the old fireman had planned for himself. Damn probies had left the coal tender uncovered out back and the result was a weeks worth of snow that had to be shoveled before he could even start shoveling coal into the old rickety wheelbarrow. "Damn useless sonsabitches!" Hank cursed aloud as he drew his scarf tighter across his face. He spied the burn barrel and thought to himself, might as well get that fired up and maybe I'll stay a little warmer while I do this grunt work. Grabbing some sticks and cardboard from the rubbish bin, Hank soon had a nice little blaze going. He dumped a couple of shovel fulls of coal into the fire and the flames seem to dance with joy, tendrils of flame shooting small sparks into the early morning sky. "At least there ain't no damned snowstorm." He said to himself and grinned. After some considerable effort shoveling snow and coal and seven subsequent round trips between the coal pile and firehouse, Hank had finally filled the coal hopper to the firehouse furnace. He rewound the mechanical timer, sprayed the coal pile with a little firestarter and tossed in the match. The match twirled end over end hitting the pile which instantly ignited with a solid whmpff ! He close the grate and smiled. Might as well make some lunch he thought to himself as he headed back outside to cover the coal pile. Stopping in the kitchen he took a couple of moose steaks outta the freezer and grabbed a can of peaches as well. He popped the grill on the burn barrel and placed the steaks over the fire. Using his pocket knife, he opened the can of peaches and set them near the fire where the radiate heat would soon warm the canned fruit. Soon the air was filled with delicious aroma of cooking meat... ...the cougar wrinkled it's nose to the delicate smell of roasting meat that wafted through the morning air. Lite snowflakes were beginning to fall softly fall as the lioness began following the scent into town. She moved with caution, favoring her injured paw resulting with her walking with a noticeable limp. The big cat knew she would not be able to put up much of fight in her weakened condition so she crept warily and slowly towards the delicous smell. Her mouth begain watering with anticipation as her belly audibly groweled with ravenous hunger. Each footstep she made brought her closer and closer to the rear of the firehouse. Stopping to observe from a safe distance, the lioness caught sight of the man as he emerged from the doorway. He approached the fire and there basking in its warmth, he removed his scarf, revealing his face! The lion's tail twiched with excitement and regognition as she suddenly sprang up from her crouch and leapted towards the man! Hank barely saw the motion from the corner of his eye before the cougar slammed into him knocking him to the ground. Immediately she was upon him nuzzeling, licking and mewling. Hank's feeling of terror began to subside when he realized the mountain lion meant him no harm. "Kiara? Is that you???" Hank asked astonishedly. The lioness continued to paw and lick his face, purring a deep deep purr of love and affection. Turns out Hank had saved this particular cougar from a poacher's trap many many years ago when she was a mere cub. He had named her Kiara after the lioness in the movie "The Lion King," one of his favorite movies that he had watched dozens of times with his favorite niece. 10 years ago, Hank had raised the orphaned cub with every intention of returning it to the wild before the bureaucrats had gotten involved. Kiara had been sent to the zoo after they determined she had become to dependent on humans and therefore could not be successfully returned to the wild. Hank had been truly devasted by their order when they came and took her away. Slowly climbing to his knees, Hank stood up petting the cougar. "I bet you're hungry" he said to big cat as he tossed her the freshly roasted meat.
  12. yeah, there are a good many elements still remaining in the old code that a player can access using the developer's console. the trick is knowing what the item was named in order to find it and then add it to your inventory. Items like hand held radios, bolt cutters and shovels can all be added to your inventory as well as fire axes and the the old green with white cross first aide kits from story mode. Heck you can even access a pumpkin pie, although it does disappear if and when you try to place it on a table or counter. I wish there was a comprehensive list that identified all these items but so far perusing the various wiki's has been frustrating in that regard.
  13. Treading my way lightly thru the muskeg with the wolf pack nipping at my heels, I found this frozen hunter. His rifle at his side was in terrible state of condition, practically worthless but his pockets held 3 pristine rounds of ammo which I gladly took from him, as well as a nicely cooked moose steak. I examined the scene trying to determine what happened and my best guess is that he broke thru the ice and was drenched in the freezing cold waters. He clearly made his way to this little isle where he was successfully able to get a much needed fire started. I suspect he might have survived but the the muskeg is an inhospitable place and most likely the weather changed for the worse and the high winds musta have blown his fire out subsequently freezing him to death. RIP Hunter...
  14. The more I explore HRV the more intrigued I become with the various scenes I encounter during my explorations there. I recently found this cave near a prominent water fall and as I entered the cave, I felt I was swept into some kinda murder mystery story written by Agatha Christie. Every picture tells a story don't it? The scene unfolds as I find a corpse near the entrance, a new flare firmly clutched in his dead hand and a bandage lying nearby his dead body. as my gaze sweeps into the cavern, my eyes rest on the carcass of a slain wolf. The wolves carcass appears to have been gnawed up and there is a knife stabbed squarely into the wolf's now lifeless body. What's the connection here? What do these clues mean? In the rear of the cave is more... In the rear of the cave I find a few lengths of gut and a wolf pelt curing near a burned out fire. I also find an unused flare and a wilderness cookbook as well as fuel for the fire. So what's the story here? Is this just a series of unfortunate events? I get the impression this a dinner that just went bad. Our recently deceased tracked the wounded wolf into the cave where it finally died. He prepared the fire and having gutted the carcass and removed the hide he continued to butcher the meat when he accidently cut himself with his own blade. Bleeding profusely he got up and hastily pulled the bandage from his pocket and suddenly dropping it on the floor where it bounced away. As it was dark and there wasn't enough light for him to see he fumbled about in the darkness before pulling out a flare from his pockets. However by that time he had lost enough blood and he passed out and died. What's your take on what happened here?
  15. Bivouacking at the mysterious signal fire in Hushed River Valley Home Sweet Home
  16. Thanks for the heads up! I just so happen to be in HRV so I'll be checking those areas for certain!
  17. lol, well he would have died either way then. Good to know that maybe I shouldn't be sleeping in that cave then either!
  18. Hushed River Valley Found a new lost soul today as I explored the upper mammoth falls area of Hushed River Valley. Looks like our friend fell asleep in front of his fire and as it went out, he never awoke from his deep sleep. He might have had a better chance if he would have only utililized the cave he was sitting outside of and made his fire deep in the rear of the natural shelter he seems to have been guarding. Upon closer examination of the interior, there was additional firewood inside as well a can of Summit soda. I of course recovered the two nearly perfect arrows and a decent bow, which ought to come in handy in this unhospitable area on Great Bear Island.
  19. lol, I was thinking that this was clearly evidence that somebody on the dev team had a good sense of humor!
  20. lol, another example of "hurry up and wait..."