Milton to Mystery Lake Transition

Martin Prchal

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Today I noticed something weird. I was going from Milton to Mystery Lake in the little canyon with the waterfalls. Really close to the cave to Mystery Lake, I noticed a pretty little view to the left side that I had never noticed before, even I have gone this route before. Was this always here?


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I deleted my previous comment because this isn't the overlook I thought it was.  There's one on that path that overlooks the climbing areas and I thought that was it.  But there's railcars in that pic, I just can see them clearly on my computer.  :D


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On 7/2/2019 at 10:19 PM, Martin Prchal said:

Today I noticed something weird. I was going from Milton to Mystery Lake in the little canyon with the waterfalls. Really close to the cave to Mystery Lake, I noticed a pretty little view to the left side that I had never noticed before, even I have gone this route before. Was this always here?



On 7/2/2019 at 10:23 PM, ajb1978 said:

Yup.  That's where Will gives his final adieu to his father's plane, in Story Mode.

I disagree. That's on the other side of the collapsed tunnel with the penitentiary bus. 

I've wondered if you can get down there by goating down from where the plane is crashed. May try sometime to see....

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3 hours ago, stratvox said:


I disagree. That's on the other side of the collapsed tunnel with the penitentiary bus. 

I've wondered if you can get down there by goating down from where the plane is crashed. May try sometime to see....

Not any longer. It now seems to have insta-kill set in place, after too many spoiler pictures were posted of the WIP area there, by people who got there using various means. Not an area we are supposed to get to yet... I've tried it many times recently, and insta kill each time. Though, I may have missed trying every single spot you can try to goat down from.

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13 minutes ago, ThePancakeLady said:

Not any longer. It now seems to have insta-kill set in place, after too many spoiler pictures were posted of the WIP area there, by people who got there using various means. Not an area we are supposed to get to yet... I've tried it many times recently, and insta kill each time. Though, I may have missed trying every single spot you can try to goat down from.

My understanding of Unity is spotty at best but I suspect they put a large flat plane in place to act as a "transition zone", that basically just kills you.  So you'd probably have to travel horizontally a pretty good distance to get beyond its edge, before you start goating down.

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3 hours ago, stratvox said:

I disagree. That's on the other side of the collapsed tunnel with the penitentiary bus. 

It's both.  The road with the semi truck is beyond the blocked tunnel, and if you look directly across the valley and slightly up, you can just barely make out the wrecked plane.

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Guest jeffpeng
On 7/6/2019 at 5:12 PM, bighara said:

I had thought this was going to be a new area in a later episode and/or map region. Possibly past broken RR?

Geographically this would be a region north of ML, halfway to PV. Considering there are several hints that Preseverance Mills would be located north of Milton, was originally accessible via the now collapsed tunnel and can also be reached via Pleasant Valley..... (possibly via "The Long Curve")


... judge for yourself.

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Guest jeffpeng

My personal guess is that Episode 3 will take place in PV, while Episode 4 will be Astrids journey to Preseverance Mills. Then, in Episode 5, both characters unite as Will finds Astrid cursing at sign she finds upon finally loading into the Preseverance Mills region:


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12 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

Geographically this would be a region north of ML, halfway to PV. Considering there are several hints that Preseverance Mills would be located north of Milton, was originally accessible via the now collapsed tunnel and can also be reached via Pleasant Valley..... (possibly via "The Long Curve")

... judge for yourself.

This isn't fancy or anything, but I lined up each regional map with the world map, using the rivers as guidelines to resize the maps such that each one is pretty closely scaled to fit.  There's hypothetically enough room for two regions in that space.    And also, there isn't room for ANYTHING north of Milton, because HRV already fills that in.1413848601_frankensteinmap.thumb.JPG.fd123142f1758262f080de8373dbd444.JPG


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Guest jeffpeng
5 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

This isn't fancy or anything, but I lined up each regional map with the world map, using the rivers as guidelines to resize the maps such that each one is pretty closely scaled to fit.  There's hypothetically enough room for two regions in that space.    And also, there isn't room for ANYTHING north of Milton, because HRV already fills that in.


