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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. I can always find a flare gun in the tram car at the bottom of Raven's Ravine, at the top of the stairs of the old lighthouse in Bleak Inlet and of course in the tail wreckage at the top of the summit on TimberWolf Mountain. I've always been able to locate these three in particular, but then I've also found one once somewhere in either Hushed River Valley or Ash Canyon. I don't recall which it was however. Now I'm curious if there is a flaregun in BlackRock as well? Maybe bringing the total flaregun spawning locations to 6? Are the afore mentioned three always guaranteed to spawn and others maybe not? Any help and clarification would be very much appreciated, particularly if you can help pinpoint location!
  2. lol, never woulda thought to check there... thanks for the heads up
  3. where? it just says thread locked by admin...
  4. Curious if any winners have been chosen?
  5. I love playing my game with mods and frankly I would not be surprised to see that somewhere down the line, modding will become split between two camps ie. free for play and fee based content. Thankfully for now we have a very dedicated and genuinely responsive modding community who thru their hard work and creativity have made this game even more enjoyable than ever before. So a very heartfelt thankful to these magnificent content creators!
  6. Oh yes, I am familiar with that film. I recall watching it a few years ago, rather exciting and definitely good entertainment!
  7. Just finished watching The Snow Walker on YouTube free movies. Based on the short story Walk Well, My Brother by Farley Mowat, the film is about a Canadian bush pilot whose life is changed through an encounter with a young Inuk woman and their challenge to survive the harsh conditions of the Northwest Territories following an aircraft crash. For a twenty year old movie, this film really felt familiar as I watched reminding me often of the similarities to our favorite game. Can honestly say I laughed and I cried at times too and recommend you give it watch. here's the link in case you wanna check it out -
  8. yeah, I kinda figured as much. I usually keep my average carry weight around 25 kilos anyway and typically only load up when I've been out hunting or gathering firewood. Other than that the only time I am really grossly over encumbered is when I've just finished looting the summit at TWM or when I'm carrying 12 cooking pots outta Milton!
  9. well now I am curious as to how the carry buffs are affected speed of movement if at all considering technical backpack adds 5 kilos of carry capacity as does the moose hide satchel and of course the well fed buff. I usually use all three of these buffs in combination giving me a total of 45 kilos of carry capacity and honestly at that level of encumberance don't notice any significant slowdown in movement speed. but anything over that does seem to affect my character rather quickly especially when ever I exceed 50kilos of carry weight.
  10. great shot. I can feel the panic of uncertainty starting to set in as you realize that the wolf is now interested in sharing your dinner
  11. The cat limped silently along the shadows of the tree line, stopping occasionally to lick it's wounded paw. Fortunately for the big feline, the shot had grazed the cougar's paw, but that wound reminded the big cat to be wary of the men who carried a boom stick. With the hunger growing inside, the animal desperately needed food as it hadn't eaten for many days since being released from it's captivity at the zoo. The keepers there knew that releasing the animals from their enclosures was probably not the best idea they ever had, but also knowing that the zoo had run out of food for the animals since the supply lines had been interrupted, the zoo staff had no choice but to free the animals to fend for themselves. Having traveled many miles over the frozen ice , now for the first time in many days, sniffing the air, the big feline detected the faintest odor of cooking meat. The cat's stomach began to growl with ravenous hunger as saliva began to drip from it's sharp incisors. Slowly, the cougar began to follow the scent that wafted on the breeze, straight into town...
  12. wow, that last statement by the admin team is just leaving me shaking my head...
  13. Burying the dead TLD style no one deserves to just be left like this I try to bring them a little dignity or maybe just turn them into storage...
  14. lol, actually even that would be welcome...
  15. lol, when the community members are better at informing the players than the company is... Thanks @Valuable Hunting Knife
  16. I suppose that could be done, however it is kinda difficult in that you kind of have to assemble each component of the mannequins without having a focal point as to where those items are being placed. Place anywhere is still never the less an outstanding mod and continues to provide me with hours of enjoyment playing the long game when it comes to staying interested.
  17. yes! yes you can! gotta love place anywhere mod. really improves on the games existing items handling mechanic.
  18. Illuminated Mountaineer's Hut Home Sweet Home Local Real Estate Agent
  19. doesn't mean you'd have to actually light the cigarette either
  20. I still have not complete this and it's the only thing left for me to do. Question: Is it necessary to map BlackRock now as well in order to obtain this achievement? As well as the Keeper's passes?
  21. he does get underfoot sometimes and that can be a little pain, but I do love that little bugger!
  22. ...meanwhile back in town... Hank woke early only to discover the fire had gone out in the boiler room of the firehouse. He could see the frost building up on the inside of the windows of the firehouse as the bitter cold began creeping in. He muttered curses under his breath as he roused himself from his warm bed and began dressing quickly. "I'm getting to old for this damn cold," he muttered to himself out loud. Taking his time, he shuffled down from the firehouse loft and made his way to the furnace in the boiler room. The self feeding coal bin was empty. Fortunately there was an ample supply of coal outside, but that meant going outside, and Hank wasn't too keen on spending the next few hours shoveling coal by hand into buckets in the freezing cold in order to refill the hopper. Normally he'd delegate this task to one of the probies but now there was no one manning the old station but himself. Resigned to his predicament, he grabbed a bucket and a shovel and headed outside.
  23. oh, the fox is just such a cutie! it's absolutely adorable the way he runs after you when you sprint away and he chases you to catch up. the best part is when he lays down near near the fireplace and places one paw over the other, clearly content and obviously enjoying the warmth! Oh, and yes, totally impervious to harm! You should definitely get him!