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Everything posted by Ghurcb

  1. Nah... Nope. No-no-no. I mean, what's next? Automatic eating of food? Automatic application of first aid? That sort of automation really doesn't fit this sort of game. In TLD you survive because of your choices, and your character doesn't do anything that you don't choose to do (BTW, I don't like that in Wintermute the new clothes auto-equip). The little things like drinking when you're dehydrated improve the immersion. You don't just observe your character surviving, you ARE your character. Also, this would be a bad gameplay change that the players would hate, because there would be countless times when you have, let's say, 0.5L of water that you want to use to cook some coffee, but then suddenly your hydration bar fills up with no warning. And now you have to boil some more water, even though you had enough before. Basically, taking away the player agency like this is rarely a good idea.
  2. A agree that the maps in TLD stylized and inaccurate, but I don't see this as a problem. At first the game didn't have any sort of mapping system, you just had to remember the relative positions of all the different locations and how far away they are from each other. When the mapping system was introduced, it was made this way specifically so that players still had to familiarize themselves with the environment. You could make a simple depiction of your surroundings to know where they are relative to each other, but you couldn't find your way by just looking at the map, even when it's filled out. Even after getting the faithful cartographer achievement (and using the more specific community maps to do it), I still wouldn't want for the style of TLD maps to change. What I would like to see changed is the fact that the map only has two scales. It's either the whole region or super-close-up. I'd prefer for there to be a smooth zoom-in and zoom-out.
  3. I get what you mean, but it's rather uncommon for games to remove features. And I don't think The Long Dark is an exception. Can't recall a single change Hinterland would backtrack on, so frankly, cabin fever being removed is very unlikely. What COULD happen, though (and what should happen, in my opinion) is a rework of cabin fever, where once you get it, instead of being unable to sleep, read, or pass time, you just start losing your max fatigue (let's say, at the rate of 25%/day). This would give you more agency as to when you go outside, while still discouraging the "hibernation" playstyle. Also, being unable to pass time?! Whose stupid idea was that?! Let's say, you got cabin fever during a blizzard. You'd have to wait for it to end to go out. But you can't fast forward? WHY?! I could just leave the game on and go do some other stuff, reaching the same result. This is so ridiculous...
  4. I think QoL here means that the update is purely for fixing bugs (No new content).
  5. And what exactly will those complaints accomplish? "It seems like our players are displeased with the delays, we should release the updates faster. Our deliberately slow development schedule was a mistake, as it turns out. Welp, back to the normal rates of game-developing." Do you want them to cut DLC content? Do you want them to release buggy updates? Do you want them to crunch? Because "work, but faster" is not a valid solution. Perhaps, Hinterland overpromised. Maybe, a year is too short of a time to release all that content. But as the Nintendo guy said "Delayed update is good, rushed update is bad, or something like that". I don't care that Hinterland delayed the second update, I care about it being good when it is released.
  6. I think if you scared a wolf off, it should remember it for awhile, only attacking you if cornered. Same thing with bears.
  7. Ghurcb

    Item Piling

    Nope, I just edited this picture in Photoshop for one of my "How would you improve The Long Dark's UI?" suggestions. I think that's about how it should look when you want to take an item out of a pile of the same items.
  8. Ghurcb

