Food Organization?


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How do you guys organize your food in The Long Dark? Do you put it on display or in storage spaces, or not organize it at all? 

I usually put my food supply in certain storage spaces but when I have tons of meat, I have all my other eatable goodies on display. Like the few pics down below that are of my current main save file of TLD.20200918_214725.thumb.jpg.d9f6dd0e19a213e02caf2578de16297e.jpg20200918_214815.thumb.jpg.51df8837163e460dda4884f180232921.jpg20200918_214829.thumb.jpg.2507bafc10cc872f6ca3f985af7300da.jpg

So that is my food situation as of now in the Pleasant Valley Farmstead! I have tons of moose meat in the freezer/fridge as well as soda and water.

Down below are pics of how I put together my food supply on display while living at the Quonset in Coastal Highway (this is the same save file) 20200918_215211.thumb.jpg.f02e4399cffbeea1fd3d938bfa0e5895.jpg20200918_215345.thumb.jpg.18861833b9da10a0635cbb613a9b018a.jpg20200918_215351.thumb.jpg.52fd3ea1d432c92440de27df40f26c55.jpg

Apologies for my screeny-looking photos again, but I tried to use the web browser on my PS4 to access this site so I could bring over higher quality looking pictures from my Capture Gallery but that didn't work :(

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I usually just put all of the man made stuff in the fridge or a large cabinet with the meat outside. I just realized everything can be pretty meticulously placed after you drop it, which is kindof fun. I recently decorated a cave in the hushed river valley. Unopened cans on top of the rocks looks nice.

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That's a very nice thread. I'm actualy an organization freak myself too. However I've noticed you are storing all your food indoors, even the ones that decay faster while indoors (Beef Jerky, Candy/Granola/Energy Bars, Peanut Butter etc). I personally store all my indoor food (Salty Crackers, Pork n Beans, Pinnacle Peaches, sodas etc) in storage spaces and keep my outdoor food in a rock cache just outside my base, and I leave the meat on the ground as well.


Here you can see all food that decay slower while indoors neatly organized in the shelves, in decay order (Yeah...).


Here I store all my meat also well organized by decay order (Old meat on the bottom left <<<)


And finally I store all processed foods that decay slower outdoors inside this rock cache I built.

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2 hours ago, GarlicPops said:

That's a very nice thread. I'm actualy an organization freak myself too. However I've noticed you are storing all your food indoors, even the ones that decay faster while indoors (Beef Jerky, Candy/Granola/Energy Bars, Peanut Butter etc). I personally store all my indoor food (Salty Crackers, Pork n Beans, Pinnacle Peaches, sodas etc) in storage spaces and keep my outdoor food in a rock cache just outside my base, and I leave the meat on the ground as well.


Here you can see all food that decay slower while indoors neatly organized in the shelves, in decay order (Yeah...).


Here I store all my meat also well organized by decay order (Old meat on the bottom left <<<)


And finally I store all processed foods that decay slower outdoors inside this rock cache I built.

Great organization there! Yes, I store all my food indoors because I have always had a plentiful supply of antibiotics and Reishi Tea and at the point I am at in my save file, I have Cooking Level 5, so I can kind of eat just about anything ;)

Edited by PurpleWolf13
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i shit pile all my meat outdoors, or indoors, whatever is convenient, because at level 5+ who cares anyways. i sometimes line up water bottles on shelves if im bored.  on loper there isnt huge hauls of manmade goods so i dont bother making it pretty, it goes in a cabinet and i take it with me to travel around to keep smell down

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@PurpleWolf13I definitely do a similar obsessive ritual.  Most any tool, food, clothing, meds, etc... gets placed how one might in the flesh.  I use storage boxes for things that would be annoying to deal with by hand... like berries, fishing tackle, arrows, cat tails, and the like. 


9 hours ago, GarlicPops said:

I've noticed you are storing all your food indoors, even the ones that decay faster while indoors (Beef Jerky, Candy/Granola/Energy Bars, Peanut Butter etc). I personally store all my indoor food (Salty Crackers, Pork n Beans, Pinnacle Peaches, sodas etc) in storage spaces and keep my outdoor food in a rock cache just outside my base, and I leave the meat on the ground as well.

I understand doing this however in stalker I find the decay is slow enough it isn't worth my time to separate indoor and outdoor man made food.  By the time it would matter I'm level 5 cooking... and also I would only use man made food as a last resort, as how would I keep my shelves stocked :P. 

I do however leave meat outdoors as the decay indoors is crazy.  After level 5 this problem goes away as well, but I still keep it outside.

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I always store meat in car trunks or other outdoor storage containers because, in my mind, the wildlife would grab it if laying on the ground.  I know this doesn't happen (yet), but I play as if it does.  I might stack some packaged foods on a shelf if leaving a stash somewhere, to get a quick view on the next visit.  Otherwise I like to use lockers etc.  I really don't build up bases very much or very fast.  I'll leave stuff and take stuff to be sure, but mostly just in the course of my other activities.

When I need to kill time, instead of arranging inventory, I usually try to make journal entries (recording weather, hunting or fishing log, unusual happenings, or sometimes just fictional story pieces).  I used to study the maps a lot during down time, but I know em well enough now.

Still, I can appreciate the value of a tidy abode.  🙂:coffee:

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Y’all make me feel like pigpen lol. I keep my stuff in cabinets, so I could be worse, all sorted, but I also just throw the broken crap in a pile in a corner and make mount firewood next to mount wolfbearfishdeermeese. (The bunnies are too cute to kill) somewhere indoors too there’s the animal skin plains, they’ve been known to stretch for miles, interrupted only by the occasional intestinal dune....

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