Well I guess "north" can be interpreted a bit more flexible here. Maybe not straight north, but north-east 😉 Edit: I aligned Milton to perfect north since the map "seems" to be aligned like that as well. But your orientation somehow makes more sense. Also: There is room for a passage to the east in HRV, down in the Valley. Possibly this leads to the same region? Ah, speculations!

9 hours ago, Admin said:

We'd just want to be sure we're all clear that talking about modding or unapproved and unsupported mods, isn't allowed. Even subtle or winking references to it. 

While the means to achieve the above mentioned don't involve anything of this, I respect that stance while not fully agreeing with it. I will refrain from mentioning things most likely not in the developers minds, achieved through whatever means.

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15 hours ago, Admin said:

We'd just want to be sure we're all clear that talking about modding or unapproved and unsupported mods, isn't allowed. Even subtle or winking references to it. 

Thank you. one spoke of any modding at all. I'm curious as to what exactly you're referring to as a potential mod...was it the term "goating", referring to acting like a mountain goat and shimmying your way across or down a cliff face? Or was it a stab at bypassing an in-game barrier by using the game's own mechanics? I mean, if we're going to be clear, let's be crystal...There was no mention at all of any external programming whatsoever, so the intention of the quoted statement is about as clear as swamp water. What do you mean?

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Guest jeffpeng

So let's actually do continue. And except with what everyone believes is going to be there (if there's ever going to be anything) - what would you want to be there?

From my side: I actually wouldn't mind at all to see Milton become a more "central" region by being more accessible. It's probably not going to work for Story Mode (since why would the tunnel be magically open again .... except in a flashback maybe? That's actually a nice idea now that I think about it....), but having another Zone that would connect to  both Milton and Unpleasant Valley would open up very interesting routes in Sandbox, and would also make TWM and HRV more accessible than they currently are. Milton itself is already rather removed through the need of several climbs, but since HRV is even farther than that I feel it doesn't get the play it deserves (since it is outright gorgeous).

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Forum Member #1:  Leaves subtle hint about a mod that most members did not know about.  Good chance nobody got the reference.

Admin: Please do not mention mods.

Forum Member #2: Was there a mod mentioned?  What mod was mentioned?   

Admin: Nothing to see here.  Move along.



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14 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

Well I guess "north" can be interpreted a bit more flexible here. Maybe not straight north, but north-east 😉 Edit: I aligned Milton to perfect north since the map "seems" to be aligned like that as well. But your orientation somehow makes more sense. Also: There is room for a passage to the east in HRV, down in the Valley. Possibly this leads to the same region? Ah, speculations!

Yeah if we assume up is north on the world map, Coastal Highway and Desolation Point appear to be the only ones that are oriented perfectly.  The rest are all off by some varying amount between a few degrees and a full quarter-turn.  And as we can see, some of the maps don't touch each other, such as Pleasant Valley and the Coastal Highway, but that's explained away by the Cinder Hills Coal Mine.  And I also took some liberties with the orientation of the Crumbling Highway and Desolation Point by assuming they link up directly, and that there is no warp zone effect imposed by the mine transition zone.

So yeah, it's possible we could have warp zone tunnels allowing HRV to connect to a region north of Mystery Lake, and then in turn connect to the Long Curve in Pleasant Valley.  Of course, there's also plenty of room to the east of Pleasant Valley, although that seems less likely to me because "End of the Road" would be meaningless if it was made passable, whereas the Long Curve is still a Long Curve.

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Guest jeffpeng
20 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

"End of the Road" would be meaningless if it was made passable, whereas the Long Curve is still a Long Curve.

Sound reasoning, although since we don't exactly only go where roads go .... 😉 

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