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9 hours ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Quite impressive but lemme just ask how did you get the bunnies and Astrid hard case As well as the emergency food and distress pistol kit on and the freakishly long bedrolls

Can't answer most of that myself but the way they got the case and other containers was likely due to the movable containers mod. Its very cool

The bunnies, no idea how they got there! 

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3 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

What does it do is it useful does it protect you from wolves?


No it can't protect you from wolves but it can hunt rabbits for you if you choose, and can carry certain items in its mouth. I generally don't use those features but they are there. 

It's a pretty cool mod

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2 hours ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

Ooh definitely but do you have to feed it?

Sorry for the late response but yes and no. 

No, you don't have to feed it, but you can do if you wanted, it's just a feature added for immersion. I recommend messaging @Digitalzombieif you have any questions about it as they are the one that who made said mod

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Lovely but cold cold day in Timberwolf, got a not-so-usual view of the peaks nearby and a nearly side-on view of the tail section.


Got lucky with where the two bears bled out... one in the cave in echo peak west and the other up by the waterfall. What are the odds?


Decided to make my way back into Black Rock Mountain, on my way up to the cave that leads there I grabbed this quick one of Echo Ravine.


Here's another one I took on the way up; you can just make out the hut if you squint.


Some time later, here I am at the substation in BRM. Grabbing a quick one of the early morning sun, clear and limpid but cold cold cold despite no wind to speak of.


Later on I'm getting ready to climb up the back way into the Pen, looking down the river towards the power dam.


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