Why create temporary game modes instead make the game better?


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"Release the new map that everybody is ansiously waiting? Naaaah, our game is perfect the way it is and doesnt need to get better, let's develop a temporary game mode."


Imagine all the time of development being used for a coop game which you can try to survive alongside your best friend, or create new areas, improve game mechanics, bring new diseases, or even create seasons which i know a lot of people here wants, new animals, new plants, new items, even new fishes to catch, create large traps to help hunt wolves and bears, create a snowsled for you to move areas when you are extremely over weighted, create a binoculars to see the horizon or find that bear you want to hunt. There is a lot more could been done to make this amazing game even better. But no, it was just a waste of time doing this 1.6 gb update. I know a lot of people here liked this game mode and i'm not here to disrespect you anyway, i'm just talking about priorities. Man, come on, put some focus on the development of this game!

#Peace #KeepGoingBetter


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2 minutes ago, dudushow said:

Imagine all the time of development being used for a coop game which you can try to survive alongside your best friend, 

I'm not sure you understand what TLD is all about.  Complaining about a lack of multiplayer in TLD is like complaining that KFC doesn't sell hamburgers.

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2 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

I'm not sure you understand what TLD is all about.  Complaining about a lack of multiplayer in TLD is like complaining that KFC doesn't sell hamburgers

Well they do sell hamburgers haha.

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3 hours ago, dudushow said:


Well... I discussed things like this before:

On 9/19/2020 at 6:06 AM, ManicManiac said:

I think it's safe to say that no single game can appeal to everyone...  Perhaps this just isn't the right game for you.

On 8/21/2020 at 11:06 PM, ManicManiac said:

I'm not sure why folks seem to have a fixation these days for joining a community just to grip & complain. :D
I think if folks don't like a game [or a newer aspect of it], they might just consider finding one they like better (or better suits them at least)... as opposed to what Shakespeare might describe as, "Full of sound and furry...signifying nothing."  :D


Plus... I think it's important to keep in mind that "just making it better" is something that's completely subjective.
Some folks might think it's a waste of time for them do build special events for us... but I disagree.

I, for one, really appreciate Hinterland for making these special events.  I think they do make the over all game experience better (it also gives them a test bed for other creative ideas - so I think that's also a plus). 

I think all the new content they keep adding makes the game better... and I think Hinterland's decisions for their game have all built a much better experience than the one we first got when it came to Early Access.  Back then (in the later part of 2014) all we had was Mystery Lake... now we have an expansive Island to explore (10 regions and 3 very well developed transition zones... along with several internal cave systems).

I can respect a person's opinion... but I think it's a little much to clamor that Hinterland has been "wasting their time, developing this."

Some of us like and appreciate it.
Those that don't... do not have to even mess with it, they can keep on playing their regular runs, challenges, or chapters of Wintermute.

Player Choice: If someone doesn't like the event, they don't have to play it.  There's no need to want to take it away from the rest of us that do.

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3 hours ago, dudushow said:

"Release the new map that everybody is ansiously waiting? Naaaah, our game is perfect the way it is and doesnt need to get better, let's develop a temporary game mode."


Imagine all the time of development being used for a coop game which you can try to survive alongside your best friend, or create new areas, improve game mechanics, bring new diseases, or even create seasons which i know a lot of people here wants, new animals, new plants, new items, even new fishes to catch, create large traps to help hunt wolves and bears, create a snowsled for you to move areas when you are extremely over weighted, create a binoculars to see the horizon or find that bear you want to hunt. There is a lot more could been done to make this amazing game even better. But no, it was just a waste of time doing this 1.6 gb update. I know a lot of people here liked this game mode and i'm not here to disrespect you anyway, i'm just talking about priorities. Man, come on, put some focus on the development of this game!

I Wonder why every new people on the forums (I am over exagerating a bit) ALL want the same thing... snowsleds, multiplayer, seasons, binoculars. when you are asking for things to put on the wishlist ask yourself if it is really going to make good to the game AND if it is going to be easy or at least not impossible to code. With thate reflection you can easily take off those things of your wishlist

- seasons (raph said it would at least take 5x the time they took to develop their game to have 4 seasons. Quick maths = 30 years to get 4                                  seasons).

