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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Santa has been cleared for takeoff! Merry Christmas Survivors!
  2. Seems to me with the loot rebalance, finding a flare gun has become a lot more interesting not to mention abundant, at least from my perspective. I'm finding more flare gun shells than ever before and that's brought about a lot more usage for me as in pervious games, I'd be hoarding those shells as if my life depended on it! Of course I always check the old familiar places when I'm out scouring the island and often find just an empty case, but just the other day I was looting the summit at TWM a scene seem to unfold. The case was open, with a single shell remaining in the case. On the floor nearby a second shell lay on the floor. I scooted nearer the edge and as I glanced down, the ever familiar corpse lay below, but next to the body was also the flare gun. Scattered about nearby were three additional shells. As I turned out his pockets, I found two more shells, bringing me to a total of 7 shells. (his corpse was laden with loot to boot in case you were wondering) As I pondered my inventory, it suddenly struck me that this wasn't just some fortunate rng pairing of circumstances, but this scene must have been carefully staged because I suddenly conjured up this vision of the aftermath of the plane crashing where one of crew manages to miraculously survive in the tail section wreckage. He stumbles about, locating the flare gun case, pops it open, grabs the gun in one hand, with his other hand he stuffs a couple of shells in his pockets. He gathers a few more shells in his hand and as he steps to the edge intent on loading the distress pistol, the wreckage suddenly shifts and the crewman is knocked off balance falling to the damaged section below where he strikes his head and presumably dies. Well that's a least what I think happened. Who knows? Either way, the scene is telling a great story. Thanks Hinterland.
  3. odd yes, but it's kinda cool though. I figured maybe that's what it would look like if you had two ropes deployed?
  4. Today I learned that the guages in the parked aircraft in Forsaken Airfield work during the glimmer fog and from the sounds of it, the transponder beacons also work and are actively pinging away their location! I sure hope someone picks those beacons up on their radios and come rescue me...
  5. Will - all I need is a couple more batteries and some tin cans and I bet I can get this baby flying again...
  6. ahh well what you gonna do? Too bad though as it kinda breaks the immersive feel for the game to me. Like I said, I'd fully expect an old cabin to be drafty if there were noticeable holes in the walls, roof, like at the mountaineer's hut on TWM and especially if there were broken windows in the cabins. But not in a structure that is bascially 100% intact like Mindful Cabin and the one on Drift Island. Heck the wind even blows in sideways when the player is in the furthest most protected areas of a cave, not straight in from the open mouth of the cave but sideways thru the solid rock walls. ...just a tad bit disappointing...
  7. So, am camping out at Mindful Cabin, got a roaring fire going in the potbelly stove. my feel like temp is 69C and there's a raging blizzard going on outside. looking out the windows, (nice touch by the way Hinterland) the snow is blowing sideways across the screen and you can't see more than a few meters out the windows. anyways, the wind is also visibly blowing thru the interior of the cabin and the wind shield indicator is appearing on my screen. hmmm, okay I get that an old cabin might be a little drafty, but seeing the wind blow thru the cabin? ummm, is it just me or should that not be happening?
  8. My powers have now grown even greater than before. I've recently been able to levitate a sleeping bear right outta his den! ...don't know what is happening, but I think this glitter fog has something to do with it...
  9. well, that would be the quickest and easiest way for them to do it. I figured with tape worms, they could make it so you were constantly hungry and needed to eat all the time and missing any meals, the first thing you'd lose is your well fed benefit and a player couldn't get it back until he took the dewormer medicine. which by the way is only available from the Trader...
  10. yeah, I am looking forward to this new beast as well. If there isn't a new skin and clothing combo as well as new meat on the table, I'm gonna be royally disappointed! Better come up with a new cougar meat food ailment as well, tape worms perhaps?
  11. lol, I am really looking forward to what changes this base customization is going to bring us. I love my mods that provided qol improvements so I really am hoping that there are some serious improvments in this area of the game.
  12. Ever since I got bitten by that glowing wolf during a full moon as an aurora swept the island, my powers have been growing! Right now I can only manage a newspaper, but I feel I am getting stronger every day! Have you also developed supernatural powers? Post your Jedi powers pics here!
  13. actually 5 rock caches per region, just to clarify, unless that was changed also without anyone knowing?
  14. I've got dibs on the train depot. Hinterland did a marvelous job with this waypoint station. really admired that fireplace inside too
  15. I got nine pairs of wool socks and seven pairs of new work pants. yeah, it's crazy the amount of decent items I have in quadruples too. lots of clothes and no guns in my game...
  16. Gotta say this is one of the best reviews on this game that I've seen in a long long time. As I mentioned in my lengthy title, if I hadn't already been playing this game since the early release days, I'd be convinced on buying it today. lemme know your reaction on this?
  17. curious. what about key bindings? any option to assign or adjust settings in that regard? definitely worth putting a ticket into troubleshooting, if it might help solve this dilemma.
  18. I'm just hoping that the next time new content is released, that the many concerns of the playing community that have been brought up will have been recognized, validated and that the dev team will strive to communicate better with the player base. Not that much to ask, is it?