Mountain Lion, Female Deer and Flint 🐆

Fante di Cuori

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I'd like to share with you some ideas that came to mind while playing.

Some ideas are small things, other mechanics that improve the survival aspect of the game.


- 🦌 Female deer: Most deer herds are female. It would be enough to remove the antlers from some of the models, so as to make the males even more special! (more meat, more guts, use of  the antlers for tools such as knives or other would be fantastic)


- 🗻Flint: it would be nice in the game to have the possibility to be able to create simple objects like a spear or a javelin with a tip of flint tied on top, flint knives, etc.


🦁 More Widlife: make the crows full-fledged animals, elusive foxes for warm furs for inner clothes and a new predator would be great - the mountain lion. 

   I imagine this predator operating mainly at night, perched on a tree and jumping on the survivor. Fast, ruthless and silent (just to make the night a little more dangerous 😅🤣)


☁️ Smoking: it would be nice to be able to preserve the food instead of making it go bad.


What do you think?



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Doe, a deer, a female deer! Sounds cool though. That would make meeting a stag feel like a special event. Perhaps also some fawn that are to cute to shoot.


smoking Meat would Make a lot of sense thematically. Here we are, middle of a island that’s way out in the middle of nowhere, lots of hunting cabins and fishing. Smoking meat would be a logical way for the locals to preserve food. 
in terms of gameplay, there could be 1 or 2 regions with a smoking cabin, where you can start a fire and smoke meat or fish. The process would take a few days and have a chance Of failure depending upon your cooking skill. The reward would be smoked meat or fish that lasts ages and draws no predators, but is very dry. Great for long journeys.

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7 hours ago, Swiftslug said:

Doe, a deer, a female deer! Sounds cool though. That would make meeting a stag feel like a special event. Perhaps also some fawn that are to cute to shoot.


smoking Meat would Make a lot of sense thematically. Here we are, middle of a island that’s way out in the middle of nowhere, lots of hunting cabins and fishing. Smoking meat would be a logical way for the locals to preserve food. 
in terms of gameplay, there could be 1 or 2 regions with a smoking cabin, where you can start a fire and smoke meat or fish. The process would take a few days and have a chance Of failure depending upon your cooking skill. The reward would be smoked meat or fish that lasts ages and draws no predators, but is very dry. Great for long journeys.

exactly! with little we would already have another animal in the game.

Smoking meat also it's kind of a traditional way of preserve food in cold climate places like TLD, it would be really nice to have  😃

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On 11/2/2020 at 3:16 AM, Willbonney said:

Smoking meats takes a seriously long time.  About 8 hours for a lot of normal steak cuts or ribs, up to 24 for thick cuts like brisket or hamhock.  Thats quite a lot of wood.

if it were necessary to save the meat of a moose or a bear I would make this exchange without thinking twice! 

Too many times I have had to leave behind supplies of food ;(

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I find you already have unlimited food? I can't imagine running out. I don't think food preservation would make things any easier, if anything it would be a beginners trap for people to waste their time with. Unless it had other advantages such as reduced smell for travel.


Female deer would be good. I like the idea of male deer being more rare and special with antler uses.

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19 minutes ago, oplli said:

You mean males would be rare and we could craft things with their antlers?

I agree. This should cause as many problems as possible.

The animal should be hard to see against the snow. The beast stands still if it hears a shot. The beast is always there if you are on its territory. The beast triggers an alarm state similar to the one we see in the current event.


On 10/30/2020 at 6:17 PM, Fante di Cuori said:

- 🦌 Female deer: Most deer herds are female. It would be enough to remove the antlers from some of the models, so as to make the males even more special! (more meat, more guts, use of  the antlers for tools such as knives or other would be fantastic)


Sounds like the truth

On 10/30/2020 at 6:17 PM, Fante di Cuori said:

- 🗻Flint: it would be nice in the game to have the possibility to be able to create simple objects like a spear or a javelin with a tip of flint tied on top, flint knives, etc.


then why the forge? And without this, our character can do a lot. There is no need to turn the game into a simulator, M. С.

