Easter Eggs & Trolly Developers


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What is a game without Easter Eggs, and Developers that Troll the Players. So to sum it up, what would be a cool easter egg or trollish way for the developer to screw with us? I will update this post as discussion continues. Developers, please do not announce when you put anything into the game pertaining to this specific thread. Not in any particular order.

Possible Easter Eggs:

  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch - C'mon this is a given. It's Canada we're talking about here. Get creative about it. Would be pretty cool to come across a cabin that was ransacked instead of burned down.
  • Zombie - A deep hole somewhere in the remote wilderness with an unkillable zombie at the bottom of it, and a sign that says Zombie Catching Hole - No Zombies Allowed.
  • Book(s) on Canadian Folklore - Be pretty cool to come across these, possible achievement for finding all of them?
  • Bottle of Canadian Whiskey

Possible Trollish Ideas:

  • Usuable Unloaded Shotgun - Where's the ammo? (Could be a nice decorative piece to put in home base, trappers cabin for instance)
  • Enraged Deer - Small chance that getting close to a deer will cause it to charge you and gore you with it's horns, could happen if shot at too
  • Bigfoot,  Sasquatch - You shoot a deer, it runs off and you follow the tracks. In the distance you see it fall over and bigfoot comes out of nowhere, grabs the carcass (with arrow(s)) and walks off with it.
  • Finding the Bottle of Canadian Whiskey, only to see that you can't reach it or it's empty.
  • Occasional Loud, Wet Fart when dealing with Food Poisoning; possibly followed by narrated acknowledgement of fart.
  • Compass - Give the people what they want, but make it go haywire due to the geomagnetic storm.
  • Spoons - Absolutely no use for them whatsoever, they just exist to Troll certain people, they know who they are.

Please discuss your thoughts and ideas.

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+1 for the Bigfoot !

Other idea for easter egg : - a frozen corpse named Bear Grills (" I survived !! I'm better that bear grills !!!")

                                           - an single wiskey bottle per sandbox

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do like Easter Eggs; the books especially sound cool. Maybe even some subtle references to other games/movies? Nothing too overt, just a nice little nod.

The trolls sound mostly good, but I can't in good conscience agree with the bigfoot stealing your kill one. After all, this is a survival game; if that happened at the wrong time, it could easily ruin days of gameplay, and for no good reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Baukster77 said:

That would be hilarious! :crosseye: But I have a feeling this idea won't make the game..

It probably won't make it's way into the game in the official release, but I am fairly certain that industrious future-modders are monitoring the wishlist forum very closely and at least one of those is cracking up at the idea as well ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Terribly sorry to necro the thread, but I just had a relevant idea that didn't warrant a thread on it's own, so please bear with me here:

Sugar-free soda. If there was a one-in-three chance that any soda you'd find would be a diet soda, things could potentionally get difficult. And it's not even that unrealistic: Diet soda is pretty ubiquitous nowadays. Imagine it: You're thirsty, starving and find a corpse on which you find a single soda - a diet soda.

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I like the idea of Easter Eggs, but please no Zombies or any other such things, not even as Easter Egg ... i am so glad, that TLD does not have any of them. Btw. in Coastal Highway there is a building which looks ransacked to me.

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wow, very nice!

Maybe there could be a challenge with bigfood. Someone once asked for a mechanic of dreaming and have a minigame. I can see a challenge where bigfood appears, but you only dream that :) So you don't come in conflict with the "real" world of TLD. The Trolls are a very nice idea!


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On 10/10/2016 at 11:17 PM, Mikeyd0577 said:

No on the zombies though.  I'm so sick of zombies that I could eat my own brains !!!

10-4 on that! 

I love the idea of bigfoot, but, I dunno, at the same time I'm not sure, the game has such a wonderful "this could really happen" feeling and stuff like that would spoil it

Now an NPC that is completely and utterly obsessed with finding bigfoot and constantly comes up with some piece of "evidence" would be entertaining... Every time you see him he has to show you some new little piece of fur he found or a grainy polaroid picture he took.


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9 hours ago, Rusty_Old_F250 said:

10-4 on that! 

I love the idea of bigfoot, but, I dunno, at the same time I'm not sure, the game has such a wonderful "this could really happen" feeling and stuff like that would spoil it

Now an NPC that is completely and utterly obsessed with finding bigfoot and constantly comes up with some piece of "evidence" would be entertaining... Every time you see him he has to show you some new little piece of fur he found or a grainy polaroid picture he took.


Good idea ... If this game was set in Himalaya, i would propose to add a Reinhold Messner look-alike, showing you photos of footprints of the Yeti. :D

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