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An old style film camera, with a flash that can charge during the aurora (and possibly scare off wolves).  Limited film availability (could also have different types that correspond or expand on the filters we already have), and you have to develop the film at a dedicated dark room only found in one location (local newspaper office or police station?).  Photos can be titled on the back.  Thoughts?!

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59 minutes ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

Ummm - nah. In a real survival situation you don’t develop photos in a dark room.  I want scraps of meat and fat, not a scrapbook. Any solvents and photo materials would be used for fuel, not nostalgia.
  Survival game, not camping game. 

I respectfully disagree. Once you're 100+ days into your survival, and you have food, shelter, tools, etc. then it can become about "what's next." Like Mandel says, Survival is insufficient. I think a photo album would give us something else awesome to do. Would be great if photos we've developed can show up on the map we've drawn as well.

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yeah, if you're gonna find a camera, it's bound to be a Polaroid!  Self developing film and all.   Seems we are already finding polaroid pics in the game, might as well find a camera with a couple of packs of film in some dead hiker's backpack.  

Just think of all the selfies you could be taking with your furry friends watching you in the background...

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4 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

yeah, if you're gonna find a camera, it's bound to be a Polaroid!  Self developing film and all.   Seems we are already finding polaroid pics in the game, might as well find a camera with a couple of packs of film in some dead hiker's backpack.  

Just think of all the selfies you could be taking with your furry friends watching you in the background...

Like a certain Mr Teddy? That's a creepy thought😁

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23 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

yeah, if you're gonna find a camera, it's bound to be a Polaroid!  Self developing film and all. 

The electrical part would be tricky though to keep with the "no electricity" narrative. Unless they only work during an Aurora. Or a picture taken during the day (manual shutter) that the camera won't actually eject that picture until the next Aurora. But during an Aurora you're free to use up the whole cartridge if you want.

Or as an extreme, have each cartridge be a single-use item. Take the picture, have to smash the cartridge to get it out thereby ruining the rest.

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53 minutes ago, DPHG said:

I respectfully disagree.

i agree to disagree, i would love to see that kind of thing. it makes a new objective in the game that the player can choose to follow or not, and it dosent destroy at all the lore or tld; having to walk long distances and working hard to get what you want, even if it is unecessairy, often at the cost of your life

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@ajb1978 I hadn't taken into consideration that the camera used batteries.   But now in all seriousness, I would definitely like to see it added into the game!

My grandma had a polaroid camera back in the 70's and I always wondered how they worked since there was no place in the camera to put batteries, until my uncle
pointed out that the battery was built into the film pack itself.  Crazy to think, that kinda set up was cutting edge technology 50 years ago.  Anyways, it would make 
absolute sense that the camera wouldn't work unless there was an active aurora event, therefore taking a selfie with a glowing wolf/bear in the background would be all 
the rage.  Just imagine how many new pics we'd see on the Post Your Screenshot page!  


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1 minute ago, piddy3825 said:

absolute sense that the camera wouldn't work unless there was an active aurora event

In real life, Batteries arent affected by EMP's if im not wrong. that means that even if computer, power plants etc dosent work in the long dark, in theory anything that work exclusively out of batteries should work.

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28 minutes ago, oplli said:

In real life, Batteries arent affected by EMP's if im not wrong. that means that even if computer, power plants etc dosent work in the long dark, in theory anything that work exclusively out of batteries should work.

Yes, indeed!  You are absolutely correct that batteries are unaffected by EMP in real life.  Please don't confuse context with ignorance.  
According to the laws governing the TLD game universe, items like the flashlight and the laptop computers don't work without being actively energized by an active aurora event.  In that context, a battery powered camera would not work either or did you miss the part where I noted in my reply to ajb1978
" uncle pointed out that the battery was built into the film pack itself."    I would think that statement should be easy to understand that I acknowledged that
a polaroid camera needs batteries to operate. And that it wouldn't function unless there was an aurora.  Especially in the TLD universe...

So what are you trying to tell me exactly?

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6 minutes ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

Batteries are not affected by EMPs. Electronics are because the magnetic field produces a high voltage circuit.  So whatever the battery runs would be destroyed.   

The narrative is inconsistent here and we pretty much just have to suspend disbelief. Case in point, flashlights. There is no scenario in reality where it would not function during the day, but function at night during an aurora. Is the battery dead or isn't it? Are the wires fried or aren't they? If the aurora charges it, why does it spontaneously lose ALL charge the moment day breaks?

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The thing is, the aurora as described in the game is NOT an EMP. It is proposed to have caused a permenant disruption in the earth’s magnetic polarity causing inability for there to be amperage because there is no longer attraction of electrons to anodes. It basically stopped ability for current flow, as opposed to an EMP that generates a high voltage destroying the electronics. 
The recurrence of the aurora is proposed to have an inconsistent generation of magnetic field that supposedly allows for amperage.
   The concept is ridiculous but at least somewhat consistent. 

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5 hours ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

is NOT an EMP. It is proposed to have caused a permenant disruption in the earth’s magnetic polarity causing inability for there to be amperage because there is no longer attraction of electrons to anodes. It basically stopped ability for current flow, as opposed to an EMP that generates a high voltage destroying the electronics. 

Lets just say its game lore :)


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ya'll you still prattling on about this?  

