What do you guys think about the trader?

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If it's an actual NPC dude that you talk to than I'm against it, although, I don't think they'd do that.  It would ruin the feeling of being the last man (or woman) alive.

I need some sort of an explanation though, and like, I don't really care for it.  I don't think I'll use it unless I find myself on day five-hundred-something with no way to start a fire.  Last resort, you know?

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My thoughts on Human NPCs in the Survival Sandbox over the years:


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I've never been in favor of the idea of "human NPCs" in the Survival Sandbox.  The idea of a Trader in survival, is one I don't really care for... I think it would very much undermine the Survival Sandbox experience as we know it today.  NPCs were a natural fit for Story Mode (of course), but I would argue that's where they belong.  I really don't like the idea of an NPC in the survival sandbox like those traders we would find in Fallout or 7 Days to Die...  If there is no way to disable the feature in the expansion, then I suppose I'd just avoid ever going to that location (or locations).    Frankly, I just really do not like this addition.  I much prefer the lonely desolation of the survival sandbox experience we have now, and my character's survival depends simply on my abilities to forage and manage what resources I and find/gather.  Having an NPC to just run up to and just "trade" for stuff... feels like it would just kind of ruin that for me.

On 10/8/2020 at 10:46 AM, ManicManiac said:

fundamentally I don't really like the idea of NPC's in survival mode.  I just think that the human NPC's belong in the Story Mode... and not in the Survival Sandbox.

On 11/17/2020 at 2:24 PM, ManicManiac said:

The reason I prefer the Survival Sandbox the way it is... is very simply that I think NPCs (this would include an animal companion, in my opinion) belong in the Wintermute Story Mode, or possibly in a Challenge Mode.
I like the lonely isolation of my Survival Sand box, and I think an NPC or animal companion would undermine that.

On 10/25/2023 at 3:51 PM, ManicManiac said:

or the Trader...
I predict that I'm not going to like it (as I am really not a fan of the idea of human NPCs in my survival sandbox)
I will give it a good honest shot when it arrives (just to see how it feels/impacts the gameplay for me)... but most likely it's something that I will ignore and pretend doesn't exist in my runs. :D 


Edited by ManicManiac
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I think it will be a boat tha pulls up from time to time on the coast somewhere, possibly giving you a headsup through the receiver or something. Gold might be a possible high tier trading currency with him, hence the new region (and possibly a new way to obtain gold (and coal?)). Pelts would make sense though for trading too.

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I would appreciate it as a way to obtain nonrenewable or rare resources, but it would have to be costly. As for the mechanism, you never see the guy. He's a prepper holed up in a bunker that never opens. Business is handled by talking through a vent in the hatch, and the trade is conducted by via a storage bin outside. As far as implementation that sounds the simplest since all the parts are already there, sans a hatch textured with a vent.

Basically the trades would happen on his terms, not yours. He's already comfortable, with a nice sealed bunker, food and supplies to last a couple years, and it's even shielded so he's got full working electronics. You need him more than he needs you. So once every few days or so you can knock on his bunker and if he's craving something particular, he'll tell you what he's after. Then he'll offer up a few choices of what he's willing ot offer in trade. You can accept or refuse. If you refuse, or accept and later return and cancel, you'll have to wait a few days for the next opportunity. Maybe as an alternative to a trade, you can ask if he'll repair some gear of yours, in which case he tells you what he wants as payment. Like leave him your rifle and 1kg of venison per % you want repaired, and the next day your repaired rifle is waiting for you. Bring him 30kg of venison, your rifle is 30% improved.

I think that approach will help prevent it from becoming a Wal-Mart to just stock up on whatever you happen to be in short supply of.

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I know it said I didn't have an opinion; but honestly, I would prefer a NPC to some sort of "trading mechanic" without one.  One NPC in the entire world is NOT going to affect my sense of being alone, regardless of whether he appears wherever I'm at on rare occasions or is tucked away in a static shop somewhere in the Far Territory.  Communicating with a remote "trading mechanic" or computer would be more "alien" to the game world, IMO, than another "lost soul" being encountered from time to time.

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Update after update i have changed a bit my thoughs about the trader, because i see the direction of the game and perhaps the trader makes sense for a lot of things.

The most notably it's offering non-renewable resources like the new cooking ingredients, but it can offer a lot of interesting stuff, we are still missing a lot of content of the dlc. And i think they are adding an NPC, even if this breaks the inmersion a bit (At least for the 5 minutes you interact with it).

Games evolve and sometimes offer unortodox content to give variety and new gameplay experiences, thats fine after all.

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