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  1. Things that are still messed up but you played so much, you don't even consider it anymore I'll start Snoozing next to a corps.
  2. I’ve only recently started experimenting with the new TFTFT recipes, and have been wondering what others have found to be the best uses for them (I haven’t yet gotten all alternate recipes) I’ve seen some earlier discussions which were mostly about what people do not like about them - this time I’d like to focus on which ones and how you are using mostly. Some of my experiences: - since calories are a non-issue after the initial challenges, I decided to largely disregard whether they add o or reduce calories of ingredients. - As most ingredients are non-renewable, I think they are best used for their buffs, or other qualities for special situations - as opposed to replacing staples of cooked meat/fish. - broth I find to be a great way to carry some heatable, non-smelling liquid for colder areas - similar to teas -, where birch bark is not easily available. It only needs salt in addition to ptarmigans. One piece of salt giving a 100 portions make it seem ‘almost renewable’. - stews only need a little bit of flour in addition, to give the buff improved rest, without the more limited herbal teas, so I found it also helpful after losing a lot of condition. - oatmeal were handy as-is at the beginning, as easily made, and weigh little uncooked. others?
  3. Just to get the ideas started... (I've not had much time to think it over much, but I wanted to get the thread going anyway) So far, just picks based on what I've seen from them in their other various roles... not necessarily that they look "exactly" like the characters... but performers I would maybe like to see portraying the characters. Will Mackenzie: Carl Urban (I think he's good at expressing broken despair... as well as dogged perseverance) Astrid Greenwood: Cara Gee (I think she is good at both subtle vulnerability and determined -even stubborn- strength)
  4. If the game is ending next year, should hinterland make an offical workshop?
  5. Something I noticed is how quickly the Tip Ups can break, especially during a blizzard, which makes sense. Tip Ups look fairly crude, pretty much just three sticks tied together, which I like. Perhaps, as our character increases their fishing level, they begin to learn just how durable a Tip Up needs to be in order to hook a Bass or Salmon without loosing significant condition or breaking. My idea is simply to increase the base condition of Tip Ups with each level of fishing, maybe an additional 5% each level up for a total of 20% at max. It's not enough to make Tip Ups last for weeks, especially in harsh conditions, but it would reflect your character becoming more experienced with crafting them. Another idea I will credit to @Leeanda, is to attach more hooks to a Tip Up at higher levels, like 3 hooks at level 5. This bonus to condition should also only apply to Tip Ups made after you leveled up, Tip Ups that are already made/placed shouldn't suddenly have their condition increased. Maybe the model of the Tip Up could look more refined as you level up, but I'm also happy with the simplistic design we already have.
  6. Seemed interesting enough to try, sorry I’m not that good at writing . Torches & matches are allowed to see where I’m going, but no other fires at all for cooking or heat. D1: Stalker, MT spawn, wood lot at dusk. Head over to prison bus & find a flare gun with 1 shot, very noice. Doggos won’t let me through & I don’t wanna waste the shot, so let’s go to park office. Get 2x soda and some grub. We’re not going to ML just yet, so turn back and head back down, staying away doggos to go through the buildings for toilet water and any other loot. Beeline through the entire town, getting 8L toilet water, 10x sodas, 2 MREs, and a bunch of other food (inc. 3x crackers, salty death food). End day at Paradise Meadow, most buildings looted, good clothes, plus a revolver & 12 bullets. Yeah, he’s gonna be saying that a lot . Slept thirsty & hungry to save calories + water. D2: Wake up before dawn again, go to church for soda, sardines, & flare. Come back way overloaded and sleep some (eat dog food for little bit of recovery). Sleep with a soda to get some health back & go down to crash site. Take 20% cold damage breaking a crate for cargo pants before heading back. Pop a Go drink to outrun 72% hypo risk and find a cute bunny on the way back.Sleep with the sunrise, I’m a vampire! Gonna have to get FP to fix that.
  7. Throughout the history of The Long Dark, the UI have been updated a lot, going from this To this The difference is staggering, yet there's still a lot of room for improvement. Here are some of my suggestions for making TLD UI better. 1) First aid menu. Honestly, that part of the game only got worse as it was updated. Back in the days, we had a separate first aid tab, where one could only use the items, that would help to recover. Now you have to find the correct item in your inventory first and only then use it. Not only that, but you can waste your medical supplies by using them for wrong afflictions. Seriously, how can you even ATTEMPT curing food poisoning with a bandage? Do you just eat it? Well, you can't use it afterwards, so this is my headcanon now. The worst part is that players would only use the wrong item in two situations. It's either a misclick, or a misunderstanding of game's mechanics. Neither should be punished, in my opinion. The best way to fix this would be to add a "use" button to the status menu, and to make it so the players can't treat afflictions with items that won't help. 2) Crafting menu When I turn my mousewheel ONCE, the blueprints tab scrolls though a WHOLE PAGE. That's extremely disorienting. It would be better to change it so that a single turn of mousewheel would only scroll though a single recipe. Like this. Another way to improve the crafting menu is to add the "available recipes first" option This option would be especially useful for the new players, who don't yet know if they can craft anything from the materials they have. 3) Missions. Why can't I move it with my mouse wheel? 4) Start fire There are two problems with this part of UI. First, all the materials are sorted alphabetically, and not based on the success chance. Just... Why? Second, nobody cares about fire starting base chance. Sure it does matter, but no one needs to see their crit. chance as they aim. The same applies here, you can already see the chance of success, anyway. On the other hand, it SURE would be convenient to know the time it takes you to start a fire. Unfortunately, it's nowhere to be seen. I think, this menu would look way better like this. Well, those are all the UI-related problems I could think of. If anyone has something to add or disagree with, fell free to comment.
  8. I think we all know the basic of boiling water to make it drinkable but no one talk about the taste, everything can go so bad when doing it on a crappy camp fire like damaging your pot because you filled it too much on one go, having ashes going into it and all the clumsiness around the camp fire. I've made some and it tasted awful like the smell of the smoke, because some ashes made it in the pot but it's definitely drinkable. So guys, if you have some experience could you share it and give some tips ?
  9. With the recent September dev log, the end of the Long Dark has never felt so near to me, but with the potential end of major content updates in the next 2 years, I was curious how modders thought? Especially with the potential of mods being supported in the future, are you excited for major updates to stop if it means allowing easier development, and support of mods over the long term without major updates changing aspects of the games code, which may outdate mods. Additionally, since I honestly don't know much about modding, has the recent separation of story mode and survival made modding easier? Been getting really interested in modding, but I'm also really interested in what you all may have planned for the future! Anyway, hope everyone has a great week!
  10. Train a crow companion to help you map your location to you, level 1-5 just like any other skill, lower level less area you can map, and you can only use on a clear non windy day just like regular mapping
  11. You come across a tape player and one tape and there's a message, clues, creepy static, some stranger beckoning to you and as you follow the clues you find more tapes, having to focus on survival in the midst of a web of intrigue, Will you find the stranger that's recording the tapes? Or are you following mere ghosts that have long been dead?
  12. When Frontier cooking first was announced, I was REALLY excited about it. I still really like the concept, but, for my playstyle, it isn't really practical. Let me try to explain: The main reason for eating is for calories and to prevent starvation. I could cook a piece of meat, which is easily obtained from a variety of sources wherever I happen to be or gather numerous ingredients (which may not be readily available which forces me to carry them) to cook a complex meal. Given that choice, I'm going to opt for the quick, guaranteed meal. Yes, the complex recipes do have some temporary "buffs", but for the time and effort needed, it really isn't worth it to me. I think expanding on recipes to include more that combine items that were pre-existing in the game would provide a little more incentive for me. I've read numerous posts where players get pretty creative with their combinations, and sound delicious! Just off the cuff here, such recipes as: Salmon with sautéed Reishi Mushrooms or shredded Ptarmigan with Pork and Beans. I believe there needs to incentive for our survivalists to cook these recipes, otherwise we're right back to frying up a piece of bear meat on our campfire rock. I'd be interested to hear other's thoughts and their own experiences.
  13. I think it would be a really good idea if we were able to make jerky or dry/smoke meat so it would decay much much slower. Also i feel like the rate of decay is still way too fast considering below freezing tempetures. It'd also be neat if ocasionally we found food that was FROZEN, like it had to be warmed up or thawed out before you could even begin to cook it. Also why arnt snowballs a thing? I mean rocks work great for startling animals and stuff but they dont spawn everwhere. Obviously there should be drawbacks like you cant carry multiple of them and holding one makes your gloves get wet faster or increases your frostbite risk or something I really hope they add a sled into the game, i know their adding a travails thingy but wouldnt a sled make almost more sense? Imagine being able to zoom down steep hills in seconds, even if you cant ride them you could still pile stuff ontop Also does anyone find it strange there isnt a single hardware store or anything like a cafe or small resturant? I know its middle of nowhere island but i live in the middle of nowhere country and we still have a little place for locals to eat out at. And a sawmill! Theres a ton of logging but nowhere the logs would be processed, hope an additional area for it gets added to the far territories, we could even use it during the aurora to make stuff for crafting, like planks and arrow shafts, be a great way to keep using bows after you gather all the birtch saplings
  14. Just wondering if this is me or if this is systemic.. HItting J to bring up the Journal instead brings up a McClusterF&ck The Condition bar seems smaller While outside, wet clothes continue to freeze even while near a fire and protected from the wind Completely unable to use the RMB via the Radial at all--this includes placing objects from the Radial, or erasing Spray Paint markers Skillet does not appear in the Radial, so you either need to click on an active cook surface to place it, or drop it on the floor and RMB it I have yet to encounter a single Burdock or whatever those new birds are called, and have fully explored Broken Railroad, Mountain Town, Mystery Lake, and Pleasant Valley. Could be bad RNG though.
  15. Hello everyone! Bearimpaler101 here. I've recently been very inactive on the forums and I offer an apology. Me and my family went to Disney world in florida... I live in Canada and we drove... Anyway we were there for 3 weeks but I'm back now. So just if any of you were wondering where I was.
  16. I know this is jumping the gun, but are there any thoughts about future DLC for The Long Dark after TFTFT or is this a "once and done" (albeit, over many months) DLC and the only update similar to Cyberpunk 2077?
  17. Ever since Hinterland released the "Elegy" visual poem, I couldn't help but wonder the possibilities this IP would have in other mediums. Novels, comics, short films, and the like. If The Long Dark were to branch off into another medium of entertainment, what would you like to see it go into first? Are there any stories that you would like to see told in this universe?
  18. The vast majority of cairns that I have found in TLD are "Lost Cairns", with their stories "yet to be written". It would be nice if, with a bit of community input, we could flesh out these cairns. Like maybe a database of short quotes that players can add to after they die in a run, like Subnautica's Time Capsule mechanic? (In case it isn't obvious, I absolutely LOVE Subnautica's Time Capsules .)
  19. I'll be honest this is a very dumb suggestion, but the first time I got my hands on a skillet, I've thought about how effective it would be as a weapon. I mean, it's got a decent handle and weight behind it, so if you'd ever get into a wolf struggle and don't have anything ells, perhaps the good ol' skillet might be enough to stop the wolf from eating you for breakfast by serving it up a delicious cast iron sandwich. Or you could cook up the wolf a meal and become friends! Either way I just wanted to share something that has been in the back of my mind for a while.
  20. Challenges are very old code wise. They tend to have the most code debt and it shows when attempting to use mods with them (some are buggy others outright dont work). So it would be nice to bring them to survival mode. Most of them can be brought into survival with minimal changes. Challenges may need some form of explicit trigger. Each challenge trigger would be unique since each challenge is unique. Hopeless Rescue This would require only minimal changes, perhaps with adding a tracking property to the assigned flare gun so you are required to not only acquire that exact spawn of it but also use it. The trigger for this could be as simple as picking up that flare gun. The Hunted This would be the most difficult to bring to survival mode. Triggering it would be hard since it doesnt really have much in the way of backstory yet. The start (by being mauled by the old bear) would need to be entirely redone. Whiteout No real changes needed to make this work. Other than giving the nor'easter a proper duration. The trigger for this could just be a random chance, which the player would have the option to turn off. Nomad Even less is needed to make this work, since you only need to stay in the required locations for 3 days. This one wouldnt need a trigger Archivist This could be made even longer by requiring the player to get all the buffer memories, instead of just one per location. HL could also add more of them to more computers and more regions. This one wouldnt need a trigger As the Dead Sleep This is just about getting to 5 graves. Nothing much else to it. This one wouldnt need a trigger Escape the Darkwalker Adding this to survival mode would be hard, but could allow HL to add even more lore to it. The trigger for this could be some form of spawning ritual, potentially tied to the TFTFT story line in some manner. Basically spawning it or just simply attracting it to you in order to eventually permanently banish it. Would allow for the Darkwalker to be fully fleshed out
  21. when is the long dark based? It's somewhere in the 2000s it's hard to judge because there are laptops and computers. But also floppy discs and tapes. What do yout hink?
  22. Okay, dual part topic here: 1. Extra points to who knows what the subject refers to! 2. What things in TLD make you scratch your head and say, "How did this happen?" "Is this possible?", etc. My first one - How do freshwater fish wash up on the ice (beach-combing) in a seawater area (CH)?
  23. A community challenge inspired by @FaT McMarlin. Vanilla Stalker difficulty is preferred, but any difficulty (even custom settings) is legal, as long as animal spawns are no higher or lower than Stalker settings. The goal is to score as many points as you can in a single run in 30 game days. There is no “real life” time limit. Here’s how you score points: +1 point per bunny or ptarmigan shot with any weapon +2 points per bunny or ptarmigan killed The True Way (with rocks) +2 points per deer killed +5 points per wolf shot +10 points per wolf killed in a struggle (glory kill) +20 points per bear/moose killed -1 point each time a wolf kills a bunny that you could have (and didn’t) kill; -2 points for each deer, so don’t use bunnies and deer to protect yourself. -5 points for each time a bear or moose mauls you A few rules: If a bear/wolf/moose notices you, you must either shoot it or take your beating. Running away is disgraceful to the name of Doom! If you are mauled, there are no restrictions on weapons you may use. Y’know that beautiful, calm, relaxing in-game soundtrack? The thing so many love about this game? Pah! It is disgraceful to the name of Doom! Turn your music volume to 0 and listen to heavy metal instead!! Cosmetic mods or mods that don’t impact animals or weapons are allowed. +10 bonus points if you can find a Doom mod. I’ll be sharing my progress in this thread (as usual ) and I encourage others to do so as well, but it’s not mandatory.
  24. Hi everyone. Recently I've started playing red dead redemption 1. (I have the first disc for the second one but I don't know where the 2nd disc is.) And I noticed the revolver in the long dark is a double action. And I have used the foresters revolver and normal one. And they are both double action. But what about the wardens revolver and the hunters revolver? Isn't the hunters one supposed to be vintage? If anyone knows please tell me.