You know we're all just playing a game, right, and in this game's universe the laws of real life don't apply. 


I was under the impression that this page was burned into everybody's brain by now?  

Keep it in the context of the game, bruh.  Don't get hung up on the semantics or the pseudo science.  Not body said the aurora was an emp.

It's all gonna be okay.  Some of us like the idea of a camera.  

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6 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

ya'll you still prattling on about this?  

You know we're all just playing a game, right, and in this game's universe the laws of real life don't apply. 


I was under the impression that this page was burned into everybody's brain by now?  

Keep it in the context of the game, bruh.  Don't get hung up on the semantics or the pseudo science.  Not body said the aurora was an emp.

It's all gonna be okay.  Some of us like the idea of a camera.  

Just because you don’t understand the discussion does not make it irrelevant to those who do.  It’s a theoretical discussion, not a real life comparison.  
  The disclaimer isn’t even relevant here. The disclaimer references inaccuracy of survival tactics in the game, not inaccuracies of natural phenomena.

  Smart stuff going on here for those who understand the physics. 

Edited by Lord of the Long Dark
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6 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

ya'll you still prattling on about this?  

You know we're all just playing a game, right, and in this game's universe the laws of real life don't apply. 


I was under the impression that this page was burned into everybody's brain by now?  


Gotta  say I don't look at it unless I have to! I much prefer the last lot of loading screens! 

And agreed some people take these things too seriously!🙂

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As we know there are some polaroids in this game, camera can be added but ı guess ı wanted to see this as a challange (like archivist but first we collect all polaroids and then we find camera to see all photos about the first flare-maybe camera owner just took photos when first flare happens-the night will and astrids plane crashed) or as a new achivement like faithful photographer. 
Anyway ı like this camera and photo album idea.

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9 hours ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

Just because you don’t understand the discussion does not make it irrelevant to those who do.  It’s a theoretical discussion, not a real life comparison.  
  The disclaimer isn’t even relevant here. The disclaimer references inaccuracy of survival tactics in the game, not inaccuracies of natural phenomena.

  Smart stuff going on here for those who understand the physics. 

lol, dude!  I just read the entire thread and it appears to me you're the one who didn't understand the discussion.  
Apparently you don't like the idea of having a camera in the game so you want to pooh pooh the topic by getting all quasi scientific.  
Maybe you oughta work on those reading comprehension skills.   Looks to me that you've taken the entire conversation out of context from my perspective.

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11 hours ago, RandomPlayer said:

lol, dude!  I just read the entire thread and it appears to me you're the one who didn't understand the discussion.  
Apparently you don't like the idea of having a camera in the game so you want to pooh pooh the topic by getting all quasi scientific.  
Maybe you oughta work on those reading comprehension skills.   Looks to me that you've taken the entire conversation out of context from my perspective.

Nope. There are two things at play. The fact that scrapbooking is stupid in a survival situation and explaining why an electronic camera would be incompatible with the hypothetical antagonist of the aurora effect. 
  Don’t be emotional. Be logical. 

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The whole deal here is like that old old adage by Mark Twain about stories: "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story." Stop thinking physics and start thinking "what makes it cool?"

One of the things I get out of the atmosphere of Great Bear is a strong sense of magical realism. So the aurora brings computers back to life, and fires burn longer when it's cold, and if you're inside a building it doesn't matter how cold it gets out, and you can cure dysentery by drinking mushroom tea, and and and... 

This game has some very clear antecedents in the art style department, and it kind of follows from how early 20th century Canadian art was being that it would also lead to a magical realism sort of existence. I had a huge amount of fun selling a fellow old on the game by showing them a picture of The Indian Church by Emily Carr and then showing them that place in the game. 



It's enchanting as an echo from his (er, Raph's) predecessors as a British Columbian artist. Emily Carr was the bomb. So many great pictures.

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Never feel sorry for the enlightened. Those in the dark always see themselves in the light. Read up on Plato. You are unable to discern the shadows in the cave while I am the fire. 
 Maybe you should just learn science instead of complaining about others talking about things you don’t understand?  

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3 hours ago, RandomPlayer said:

It's really too bad that you are so dogmatic that you aren't able to see the big picture.  The sandbox goes beyond just being a mere survival situation.  
I think @DPHGsaid it well when he said  "...Once you're 100+ days into your survival, and you have food, shelter, tools, etc. then it can become about "what's next."" 

It's evident that your education has failed you.  Yeah sure, you've got some science knowledge, but you are severely lacking in the humanities.  I suggest you take some time and read a book or two.  I know you haven't read any because you fail to grasp the fundamental idea of living, not just surviving. 

We don't just play to survive, we play to thrive!  Thriving means being mindful of both the difficulties and the delights of life and the beauty of playing in this magnificent yet illogical universe called The Long Dark.  Even the caveman, who was literally busy with surviving each and every day of this life, took time to draw pictures of what a day in his life was like on the walls of his shelter.  But it's obvious that your are either unwilling or unable to acknowledge the beauty in the game because apparently you are too busy surviving while the rest of us are thriving!

I see you now for what you truly are, an obstinate opinionist desperately trying to remain relevant.  I actually feel sorry for you now...  




That was so beautifully said!  Bravo to you sir!

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