Anyone else annoyed/frustrated of unreachable carcasses in steep hills?


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I'm not sure if this is an intended feature or if the animal's AI is at fault for reaching high places when you've shot it with a bow/rifle and tracked it down? 

It has happened multiple times now across different saves and it's starting to get tiring, especially when playing interloper and you've spent 20+ days to acquire materials to craft a bow and some arrows, only to watch the hard work go to waste when a wounded crippled animal has climbed Mount Everest? Is it a bug or am I just not good enough?

Sorry if I come across as naggy. I absolutely love this masterpiece of a game and the heart and soul the devs have put into it, but I'm starting to question if the (un)intended frustration is a bit too much.

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It can be really frustrating. And is one of the main reasons I started trying to find ways to climb to everywhere, everywhere in the game world, 2 years ago.  The lack of "proper" ragdoll physics in the game means animals will occasionally die and get stuck on nearly sheer rock faces, and not roll back down to the bottom.. But it also means we don't have avalanches, and stuff falling and rolling down hills to crush us, our snow shelters or buildings, constantly. It is frustrating, but it isn't a constant issue, just an occasional one. And probably less aggravating for a Stalker like me, than an Interloper, like you. 

If possible, try using the wolves to hunt deer for you. Wolves will never kill a deer where you cannot kill the wolf and harvest both. Bear, however... yeah. Losing  a bear to the phenomenon does suck, no matter what mode. :/

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Usually the animal is reachable but you cannot make a fire close to its carcass. and this is annoying on loper The best solution is to make a fire not far, maintain this fire, drink a hot drink and try to harvest the animal in small parts like 1kg of meat and return to the fire for warming up.  That works. 

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There are places where I refuse to hunt because the odds of a critter ending up dead ontop of an "unreachable" hill or inside a rock are fairly high.  There's a spot near the hunting lodge in Broken Rail, a place near Quonset hut, the tooth in CH and let us not forget the spot in the river between PV Farmhouse and Draft Dodger's cabin.  If you have no choice but to hunt in these places  the trick seems to be to scare the prey away from these spots and then move around so that when they're charging about they double back before they get the the problem spot.  Or just drop them in one shot of course :D

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I mean that's just one of the annoying things about steep hills. Not being able to climb hills you could easily in real life is just annoying in general. Same with not being able to step over a tiny log or anything higher than a matchbox. It's like we're playing an early 90s shooter.

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I agree i had to shoot 4 wolfs in coastal highway and all 4 ran off in different directions and all 4 were on hulls i could not walk up! I turned the game off and re loaded.

The wild life should not be able to walk places i cannot. I have had angry bears run up near verticle cliffs and attack me too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've lost a few bear that way as well, even had them die in places where you can't place a fire on flat ground for obscene distances. Seems like the fire collision from vigilant flame still needs a fair amount of work. I guess those rocks must roll away pretty easy or something, and the ground needs to be JUST right.

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I have this happen often as well and I don't know the reason why the wildlife seemingly don't have the same hindrance of climbing a steep slope like we do.  From a gameplay perspective, all resources that spawn, spawn in locations the player can access.  Having a fair kill run up a sheer cliff and die in a spot that players cannot get to seems counter-intuitive to the design of the game and is ultimately just unfair.  I know Raph hates when people say "That should be an easy fix" and I agree with him wholeheartedly, because games are complex machines with thousands of moving parts and something that may seem easy to the outsider looking in may be anything but.  However, I hope this problem isn't an insurmountable one, because the game is brutal enough without your hard fought kills ending up in a spot just out of reach.  I know there is a randomness to everything but I strongly feel this goes against the gameplay design.

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