Stinky socks

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Everything posted by Stinky socks

  1. 😂Selling? No, not at all. What's wrong? I don't understand, I feel fine! I apologize if being naughty. Had a rough day, trying to cheer up. Have I upset you? Hobbs.
  2. Very interesting take!! Not every man is bad though, most of us are far worse!!
  3. So, in real life. If some Hobbs tried to murder your wife or husband or whatever, someone family, what would you do if you found him?(similar situation as in game) A. I'd seek him medical attention. B. Run away, as I'd be shock scared C. Kill him (or even torture. Is that legal in Canada?)
  4. The time for class is over; the time for duty has begun! You are dismissed. Wow, so powerful!
  5. I kinda wish hinterland allowed for one more stab or something more creative, but then we run into esrb rating issues..
  6. Ah, fk PC. With those prices on gpus ?
  7. Fascinating weather talk. Very interesting, thank you! I agree about adding more weather phenomena to TLD; it would make game quite exciting!
  8. Hmm, interesting. Moonlight is sufficient because roof is open? Or do you only craft during Aurora?
  9. What console? Are you running low on space? Is there cache that can be cleared?
  10. Definitely not as there is abundant wildlife everywhere and everyone has guns. Also, did I mention reishi mushrooms?!!
  11. Looks beautiful! The colors are fantastic! Everytime I hear bleak inlet, memories from pensive lookout pop into my head. Such a great spot to cook something in the evening. I'd gather a huge bunch of firewood and cook my kill one piece at a time, enjoying the evening blizzard. The tranquility when you are inside and the muffled wind battering the lookout is out of this world cozy!!
  12. Well, it's all garmin and google maps for me! On long trips, I actually have both running!😂 I find navigating not very hard when following a fandom map in TLD! In-game map is another story. Back when playing on PS1 game called driver, I was navigational king lol! Many great memories!
  13. O ok, for some reason I was thinking of dance move nd didn't know how to tie it in together.
  14. That is strange. I know mystery lake is usually full of dogs and occasional deer. I actually remember seeing like three around trappers, one by the lodge on the lake and more in different places. Maybe try leaving and entering the map again? Might reset things for you.
  15. When I first came to bleak inlet, timberdogs were afraid of me everywhere. That or course changed after couple days. My second arrival to bleak inlet, I haven't met a wolf at all near pensive lookout. Apocalypse is setting in.
  16. You can harvest them for scrap metal.
  17. But you still exercise, right?
  18. Fandom. I downloaded them to smartphone and used to navigate. Google fandom hush river valley. Edit: here's a screengrab. Be prepared for great enlightenment. Many are against, for as the pandora box is opened, one can no longer close it. Knowledge is power, but can you channel it in the right direction?
  19. Sorry about the cooking pot. I popped in and you were away. Really needed one to cook some food. I'll bring it back in a few days. Blizzard right now where I am. 😊 Check integrity of the file system, maybe something went whack? Or like @UpUpAway95 mentioned, might be corrupt save, because i think that's where all your inventory from all regions is stored.
  20. You are up early! It's Sunday, why get up so early?! Looks great!
  21. Well, if you can log onto the forums from that tablet, you should be able to upload photo here. Either way, best to avoid little bit of snow on top of cannery sign if your character gets stuck. There is probably little bit of questionable geometry that causes character to get stuck.
  22. I completely forgot you are on xbox, sorry. It's a little easier with PC. I have an idea though. Can you use smartphone to take a photo on the tv where you are in game and upload here?