


19 members have voted

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I do not like the current Timberwolf mechanic. From a cost/return approach, fighting a pack does not pay off. And the persistant morale-meter (for instance when You retreat to the BI lookout tower into safety)  is just annoying with the constant noise.

I would like to see normal wolfs or packs roaming more freely around the maps. 

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I would like to see normal wolves in Bleak Inlet (at least, the last time I was there, it was only the T-wolves spawning).  That way, anyone who wants to play without T-Wolves could them off in the custom menu without totally eliminating all the wolves in Bleak Inlet.  Alternatively, turning off the T-Wolves in the custom menu should, in effect, convert all T-Wolf spawns to normal wolves rather than stopping the spawns altogether.  (I'm basing this on an experience I had a few years ago when I did turn off T-Wolves and found Bleak Inlet completely devoid of any wolves on that run.)

I do this the mechanic for them also needs some refining/rethinking; but I'm sure that will probably come in some later update.  Other than that, I really don't mind that they only spawn in the two zones so far.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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37 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I would like to see normal wolves in Bleak Inlet (at least, the last time I was there, it was only the T-wolves spawning).  That way, anyone who wants to play without T-Wolves could them off in the custom menu without totally eliminating all the wolves in Bleak Inlet.  Alternatively, turning off the T-Wolves in the custom menu should, in effect, convert all T-Wolf spawns to normal wolves rather than stopping the spawns altogether.  (I'm basing this on an experience I had a few years ago when I did turn off T-Wolves and found Bleak Inlet completely devoid of any wolves on that run.)

I do this the mechanic for them also needs some refining/rethinking; but I'm sure that will probably come in some later update.  Other than that, I really don't mind that they only spawn in the two zones so far.

It's not just your save, both me and my son have turned them off on runs and found bleak to be too quiet..      some places I think do need more wolves,and a mix of both might help.. especially the larger areas like pv and forsaken....

By mechanics do you mean the noise as @mfuegemann mentioned?    I have to agree that it's very annoying at times, especially during the aurora. 



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3 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

They are a nuisance for those of us with Passive Wildlife Off.

I get that.. I'm not just saying I'd like them more spread out because I play passive.. Ive played stalker and loper ,and custom with them on.. I'd just find it more ...interesting I suppose is the word....     I did like them in story too but I'm sure they acted a little differently to how they are on survival ..I haven't played it for some time but don't they tend to be less erratic ?

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3 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

They are a nuisance for those of us with Passive Wildlife Off.

I agree.  I would turn their spawns off in custom except that it makes Bleak Inlet totally devoid of wolves and even Blackrock gets just too quiet.  If turning off T-Wolf spawns instead converted those spawns to regular wolf spawns, I think it would be a great alternative for people who don't play a passive game and would like some wolf action in all zones, but don't like the T-Wolf mechanic.

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I do like that getting to the milling machine requires some extra tough challenge to be solved - I find it to be a well-thought-through balance.
Even though I lost my character in BI more often than anywhere else:)
Having them everywhere...? I'm gonna go with a NO.
Maybe because I'm playing stalker which is already so full of wolves - do not need any more, thanks.

Forsaken Airport is perfect as is. It has been very carefully composed to have a map where the weather and geography is the biggest challenge.
I do like that for a change. There are also wolves and bears, and while not in every cranny, they are in fact at the junctions, where you'd like to cross, in the numbers that are corresponding to the value of the area.

For custom players, who turn them off, exchanging them to normal wolves sounds like a reasonable alternative - BI without any wolves seems very weird.
But for standard difficulties I would not change it.

(in the voting above, it was not quite clear what the difference between the Yes, and "keep as is" was. if Yes meant to spread them everywhere, then I'd change my vote to "keep as is")

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3 minutes ago, AdamvR said:

I do like that getting to the milling machine requires some extra tough challenge to be solved - I find it to be a well-thought-through balance.
Even though I lost my character in BI more often than anywhere else:)
Having them everywhere...? I'm gonna go with a NO.
Maybe because I'm playing stalker which is already so full of wolves - do not need any more, thanks.

