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Everything posted by APixelatedLemon

  1. It actually is really cool that cougar noises are added in before the cougar themselves. Hypes them up a bit, making them an ambient animal. Also their sneaky, so it really fits them.
  2. So the way sharpening works is you click sharpen, wait 5 seconds..... Ok click sharpen again, wait 5 more seconds.... Ok, rinse and repeat like 8 more times or so. What I wish for is a way to decide how many times you want to sharpen in one go. It will still take the same amount of in-game time, and use up the whetstone the same amount. The difference would be you don't have to wait the "Five second circle" like 9 times or whatever, just have to do it once.
  3. This really takes me back to when I would get back home from school, and make pixel art in Minecraft with coloured wool blocks.
  4. Day 14 - Afternoon - Mystery Lake - Alan's Hunting Spot I continued along another path that led to the east. That led back to the river, and another small herd of deer. They scattered as soon as they saw me, I wasn’t interested in hunting them this time, but I should keep this spot in mind for when I am. I kept following the river, until a bridge past over it. I went up a hill to take a look at the bridge, and I arrived back at the railway line. I looked to my right, where the railway led away from the muskeg. I always hesitated to follow them the opposite way, because that just led further into the island, the opposite of what I want. But I might have to take a look at where they go now. I need to find climbing gear, bear spray possibly, and most importantly, information. If I can find someone that knows the island better, or even a map, I could find maybe a way out, and get back home, back to Eliza. I looked back at Mystery Lake Park, the place I felt safest on this island. Then I looked forward, and ventured into the complete unknown.
  5. I only really have two wishes for the trader. 1. Make him optional in custom settings 2. Make it so he's not like predux Wintermute NPC where you just give them 100 rocks for a pair of boots.
  6. Episode 4 by far. The previous episodes to me felt like glorified tutorials at times, which for newer players, it's likely appreciated. But for me, someone who's been playing since 2015, it felt too easy. Episode 4 finally took off the training wheels, and actually felt like a challenge at times. Also, it was nice to be in a new and unknown region. Only part I hated was the mine with toxic gas.
  7. Day 14 - Noon - Mystery Lake - Southern River After dropping off that wolf carcass, and harvesting it. I continued where I left off, exploring down the frozen river. I kept my right-hand hovering over my revolver, just in case another wolf decides to take another shot at me. No such thing actually happened; most wolves probably left the area after that gunshot. I still haven't come across any bears yet, obviously a good thing. I’m unsure if the revolver would be enough to deter a charging grizzly from attacking me, so maybe I could find some bear spray somewhere. I took a right turn, along a path the led away from the river. That led me to an open area, with another one of those hunters' blinds. I took a look inside, and the only thing worthwhile was a firearm cleaning kit. That gunsmithing book I picked up a while back actually explained how to use these. Good thing I haven't thrown it into a fire, like I said I would. I’ll put it to use later, for now, I have to keep going.
  8. Day 14 - Morning - Mystery Lake - Southern River The track was easy to follow. It was losing so much blood; I was surprised it was even able to run at all. I wonder if along with the wolves more aggressive behavior, they have become stronger is some ways as well? I kept following the bloody track up some hills, and eventually I found the poor thing. It was laying on its side, dying. I cautiously approached it, anticipating it to lung at me. I don’t even think wolves do that type of thing, faking being injured to get a surprise attack, but I was being safe rather than sorry. When I stood over it, I plunged my knife into its neck to end its pain, it then went limp. I then carried it back home to harvest it. It will be nice to get away from deer meat for a while.
  9. I agree that we shouldn't get our hair too much in a twist over something we haven't got much info on, besides the word "trader". At the same time, it's fun to speculate.
  10. Ok, I don't know why I was so hesitant to give my opinion on this... But here we go, better late than never. I'm personally fine with there being a trader, Hinterland has planned on (or at least talked about) adding NPCs to survival mode for a while ago. But they've been rather hesitant to do so, because a large portion of the player base really loves being alone in what is likely one of the most isolated places on earth. I mean, this thread is proof of that. I'm guessing Tales will perhaps be a mix of survival mode, but have some elements of story mode tossed in. Like an NPC, some optional narrative challenges that are similar to side quests. If so, than Tales will be disconnected from standard survival mode (in a good way hopefully). So I'm fine with an NPC being there because of that.
  11. "Recipes and new ingredients open a range of possibilities for food preparations that can offer different gameplay effects." Hey look, I may have been right.
  12. Day 14 - Morning - Mystery Lake - Southern River Something I noticed this morning while enjoying a nice stroll was there was frozen river connected to the main lake. I decided to take a look to see where it led. There was this small wooden area, plenty of trees, lots of tree limbs on the ground. But as I was enjoying the peaceful view, a wolf revealed itself from behind a tree, and let out a sharp bark as it saw me. Without much hesitation, I pulled out the revolver at my side, aimed. As I did the wolf tried to flank me, by running to my side, but that gave me a perfect shot into its lungs. As soon as my shot landed, It ran off with a whimper, leaving behind a rather large blood splatter in the snow. I followed after it to finish him off. I didn’t want it to suffer, I had no hatred towards it. It’s just both of us were doing what we needed to survive.
  13. I think it means his account got 'banned', although I'm not sure why. He seemed like a level headed guy, so I can't imagine him saying/doing something to get himself banned. So either he got his account banned by request, or it was compromised.
  14. Day 13 - Morning - Mystery Lake - Unnamed Pond I went out looking for some deer early this morning. There wasn’t any by the spot I hunted last time, which didn’t really surprise me. I was still a beginner huntsman, but even I knew it wasn’t wise to hunt in the same spots every time. So, I decided to search near that pond with the hunter blind. Turns out it was a good guess, because when I got there, I saw four deer. I wasn’t able to get inside the blind, so I just had to take a shot from up the hill. I took aim at the closest one's neck, and fired. A perfect hit, the rest of them ran off while the one I shot fell to the ground. I walked up to the carcass, thanked it, and dragged it off. I wasn’t able to make a sled last night, so I just had to take it with me the hard way. I needed to build up muscle anyways, so it was fine.
  15. Day 12 - Late Afternoon - Mystery Lake - Cabin Office I just finished making that holster, and rifle sling. Having that revolver at my side and ready makes me feel a bit safer. Of course, I’m not going to be looking for trouble. But I’m going to bump into some wolves again eventually, so I need to be prepared. The rifle sling is also nice, I somehow actually feel pretty attached to my rifle these days. I almost keep forgetting I picked it off a dead guy a while back... I sure hope he wouldn’t mind... I still have some useable deer hide left; I'm thinking of making a sling with it. Not another rifle sling, but a rock sling, something to hunt those ribbits with. I’m going to need to practice with it sometime after I make it. I have a few empty cans around the place, those can make for some decent dummy targets. But all that will have to come at a later point. For now, I’m going to eat the last of my venison for dinner. Hunting will have to wait until tomorrow, another blizzard is occurring out there. They seem to happen much more than I was expecting out here. After dinner I’m going to see about making something to haul that deer back home. There is some useable wood, and maybe the carpet can come in handy.
  16. Ok... I wasn't expecting this thread to become active after nearly 3 months... In the basement of the lodge in episode 2, there is a note on a desk that's called "Forest Talker Map Note" and it say the following: "Meet up at abandoned hunting lodge on the outskirts of Mystery Lake park, GPS coordinates [unreadable]. We have to stop those Breyerhouse corporates [expletive]." So admittedly me calling it a 'base' for the forest talkers was likely a bit of a stretch on my part (oops). But this note does seem to suggest that the Forest Talkers were at least meeting up in the lodge to some extent. As for the buffer memory, I wouldn't say that discredits the lodge being a meeting area of sorts for the Forest Talkers. The lodge is close by, and there is a nice view of the maintenance yard from up there, making it a solid spot as a staging area to plan an attack on the yard.
  17. I think seasons are off the table for TLD 1, even with DLCs... At most I think maybe a DLC can take place a bit more south where it could be warmer.
  18. Day 12 - Late Morning - Mystery Lake - Cabin Office I think the deer hide is just about ready to be used for crafting. I’ve been making runs between the bunker and home to gather up supplies, and pool them inside the office to prepare. I’m going to need to hunt another deer later today, or tomorrow perhaps. I’m running out of venison, and I’m going to need more hide soon. Maybe I could make a sled of some kind to haul the deer back easier? Not sure yet, I’m going to start working on my holster and sling, then we'll see.
  19. Day 12 - Midnight - Mystery Lake - Cabin Office Actually, the laptop is on again. I know I previously said that I didn’t really care what was on it. But something about it is poking my curiosity. So, I’m at it right now, and it has a new message tonight. It seems like it’s a continuation of the previous one I saw a few nights ago. Here’s what both of them said to get the full story so far: “Bear activity around the Mystery Lake Region is pronounced, although human interaction by all accounts is very rare. This is to be expected this time of year, and based on the available data we can make the following conclusions:" "Suggests adaptation to the new seasonal high temperatures. Recommend further study to confirm shift in migration. Previous observations confirm their presence.” Looks like every time an aurora happens, more of the message gets reveled to me. Why is it like that I wonder. I’m going to keep an eye on it, since it might come in handy to know what the bears are up to around here. Okay time for bed, I mean it this time.
  20. Pretty much this. It's way too tiresome to have two or more accounts just to upvote your own posts for anyone to consider it 'worthwhile'. Actually I don't think anybody has more than one account period, apart from one guy who was likely a troll. At the end of the day, reputation doesn't mean much, other than how often people agree with you. So I don't really bother caring about too much.
  21. Day 11 - Early Night - Mystery Lake - Unnamed Cabin The blizzard lasted the rest of the day. I was planning on spending the night at that isolated cabin, but something woke me up. That something was the lights in the cabin flickering, another aurora was active tonight. I decided to walk back home during the night, it was bright enough to see, and the sky was beautiful to stare at, it was mesmerizing. I tried my best to keep an eye out for any danger while walking back, but nothing terribly exciting happened, and I got back without any incident. When I got in the door, I placed that maple sapling on the floor for it to dry. Okay, sightseeing and writing is over, time to-
  22. Day 11 - Late Morning - Mystery Lake - Unnamed Cabin I went out for a walk today, because I wanted to explore the region a bit more. I’m currently a little east of that unnamed pond I was at the other day, the one with the hunters' blind with that handmade bow. Speaking of which, I found another sapling to craft with, a maple sapling this time. I think it will make a great bow, but I’m going to need something for the ‘string’. Maybe I can use the animal guts drying back home. That field harvesting guide did say that was a potential use for animal intestines' when they dried, so we'll see. For now, I’m taking shelter in a cabin that was nearby. Yeah, another blizzard. Hopefully it will end before the day is over.
  23. Day 10 - Late Afternoon - Mystery Lake - Fishing Hut Went fishing today, and I had some nice catches before my line broke. Five Lake Whitefish, and a Smallmouth Bass. Going to spend the rest of today gutting, and cooking these. After that I will gather up firewood, and storing it inside the office, because I'm getting low, and I rather not freeze in my sleep. A rather slow, and uneventful day...