-sleds (they would completely break the weight system and it has been discusses over a million times)

-multiplayer (in a game where you skip time almost everytime you do an action that is not walking, multiplayer would be impossible or SOO hard                           to make that it would not even worth it. and i dont personally feel like it is a necessity or even something nice to bring to the game).

-binoculars, (wouldnt be that useful. there are so many rocks and hills everywhere that it would be uselsess) plus if you play quite a bit you learn                           easily where bears, deers can spawn just by traveling in the game). 


Now for you question (not really) why they are not taking time to develop the game instead of making temporary game modes? 

Well They are Testing new mechanics when making temporary game modes. this helps having feedback on those features without implementing them permanently in the game and risking to have bad feedback from the community. For example the thing I noted is that they are testing a new affliction that depend on the proximity from you to another object. they are for shure developping the main game during the same time they develop the minigames. Having a different gameplay from the main game some times in the year are absolutely nice you can try and discover new features. Who would not want that? plus you are getting an exclusive new gamemode (the endelss night) if you play that is absolutely fantastic !

I feel like when writting your... unpleasant message you didnt even thaught about the devs that are literally working everyday to add new content from the community as soon as they can. So be patient and enjoy this new gamemode instead of complaining beacause I would highly doubt they will stop making events like that the community are absolutely loving em...


EDIT: Sorry if my message is for some part the same than @ManicManiac I had the notification of a new message while I was writting mine. Apologies (although I absolutely agree to what you said)

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You will never gonna know, things and contents devs tested, learned, and played around during events would be implemented in the survival mode and/or story mode in the future. It is their chance to run and test if their contents are running without bugs, or if they burden the resource of player's PC or console. Plus it is a chance for them to take some feedback from players.

Then, after a while, who knows? After devs tune and fix and repair, we may able to see all or a part of new contents in story mode and/or survival mode. For example, anxiety and fear affliction contents are really cool, I wish if they can introduce these in story mode and/or survival mode. 

Not to mention that event mode games itself is fun and some players love that. You have no right to interfere or block other player's (including me) wish to enjoy scary events during event game.

Plus, regarding MP, I think a lot of people already discussed in here, but MP in this game is not possible. I know it would be fun, I agree with that, but a lot of time acceleration dynamics are the core of the game. It is too late to change, too difficult and costly to change. HL may interested about MP in their other game, but not in TLD. 

I also like the idea of sled and binocular. But I also understand dev's burden to develop this game under limited budget and manpower. 

Binocular mod was there in the past, but it never returned after IL2CPP. But who knows? Maybe in the future, or maybe after HL introduces official modding tool? I would love to see binocular as a official contents, but its impact and importance are not significant, so I can imagine the priority of binocular would be rather low, even if HL has a plan to implement the binocular. 

I also would like to see sled and I like that idea, but similar story with binocular. If sled is introduced, a lot of things are needed to be adjusted and balanced for the challenging game. That will be a ton of work for this small studio. I won't be optimistic about it, even if HL has positive attitude towards the sled, and I think HL would not be positive to sled from the first place... 

Meanwhile, since this game's story mode already has a function of carrying bodies, I would love to see carrying/dragging body of wolf and deer. That would be possible. But, still, the cost of time and manpower to implement such contents would not be negligible. So, I understand dev's plan and schedule for their game. But if they do, or if some modder do with modding tool, that would be great. 

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Just now, oplli said:

They do not sell steak hamburgers, they put chicken in it. I consider that as a hamburger haha

Ahh, well that's defendable but I wouldn't call that a hamburger.  I like to buy ground chicken from the grocery store, form a patty with that plus crumbled cooked bacon, and fry that up.  Then serve on sourdough with lettuce, onion, tomato, and ranch dressing.  I call it the CBR burger. (chicken/bacon/ranch)  So yeah, it's a "burger".  But not a "hamburger"!

