Unhappy Camper


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As a general rule... after shooting a bear and beginning the bleed-out process, check your journal every hour or so as you track it to determine when the bear dies.  Once it is dead, try to get to the carcass quickly to avoid the meat decaying to 0% (at which point you can no  longer harvest the carcass).

Another tip, don't destroy any cloth bedrolls you find... you can take some of the wear and tear off your bear bedroll by storing it and using a cloth one until you get  a hide to repair it... or you can harvest that bear bedroll and remake it using the same hide you get back (just takes a lot more time than a repair).

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34 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

Sounds like what he's describing is not a decay issue?  I have also had numerous instances where this happens, @Bloodskye.  Very frustrating.

I have heard of that issue... am very surprised though that I have not, as yet, encountered it when it comes to harvesting carcasses.  Closest I have come is probably my signal issue I described on my thread where I got to the signal source point but had could find no hit box until I returned during a subsequent aurora.

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Be sure folks are creating trouble tickets too... it's the best way to make sure the team is aware of the issue.  They can then investigate and troubleshoot; sometimes they need saves to analyze and additional snapshots from us... and a ticket is the best way to facilitate that.



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1 hour ago, ManicManiac said:

Be sure folks are creating trouble tickets too... it's the best way to make sure the team is aware of the issue.  They can then investigate and troubleshoot; sometimes they need saves to analyze and additional snapshots from us... and a ticket is the best way to facilitate that.



One thing that would make it easier to provide snapshots and videos to HL is if they added a means to make a trouble ticket directly.  As it is, I have to take my screenshots/captures into my One Drive account, then download them from there onto my PC, and then make the ticket from there.  If anyone on Xbox knows of an easier way currently, it would be appreciated as well.  (Half the time my one drive doesn't want to sync as well... don't know why).

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Yeah the issue wasn't decay, but rather harvesting it at all. I knew something was weird when the bear began to flee and there was no tracks or blood anywhere, even where it got shot. I always aim for the head so I definitely hit it. I saw the blood and it vanished. The next morning when I found the bear I just had no option to harvest it. 

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13 minutes ago, Bloodskye said:

Yeah the issue wasn't decay, but rather harvesting it at all. I knew something was weird when the bear began to flee and there was no tracks or blood anywhere, even where it got shot. I always aim for the head so I definitely hit it. I saw the blood and it vanished. The next morning when I found the bear I just had no option to harvest it. 

Are you absolutely sure you were in range?  No blood at the scene generally means you didn't even wound the bear.  Are you sure you were trying to harvest a sleeping bear?

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I encountered this non clickable carcasses two times now. Once a bear and two times snarred rabbits. Lucky me, it was fixed by entering some building and exiting it. 

In case of bear carcass, I noticed, that I was able to walk through it. So while crouching I was looking at the world through dead bear eyes.

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14 minutes ago, Bloodskye said:

@UpUpAway95when I initially hit it, the blood was there but then it vanished when it ran away. And I'm no scientist lol but I don't think a bear sleeps with his eyes open and won't attack me while it's laying next to the coastal highway.

No worries... just asking.  It's not a bug I've experienced yet; but it doesn't mean it's not happening.  Carcass hit boxes for me at least are always appearing, although a few times I've had to move my cursor around a bit to get them to show up (i.e. they haven't always been center on th carcass).  I think @Leeanda also said she had a moose where the hit box didn't appear right away, but appeared a day or so later when the meat was almost ruined.

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13 minutes ago, acada said:

I encountered this non clickable carcasses two times now. Once a bear and two times snarred rabbits. Lucky me, it was fixed by entering some building and exiting it. 

In case of bear carcass, I noticed, that I was able to walk through it. So while crouching I was looking at the world through dead bear eyes.

Another thought as to why it might not be happening to me is that I tend to play in very short sessions (because of my old, tired eyes) and quit out of the game frequently (almost with every sleep save or other save I can get).  Perhaps it's a performance issue similar then to my "delay spawn" of a bedroll in Freewater Cave.

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Not sure of it. I usually wait outside for animal to bleed. So I shot the bear, hid in the car and waited. Not sure if I red a book or rested in the car. Then I got out and found the bear carcass all not responsive.

For the rabbits I understand that snarred rabbits does not exists on the map untill you go to the map from the building. So it is again you on the map and rabit carcass spawning on the map.

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I posted about this issue a looong time ago here...might have been one of my first posts and what caused me to register for this forum!

I was in PV at the farmhouse, clear day, pop out to see what's up. See a bear over near the car. One shot him with the regular rifle (all that existed then). Stoked, walk up to him and...cannot interact with the carcass!  Super upset because it was my first one shot kill, I wanted that fur, and I needed that meat! Have killed 30+ bears since and not had it happen again.

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Update: I went to Bleak Inlet to make some ammo to put up my gunsmithing and I weirdly missed the bearskin bedroll sitting in Pensive Lookout (I always go to the upper part first to grab a deer as there's not much food in the lower part). Not bad at 85% too!

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On 4/21/2023 at 2:07 PM, acada said:

In case of bear carcass, I noticed, that I was able to walk through it. So while crouching I was looking at the world through dead bear eyes.

Yup, this.  This is also a symptom of this issue.  We can see the bear, but the game doesn't acknowledge it exists.

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I do have another occurence. Little bit different. Black Rock Prison. I was surrounded by timberwolfes. One came from behind a ridge. I had my revolver ready. So I shot him from point blank and he dropped right about 1m from me. But I was not able to interact with the carcass. So I went to the inside of the substation because night was comming. Next morning the carcass was gone. Found second carcass from the pack nearby. But I got no meat from it either. It was in mid of the road but I was not able to interact with it. The amount of meat I did not get is piling.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I was JUST dealing with this issue and was browsing the forums to look for an answer. I didn't find one, so i went back to my game. Got mad at the bear carcass and threw a lit torch at it. The torch boucned off. I looked and the carcass was suddenly harvestable. I don't know if the game checked for a collision of the torch of the carcass and that did something that brought it back? I've had this issue a few times, I'll have to try this again next time to see if it works again.

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Thank you for the comments, and to those of you who have filed tickets. We continue to investigate, but please don't hesitate to reach out with new information if you encounter additional issues. 

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I had this issue to day with the bear and a wolf in bleak.  I could walk through the bear too.  I had to use the torch method both times on the bear but the wolf only once.  

I did try dropping a stick on the bear but it didn't work.

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I had a bit of an oddity today after I had this issue... Once the bear had been completely harvested and I moved the meat to a better place I went back for the hide to find the flare shell hovering where the bear had been. I took it and found that it registered as an intact one.

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