Respawn times


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Does anyone know the average respawn times for moose? Thought bears took longer but the bears in CH have respawned but the moose hasn't!!

I know it can depend on how much and how often they are killed but I've only hunted the moose once!

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1 hour ago, hozz1235 said:

From my observations, Moose are the only animal where you can't predict their spawn.  Don't wait around is my advice.

Yeah I tried keeping a journal and after ~500 in-game days the results were consistently inconsistent. I mean so wildly inconsistent I decided to just screw the whole thing and go with "it's totally random". For instance, I once shot a moose in Milton Basin, another at the Marsh Ridge, and a third outside Carter Dam. All three kills were within a 48-hour period. And on the flip side, I've also gone over 100 days without a single moose sighting.

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I did wait at Quonset for about a week or two ( had some bears to kill) but did have a few blizzards! Wondered if they affect spawning?all three bears had respawned! And had then somehow mysteriously turned into lovely steaks!


Plus the moose at PV fishing spot turns up regularly!

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The big difference between the the moose respawning and every other animal, is that the Moose is a sort of random- wandering spawn. The moose respawned, just maybe not in that region again, or in the spawn spot in that region.

As said above, with the moose, it's best to not wait for them to return. Instead continue your journey and maybe you'll cross paths again.

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I have seen the Moose spawn multiple times at the pond along the road between Milton and the Spruce Falls Bridge.  I stopped hunting it after I had my moose hide satchel, extra hide and moose jacket.  In my Voyager run experience it despawns after 2-3 days and a month can easily go by before I see it spawn again. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I' have noticed something with the moose at marsh ridge! I was playing when my auto save was playing funny buggers and the moose was there so I killed it harvested it and went back in the cave! After I thought it had saved it I switched it off then back on again! I'd lost the entire lot but the moose wasn't there! So I wondered if the save- switch off and reload affects the spawning as it does with the weather sometimes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Circling back to this thread because I had a thought. What if each individual moose spawn point is independent of the rest, and has its own daily % chance and respawn time? The reason I mention this is because I've noticed that some potential spawn points produce moose far more often than others. In particular, outside the Broken Railroad Hunting Lodge. I have had far more success finding moose in that one spot than anywhere else in the entire game. Ranking second to that would be Milton Basin and the Marsh Ridge roughly tied at #2. This could explain why I've gone so long without spotting a single moose in some games, and found so many in rapid succession in others. The only way that makes sense to me is if each spawn point has its own schedule and frequency.

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True but there's a kind of randomness to it as well. On one of my saves that was having autosave problems I killed the moose on marsh ridge and cooked it all! When I switched back on next day I had lost the moose and its meat and  the moose did not respawn there again! 

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I hypothesize that the moose in the game will spawn at random in one of the locations (across the entire world map) it can spawn in for a while then disappear and spawn (nominally) in another random location it can spawn in.   Of course,  if a moose spawns in another region that the character is not in does the character know?

As opposed to a bear, which will spawn a certain amount of time after it was killed and disappeared, and then remain in its area indefinitely until killed again, the moose seemed to get shifted around to different locations and was therefore largely a target of opportunity.  Take the opportunity quickly or wait until next time whenever that was.  I expected that eventually it would spawn back into a given location but the wait for it to do so would be very variable and could turn out to be quite some time. 

The only exception I know of would be the moose in Bleak Inlet that spawns a couple weeks after it is killed and disappears and stays spawned though it can "travel" to relatively defined areas within Bleak Inlet, which I thought probably made sense since it was the only real game animal of any size on the western side (frozen delta) of the region. Notwithstanding timberwolves and rabbits. 


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9 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

I hypothesize that the moose in the game will spawn at random in one of the locations (across the entire world map) it can spawn in for a while then disappear and spawn (nominally) in another random location it can spawn in.   Of course,  if a moose spawns in another region that the character is not in does the character know?

I know for a fact multiple moose can exist in the game world at one time. I've encountered as many as three in one specific day, when covering a lot of ground.

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