On 10/30/2020 at 6:17 PM, Fante di Cuori said:

☁️ Smoking: it would be nice to be able to preserve the food instead of making it go bad.


Food spoils more slowly if you cook it. Carry a lot in a backpack - too light is solved. Food is on the street and does not attract predators. In short, this should be a justified decision. That is, if the wolves steal your food.

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On 11/10/2020 at 4:43 AM, panda_gamer87 said:

I also think there should be additional wildlife  such as opossums or beavers. I was also thinking their should be some type of huntable bird in game. From what I can tell, crows aren't huntable and they only appear to mark corpses and carcusses.

Birds typically migrate away from cold climates.  Opossums usually hibernate, and even when they do, suffer greatly in extreme cold climate when it comes to frostbite.  Frostbite scars is typically what's used to determine their age.

Beavers on the other hand might make a sort of sense.  They neither migrate nor hibernate.  It may be too cold for them mostly however, but I could see certain areas having beaver dams built up that could survive, but would depend greatly on temperature how much they would leave their shelters.

I do support the addition of mount lions/cougars though.  Southwestern Canada has a rather large population of them.

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More animals would be great - but it wont be that easy in the end. Here are my takes on your suggestions:

Does (female deer) - would be great. I am ALL for having graphical differences between animals. Animals looking differently but being esentially the same would be a great for immersion of the game. I dont think we need the "male" deer to be any different then female. But having I would also be glad for a "young buck" kind of graphics, basically deer with smaller, underdeveloped antlers.

I would extend this change to include moose too, you could easily have a female moose trample the player if he attempted to kill her.

We already have some "variation" between animals in size, but this is usually missed by players unless they have been playing the game for a while to notice the subtle changes in size.


Mountain lions. I am all for it - because I would like to have them be very dangerous, but limited to the regions of Timberwolf mountain and Hushed river valley (and other "deep wilderness mountaineous locations" in the future). I imagine it would be somewhere between bear and a wolf in terms of damage, with maybe a higher chance to cause bleeds and clothing damage - and the main reason why they would be dangerous would be hidden in their looks, which would make them easy to mistake for a thick bush from a distance, and also that their movement would literally do almost no sound. I believe they should offer a mediocre amount of high calloric predator meat, 3 guts and 1 mountain lion pelt - which upon curing CANT be used to craft any new clothes, but can be harvested into 3 cured leather, making it extremely valuable piece of pelt, given its use in repairing high-quality clothing. Especially valuable for long-term survival, or for modes with less items and thus less leather goods that can be shredded.

Another way to lure survivors to visit these mountainerous locations after they had looted them would be another animal that could be found here. Moutain sheep of some sort - which would upon killing yielded a mediocre amount of high calloric herbivore food and a pelt which could be used to craft high-quality undergarments. Both animals would be endemic to these mountainerous regions, but quite rare - making these deep wilderness regions worth a visit.

Flint. I get where you are coming from - flint-knapping. But if that was the case, there would be no reason to forge tools to begin with, which I think would be bad for the game. For that reason only, I would not want flint and flint tools to be a part of the game.

I am not against the spear for survival mode. I think it would be a nice weapon to have to drive a bear back like in Story mode. It could be forged from improvised knife and some extra scraps, or it could be milled on a machine from improvised hatchet. Those would be my two preffered methods.

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  • 2 months later...

Having both stag and doe would be more realistic and take hunting to a new lvl. 

I’ve long thought that more use could be made of both antlers and bones. Perhaps that could added to carcass harvesting or as part of a new crafting skill. 

Also flint or obsidian would be a cool resource addition. Napping both is a relatively simple thing to learn/figure out and seeing as this is a mountainous volcanic region of the world those kinds of rock would be available. They would be a great alternative to forging a knife or axe and balanced by changing the lifespan or making them not repairable. I know spears have long been a sought after addition by many of us as well as the ability to either make sharp wooden tips or rock tips for arrows. 

Mountain lions/cougars scare me, especially with their stealthy sneakiness. Regardless, I do very much like the idea of additional wildlife. 

Good suggestions, looks like many of us have many of the same wishes. 

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