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Everything posted by Lumiiyx

  1. I've never been to HRV before this play thru and I am lost. I saw the signal fire when I arrived and have been trying to figure out how to get there. I believe I am near Offset Falls. There is a waterfall nearby and I am camped out in a found ruined snow shelter after climbing the rock wall with vines. I would think the easiest route would be go to Reclusive falls and then try and navigate the ice cave up? I brought a couple spray cans to help mark the direction in the cave. I also have enough supplies with me, but I would like to try the quickest route possible. The pic, if you look closely, shows the signal fire, middle of the pic. Any areas to look for by name would be appreciative. Thanks!
  2. Day 28 - It's getting harder to mark the days, especially with all of the Howling. The Wind . . .it howls . . .the wolves . . .howling, howling, howling . .closer and closer. But I keep pushing further and further. I have to . .I realize I am so utterly alone. I have not met a single person. I spent the last fortnight roaming around this Mountain Town, avoiding wolves and checking each last home. I finally found myself a rifle, but with limited bullets I need something better, and then I remembered a letter Mackenzie sent me . . . Dear Astrid, It's February 4th, 20XX and I had just arrived in Great Bear Island. I was giving a helicopter tour of the island as it was a nice clear winter day. This was to help me have an aerial view of each region before I make my way to my lodgings in Milton with an elderly woman and her daughter who is meant to be my guide. I had glanced down at what looks to be a bog or a marsh land. I asked the pilot and he said, "That is Forlorn Muskeg, not much there, except for Old Spence's Homestead. His Descendants keep the forge going. We can drop down since the weather is being kind for you to have a look; they make some mighty fine bows and arrows. Loads less weight then hiking through with guns." I've never had a bow and arrow before, but the less weight to carry was ideal, especially since most of the island seems like a lot of trekking, and through high altitudes. I agreed and we set down for me to purchase some bows and arrows. With that done, we made our way to Milton. I probably won't be able to write another letter for awhile, but I'll give you the address of where I am staying when I get it and I will try and call as soon as I can. Mackenzie Forlorn Muskeg, and Mackenzie had shown me a survey he had done that Forlorn Muskeg connects to Milton via the Milton Basin. He told me there was a cave and a hermit who lived there. A crotchety old man who sent him to the cave to sleep than his cabin. Mackenzie had only gone as far as Marsh Ridge, but said that the Old Homestead was on the opposite side past the rail tracks. I made my way into the cave, picking up the mountaineering rope, but deciding to leave it as was to cumbersome for me and I figured it would have better uses when I go back to Hushed River Valley. After getting lost in a fog and falling in the freezing cold water twice, I made it to what could only be Old Spence's. It was the only building around. Unfortunately, it didn't look as though anyone was here and the rail tracks were broken with a wreckage I had seen. Regardless, as I entered the structure I saw the forge and some coal lying around. As I was looking around I saw weird lights in the sky . .an aurora? It seemed more eerie in person and I quickly turned away and surveyed more of the place I was calling home for the night. I found the bed in a loft like area and put some planks against it to walk up. As I was about to settle in, I heard wolves howling in the distance. I quickly pulled up the planks and tried to block out the constant howls. Day break happened quite quickly it seemed, and I was relieved that it was clear day and I was alive. I went about searching the area and found the hammer to help with making the arrowheads as well as the blueprint for it. After a few tries I was able to make a decent amount of arrowheads. I had spent the entire day working the forge and would set back out to Milton in the morning. As I was about to fall asleep, strange lights appeared in the sky again, and the howling began . . . TBC
  3. If Desolation Point doesn't have enough to sustain you, then moving on would be better. