Similar game to TLD you folks might like

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25 minutes ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

At the end all you have is yourself, and your problems. All the adventures that distracted you from your problems only really made things worse.

image.jpeg.e8000ebdce3297624ec00b4ac5a6a09c.jpeg ;)

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On 4/30/2024 at 1:35 AM, bysinda said:


It caught my eye because it resembled TLD  a lot but it's summertime!

It's a short storytelling game, you play as a...idk, ranger? Firewatcher? And you stay in those red lookout towers just like in TLD! 

Very cozy and atmospheric. 

@BugReportEnthusiast @hozz1235



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5 hours ago, BugReportEnthusiast said:

sorry i don't go through all the replies in threads

usually i read the first 3-4 and then comment 

I know I know, no worries 


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  • 2 months later...

FRIGID  looks like a tough game... Very similar to tld ,    

Also if you like stranded deep ,then there's another game very similar called Project castaway...  

I've only watched them both but Definitely look interesting ,and challenging .

Edited by Leeanda
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On 4/23/2024 at 8:49 AM, ThePancakeLady said:

Since I just got back, I am catching up on threads and saw this one.

I have a game I suck at, but am really enjoying anyway. It's not really a survival game, but has survival elements to it in some ways.

City/colony builder, some customizations to the three difficulty settings, plus a Pacifist Mode hat removes the hostile wildlife and constant attacks by Raider camps. Similar to TLD- "easy" to learn, but hard to master (if you aren't using mods to give you God Mode or unlimited gold to buy everything instead of producing it in your town).

Farthest Frontier by Crate Entertainment.

I tried Banished and once upon a time I tried Settlement Survival, but neither really stuck with me and made me want to keep going back and trying again to see if I could do better. Farthest Frontier has been similar to The Long Dark for me- I really wasn't into survival games, let alone ones with permadeath- but TLD caught me and held. FF had the same effect for me- a genre I never really enjoyed before, but one game just grabbed me and held on.

(It's still in Early Access, so it's still changing and growing, also built in Unity, so it can have many of the same Unity quirks as TLD at times, but still- nearly 300 hours in for me, and I keep wanting to go back and keep playing.)

Check out Manor Lords if you haven't already- still early access but visually it's amazing and if they can add the features they appear to be planning it's going to be very special indeed.  Think it also has a pacifist mode.

I love FF, especially the early game getting your village established.

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  • Hinterland

It's not strictly *like* TLD (although the original games were a big inspiration for TLD), but I will always recommend STALKER, and if you have already played the originals (all three: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat), you should definitely download the Misery mod, which recreates and combines all three games and worlds into one big total conversion, with even more hardcore mechanics. The STALKER titles have always been a super interesting blend of FPS + RPG + Survival, and were way ahead of their time IMO for their genre-blending.

For me, these are still some of the most deeply atmospheric games ever made and I just love spending time in this world. Yes they are glitchy and the narrative/campaign structure tends to be quite unpolished, but the open world and dynamic "living world" AI systems are so compelling. Add to that the weather, time of day, the various factions, the anomalies, etc etc.

Needless to say I absolutely cannot wait for STALKER 2 in November. 

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  • Hinterland

Speaking of "survival RTS" games -- I played two recently that were decent to good:

* Floodlands (made by some ex-11 bit devs); post-ap flooded world. Manage resources, build communities, etc. while uncovering access to lost tech and knowledge, etc. Beautiful game, very well made. Some interesting faction dynamics as well.

* Surviving the Aftermath; pretty fun city builder with a decent metagame, although I found the latter half of the game unnecessarily grindy and the "campaign" felt a bit on the cheap side.

I did enjoy both these games, and they both scratch some of the post-ap survival itch, even though neither of them is what I would consider a survival game per se (they are just traditional RTSs wrapped up in post-ap settings).

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Fallout 4 has a survival mode with water/food/fatigue/illness management (as well as weight, inventory limits, no fast travel ...)

The thing is that saves are done by sleeping and some actions in Fallout really need quick save (like before building stuff in a settlement). Also, you can get stuck and without console command (unaccessible on survival) you can only quit and reload.

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  • 2 months later...

Reviving this thread...

I just started playing Survival: Fountain Of Youth (on Steam).

I am only 6.1 hours into the game, so still a newbie. I haven't interacted with the game's community on the forums, but reading threads and reviews/comments left on reviews makes me feel like it may not be the most helpful or friendly towards new players, though the dev(s?) seems okay so far. Not many guides on Steam or online to look at for help. A survival game that has similarities to TLD, but isn't *like* TLD. Shipwrecked, story is historical fiction about Ponce de León. You are a crew member on the Santiago, who survives the sinking of the ship and washes up on the shores of a small island. Now you have to survive and try to find your lost shipmates.

Needs meters- Health, hunger, hydration, energy. You start out not knowing how to do much of anything (play the tutorial!). Crafting and firestarting has baked in chance-of-injury %, and can be a bit harsh until you start to level up skills. The Skills trees- there is a huge list- a bit overwhelming to me, as is the crafting menu. Getting food and water is tough in early game, and your max carry weight 


even if you choose the leather backpack before jumping off the ship

is really limited. You'll be running back and forth picking things up and harvesting things, dumping them at your makeshift camp, and going back out to grab more. It does increase as you level up the Strength skill, but the increases feel a bit small so far. Like I can carry 2 more stones, thanks? (Stones are precious- you need a ton of them, and there aren't a lot of them to be found, at least in early game.) And if you hate the sounds the character makes when tired or overburdened in TLD- the sounds the character makes in S:FOY will irk you too. Like he has really bad constipation. All the time. 😑

The crafting recipes feel a bit nonsensical (what resources are used to craft certain items feels weird to me), you unlock new recipes as you craft things. And the order that you can craft certain basic survival items feels a bit off- certain basic items take forever to unlock, if you survive long enough to craft other more advanced items you needs to craft some seemingly basic items. I find the crafting menu to be really confusing and difficult to find the item you are looking to craft, and I find the HUD and UI a bit cluttered. Respawn timers for resources feel like they take forever, but are "realistic". The day/night cycle is fast, and per-use decay rates on tools and weapons goes fast too. 

I am still a bit unsure if I really like the game. It's okay, I guess? The amount of crafting and building is more similar to Subnautica, and I am not really into it right now. I feel like I am spending all of my time crafting when I would rather be exploring, hunting and gathering. Subnautica's crafting felt better to me, and I honestly prefer the simpler crafting in TLD (and the ability to get water from toilets and campfires in early game). Maybe once I get further in and am thriving instead of struggling to survive, and I am able to start building huge bases and decorating them- I might enjoy it more? The story is alright, and is told through documents and pictures you find and collect, and unskippable long cutscenes- but so far I like the story concept. Not bouncing off this game, but I don't feel like it is grabbing me like TLD has. But if you like survival games with a ton of crafting and building- it might be for you?

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