Forsaken Airport is perfect as is. It has been very carefully composed to have a map where the weather and geography is the biggest challenge.
I do like that for a change. There are also wolves and bears, and while not in every cranny, they are in fact at the junctions, where you'd like to cross, in the numbers that are corresponding to the value of the area.

For custom players, who turn them off, exchanging them to normal wolves sounds like a reasonable alternative - BI without any wolves seems very weird.
But for standard difficulties I would not change it.

(in the voting above, it was not quite clear what the difference between the Yes, and "keep as is" was. if Yes meant to spread them everywhere, then I'd change my vote to "keep as is")

Apologies for that.. yes I meant  have them everywhere...   

I was having serious issues getting the poll to work at all lol.. 😁

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Personally, I love the Timberwolves.

As for them spreading to the rest of Great Bear Island... I've always kind of hoped they would work like the Moose.
Specifically, I mean one Timberwolf Pack would "migrate" pseudo-randomly between potential spawn points across all the regions. 
The dense population in Bleak Inlet... I'd be good with that staying as it is (after all Bleak Inlet also already has its own dedicated guaranteed moose spawn separate from the one that roams the rest of Great Bear Island).

If they don't ever give the Timberwolves this feature... then I do hope the Cougar will at least.
Because the moose spawn patterns are (were in case they have changed recently) great.


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2 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:


Personally, I love the Timberwolves.

As for them spreading to the rest of Great Bear Island... I've always kind of hoped they would work like the Moose.
Specifically, I mean one Timberwolf Pack would "migrate" pseudo-randomly between potential spawn points across all the regions. 
The dense population in Bleak Inlet... I'd be good with that staying as it is (after all Bleak Inlet also already has its own dedicated guaranteed moose spawn separate from the one that roams the rest of Great Bear Island).

If they don't ever give the Timberwolves this feature... then I do hope the Cougar will at least.
Because the moose spawn patterns are (were in case they have changed recently) great.


Seems we're in the minority😁

I could see that working well.. there are some areas on maps that are very empty.. 

I could also see the cougar working well too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't mind timberwolves so much... IF there seemed to be a real point to them other than to make it harder to survive... give us a different look for the pelts, give better buffs for the pelts. These are timberwolves who are highly successful in their pursuits of prey due to working together... Their coats should have special properties...

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11 minutes ago, Ape88 said:

I wouldn't mind timberwolves so much... IF there seemed to be a real point to them other than to make it harder to survive... give us a different look for the pelts, give better buffs for the pelts. These are timberwolves who are highly successful in their pursuits of prey due to working together... Their coats should have special properties...

Agreed.. I'd love to use their pelts as they are,and not look like the regular ones.. maybe have the coat be warmer too.

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Just now, rush247 said:

Option 4:  After your first encounter they will follow you out of the area so to speak.  Say every 5 days you'll run into a pack no matter where you are.

That's an interesting idea..   might take a bit of work for the devs though?


31 minutes ago, mfuegemann said:

Yes, this would make a difference and maybe also be an incentive to visit BI or Blackrock from time to time.

Definitely one for lopers or those who don't use the guns.

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1 hour ago, Mistral said:

All of the maps should have mixed populations of regular wolves and Timberwolves.

With a proviso - I don't think T-Wolves should be introduced at all into the 2 noted "beginner" zones of Mystery Lake and Mountain Town.  I'd still like to preserve some parity between Wintermute and Survival; and T-wolves don't appear in the story until Ep. 3 with Astrid in Pleasant Valley.

I'm OK with them staying as they are and with the toxic wolves only being found in the new toxic zone.  GBI has different ecosystems and I'm OK with that, but I could live with them being introduced to more zones than two.  The only thing I don't like is that turning T-wolves off in the custom menu does not replace them with regular wolves, but rather just causes wolves to become 1) non-existent in Bleak Inlet; and 2) Extremely rare in Blackrock.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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