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 @dudushow As if none of this has ever been discussed on the forums. You just came up with genius ideas nobody ever thought about. Like binoculars. Genius. Ooh and...."priorities"....phew...that has never ever been mentioned..And the sled part. Or coop!! Never ever ever heard that one ....no sirree. LOL. Hinterland wasted their time on this mode. Just wait for December's update and then you will have even more ideas to complain about lol. 

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20 hours ago, dudushow said:

"Release the new map that everybody is ansiously waiting? Naaaah, our game is perfect the way it is and doesnt need to get better, let's develop a temporary game mode."


Imagine all the time of development being used for a coop game which you can try to survive alongside your best friend, or create new areas, improve game mechanics, bring new diseases, or even create seasons which i know a lot of people here wants, new animals, new plants, new items, even new fishes to catch, create large traps to help hunt wolves and bears, create a snowsled for you to move areas when you are extremely over weighted, create a binoculars to see the horizon or find that bear you want to hunt. There is a lot more could been done to make this amazing game even better. But no, it was just a waste of time doing this 1.6 gb update. I know a lot of people here liked this game mode and i'm not here to disrespect you anyway, i'm just talking about priorities. Man, come on, put some focus on the development of this game!

#Peace #KeepGoingBetter


Coop implement would require a lot of more man hours than this event. Almost everything you suggested would require a new game from sratch.

I dont have any friends so i hate coop.


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We appreciate the feedback. However be aware when giving it that you’re talking to human beings and should do so with empathy and respect. 

Your three other threads with the same text have been removed. Please don’t spam the forums. 

As we’ve told you elsewhere we respect your opinions and are grateful for feedback but other people like the events and we will likely keep doing them. 

It isn’t an either or situation. We are still doing a a Survival Update with a new Region, Episodes 4 and 5, and more. 

Again we appreciate the enthusiastic feedback but please make sure to follow our forum rules and to treat everyone including us with respect. 

Thank you. 

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6 hours ago, Admin said:

However be aware when giving it that you’re talking to human beings

You guys should set up a gofundme for a liquor cabinet.  I've worked help desk/tech support/apologizing for things that aren't your problem, and aren't even a problem at all. Y'all need a stiff drink.

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On 10/31/2020 at 2:58 PM, dudushow said:

"Release the new map that everybody is ansiously waiting? Naaaah, our game is perfect the way it is and doesnt need to get better, let's develop a temporary game mode."


Imagine all the time of development being used for a coop game which you can try to survive alongside your best friend, or create new areas, improve game mechanics, bring new diseases, or even create seasons which i know a lot of people here wants, new animals, new plants, new items, even new fishes to catch, create large traps to help hunt wolves and bears, create a snowsled for you to move areas when you are extremely over weighted, create a binoculars to see the horizon or find that bear you want to hunt. There is a lot more could been done to make this amazing game even better. But no, it was just a waste of time doing this 1.6 gb update. I know a lot of people here liked this game mode and i'm not here to disrespect you anyway, i'm just talking about priorities. Man, come on, put some focus on the development of this game!

#Peace #KeepGoingBetter


      You might also look at other games that offer what you're looking for while you wait for features you like in TLD. I think something like Co-op is something that could be modded, much like the Nitrox mod for Subnautica. I'm not particularly interested in it myself, and there are all sorts challenges making a multiplayer ( as mentioned, what happens at times in the single player game that you would pass time? What happens when one player sleeps?). I think a travois or sled or something might work, but it would need to cost a lot of resources, slow you down some, and most importantly need to drain your attributes faster ( After all, you'd be pulling the sled, and probably sweating from the exertion, so dehydration comes into play). New diseases sounds like a great idea. I've never liked the idea that at level 5 cooking you are immune to food poisoning. There still should be *some* risk from consuming spoiled food. Vitamin deficiency mechanics have been requested I believe. I would like to see more exposure related ailments. ( How about increased loss of heat after exertion from sweating. I think snow blindness would be great, though I'm not sure how they'd implement it in game.

Its a pretty small team, so none of us are going to get everything we could possibly want. I, for one, am very fond of mods. That's me though, not the community as a whole or necessarily something the team wants to make a priority of.

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