    Item Piling

    Something like this?
  9. It's on purpose. The regions that are listed are required for the cartographer achievement. When Blackrock was added the devs decided to stop making getting it more and more difficult.
  10. Loved the update, the new bunker interior looks great, hyped for the first Tale, but the release date... Yeesh... I sure hope the following updates won't take this long to release. Otherwise, the one-year expansion pass will turn into a two-year expansion pass. I really hope, it's rather a sign that the rest of the updates will all be 8 weeks apart to catch up to the promised deadline. I'm not usually the one to blame Hinterland for taking too long, but the expansion pass is kind of a commitment. People bought it hoping it will be complete in a year.
  11. I'd also add matches, medicine, sodas, coffee, tea, and flare shells.
  12. Did anyone else notice that it was fixed? Thanks, Hinterland!
  13. Also, the game already has the kettle model AND the kettle whistle sound effect. Both are from the episode 3. If Hinterland don't add it, I think modders could do this relatively easily.
  14. Hoped this would be fixed with the addition of the improvised crampons, but apparently not...
  15. You know what would be awesome? Audio logs, only accessible during an aurora. That would be a lot more interesting than the buffer memories we have now.
  16. Idk, just sounds like the next logical step (pun 100% intended) in the 1st person animations direction. Also, if Hinterland add deep snow, legs would help in evaluating how deep you are.
  17. What I'd like to see added in The Long Dark Better animal animations and pathfinding A bear spear Adjusted item weights that make sense Items not passing through each other when dropped, but stacking in piles (as well as the ability to place items on other items) What I'd like to see added in The Long Dark 2 (can't be added into the game as it is now) Accumulating snow that deforms when you walk on it (if you go too deep, you'll be unable to continue moving forward) Complex animal interactions (a group of wolves surrounding a moose and killing it, eating it until a bear shows up, both trying to intimidate eachother, wolves losing, and bear taking the moose for itself) Swimming Legs
  18. The devs could also make tinder responsible for 40% of your firestarting success, so that once you don't have to use it, you'd still be incentivized to do so.
  19. Is it just me, or does the location on the picture look like the Hushed river? The part where you can do down a log to get to the bottom of the crevice? Just add this platform there and that's it!
  20. I'd say, it's even more possible, because when you use a harness, you don't have to hold on to anything with your arms and legs. But if it wasn't for it, and you used a hatchet or something else to slide while carrying 40 kg of supplies... That would be a speedrun of survival mode.
  21. What I think the clothing menu should look like. Scarfs as a separate layer (with a new neck frostbite), ear wraps as a hat type, all the other accessories have their own slots (crampons slot only appears when you wear boots). Edit: If Hinterland intend to add more accessories, I think, ballistic vest should become a coat type. Because you lose temperature this way, the vest would have to be lighter (for balance).
  22. I wanted for them to be added for a long time. When I first saw this concept art of Ash Canyon, I thought "wow, this will be so much fun!". Even if it was just a platform you could move back and forth, there would still be a lot of level-design potential in this idea. Unfortunately, this idea was bound to remain on paper, not added in Hesitant Prospect or any following update. But I still think, the addition of ziplines and platforms like the one on the picture would greatly improve the long dark. The most obvious use for ziplines is using them as shortcuts. It might be a long and difficult road to reach some point of interest, but if you want to backtrack after reaching it, that would only take you a few seconds. Hinterland already utilise this shortcut type. There are slopes too steep to reach the top, or rocks that you can jump down from, but can't climb up. But they are a bit unrealistic. My survivor can climb 15-meter long ropes but can't climb a waist-high piece of stone? On the other hand, going up the zipline from the wrong end would be realistically impossible. But why would there be any ziplines on Great Bear? This island isn't particularly known for its tourist attractions. Sure, there's the Mystery Lake camp office, implying that some people would visit for a vacation near a lake, or some ice fishing, but pushing it further would go against realism. Well, ziplines are not only used for recreation, they are also a means of transport for both people and cargo. They would certainly fit a mining region that has many different elevation levels. Perhaps, when you initially explore this region, you can't use the cables, and you'd have to climb ropes and walk in long zig-zags to move further in. But in a mineshaft at the very top of the map, you can find a harness that would allow you to ride on all the ziplines. This would not only allow for faster backtracking, but also further exploration, as some remote and low parts of the region could only be accessible by zipline. Some of the cords could have carriages full of ore and coal stuck on them. You would have to stop your ride to reattach the harness, while the small carriage sways hundreds of meters above ground as you move. A bonus use for the harness is that it would aid you when climbing ropes. It would give you more second chances when you run out of stamina, and if you fall, you will land mostly unharmed. As long as you have a harness in your inventory, you would use it for climbing, with an animation of the survivor attaching themselves to the rope indicating you're safe.
  23. I think it would be neat if there was a location in the game, where the electronics would still work (like an observatory with radiation shielding or something...). You'd have to fuel the generators to explore different parts of it, and maybe you could even fix up a system that would allow you to use the aurora for electricity when it's active. Alternatively, there could be a story DLC set shortly before the quiet apocalypse that would let you interact with some new electricity-based mechanics and see the first flare first-hand.
  24. And here's how you'd move items within the radial menu. You click it with the mousewheel, and drag to where you want it to be.
  25. Really? I think that would make the radial menu much more tidy. Here's an example. My inventory: My radial menu (food) As you see, there are all three granola bars, each one of them taking up a slot, but no beef jerky, pork & beens, and most importantly crackers. Now here's how it would look if it was my way. As long as you have 8 different food items or less, they are all accessible. Now, let's take an energy bar. Nah, this one's too good. (scroll the mousewheel down) This is how you switch between "doubles" of the same food item (or any item, really). This would be handy, right?!