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Everything posted by deviro_verity

  1. If you are as desperate as me remember that everyday we are closer to news, TF Pt. 5 and WM Ep. 5.
  2. New "tld_r" and "tld_f" branches on SteamDB 👀 Can only guess what they are meant for, but in the past "tld_a" was a release candidate branch I think (updated last time just around v2.27 in Jan).
  3. Yeah, really hoping we get more info this month, it would track with previous years. Strangely the SteamDB builds of TLD haven't been updated in 8 days, when they get updated multiple times a day (excluding the weekends).
  4. This is one of the best pieces of feedback I've seen. Can't agree more with the Travois and GF suggestions.
  5. Thank you for the amazing year of content! (The tweet said this included a teaser for TFTFT Pt 5 btw 🧐)
  6. This conversation really reminds me of Tales P1 not being in Interloper, I feel very similar with scurvy. They are different in that one was about loot balancing/the team being under pressure and not having enough time to test it for Interloper and scurvy seems more about not wanting to ruin people's saves. I personally want all the challenges Hinterland can throw at me - it would've been great if the scurvy mechanic started on any existing save just the way cabin fever is on new interloper saves (I saw others suggest this). I'm also one of those 1 save Andys and I'm not starting a new run for a new affliction, I would rather enable it with a mod. I hope the team changes their mind on this, as dealing with scurvy doesn't seem that hard to deal with anyways (and it makes fishing more useful as opposed to just hunting every living creature in sight that has four legs). Apart from that dissapointment the new region is great. It gave me some strong STALKER vibes, which Raph mentioned in the update video. The new underground mine is unlike anywhere in Great Bear, it's vast and confusing, as it should be. I went there with my 1100 day loper run, blind, and had some of the most fun ever in my 1000+ hours overall within TLD. I was very surprised when the toxic wolves didn't have any meat in them, but it's immidietaly obvious how slim and starved they look. You can't mistake their appearance for normal wolves. Got in a few struggles througout my 20 hours of ZOC exploration but never got fully poisoned, not from the pollution either. Which was also a lot of fun to navigate in and around. Kind a wish some of it was some underground as well + a wolf thrown somewhere down there (just to enchanche the already very creepy and desolate atmosphere). The tale was also very interesting, with some character closures and nice enviroments. Did not expect the time skip (iykyk). The unique tale reward is useful for a packrat like me, so that was nice to see, curious what will be the last one. I can dissagree with a lot of what Raph may say here or on Twitter but the work he puts in in steering the Hinterland and TLD ship simoultaneously, I can never say he is not trying hard enough. I bought this game precisely for things like ZOC. And it's been crafted with such love and consideration, the team's continued passion is amazing to see. Thank you for everything Hinterland, looking forward to the rest of the updates.
  7. At this point I'm expecting the update to drop later this week. Definitely not tomorrow.
  8. I know this is a topic about music we WANT to listen to while playing TLD but sometime ago when I was listening to BOCs Geogaddi album for the first time, this song came up and it scared the crap out of me when I was exploring a cave, it's mostly the beginning that had an effect on me:
  9. When you put it like that, fair enough. For some reason in my head the big features and regions are the standouts. We have already gotten more than what was promised with each part, so I shouldn't complain.
  10. Looking really good! It's nice to see some more difficulty brought into the game. The new region gives me STALKER vibes like no other, very excited for that. While the wait has been long for Part 4, the content also seems plentiful. The question is is there enough left from the roadmap for two more parts? I'm not opposed to ending it at part 5 if that will satisfy the roadmap's promises. With the flask and first person harvesting animations in part 4 as well, there's not that much left.
  11. I think it will be a boat tha pulls up from time to time on the coast somewhere, possibly giving you a headsup through the receiver or something. Gold might be a possible high tier trading currency with him, hence the new region (and possibly a new way to obtain gold (and coal?)). Pelts would make sense though for trading too.
  12. I expect this to be adressed in some form in the upcomming devblog (but they don't have to really).
  13. Is that boat in the last picture new? I can't recall ever seeing it. And which region was that screenshot taken from? I think its overlooking the waterfront cottages next to commuter's lament in CH.
  14. I would love if animals free roamed. It has lots of caveats though. It would increase the difficulty of the game by a lot, which is something HL doesn't want I believe. The game has gradually become easier over the years anyway (with the addition of new mechanics (gunsmithing for example) and regions)). In a long enough time scale deer and rabbits would start becoming rarer because they would get eaten by the predators. Which means maps would feel lonelier than it is right now (which I'm personally not that opposed by it). Balancing this whole ordeal of spawning enough rabbits and deer to offset them getting killed by wolves or decreasing the amount of wolves is very very delicate and downright subjective. A lot of people might even believe that has ruined their experience. Roaming animals is fine, but less of this or that animal would break the game. My suggestion would be to gradually change the animal roaming/spawning areas that are currently in game. HL could designate a certain % of a region as roamable terrain by animals. Then divide it in whatever chunks they want for this and that group of deer, wolves, rabbits, moose and then spawn the animals. These areas would gradually shift around. It would be a difficult sliding puzzle to solve for each region, but the illusion of migration and soft-roaming would be there. It would be cool if we saw it in real time as well. One morning you come out of your cabin and see 4 deer move out from the spot they were at for 30 days and wolves move in and take that spot behind them after a few minutes. The current system doesn't make any sense and stands out as too ambiguous (the way gathering wood through a menu was) in a game that is so systems driven (the weather for example). Definitely looking forward to the animal balance update whenever that is, which will shake things up for experienced interloper players like me.
  15. I'm at 500 days now, normal Stalker. Main base is the Quonset Garage. I do the usual routine of saving calories by eating before sleep. The last 50 days or so I started saving on water as well. I basically skip the days in the car, behind the garage for anti cabin fever. As you can tell, I didn't even explore the world that much. Never stepped a foot in BI, TWM or HRV. Probably about 350-400 days were me skipping the days that car. Rest is killing the deer that respawns up the hill or the bear that roams around once a few days once I'm low on food. Not the best main base, but it's roomy inside to lay down the bounties. Still have hundreds of matches and 170 bullets. Haven't used the magnyfing glass or the bow. Got bored and stopped playing.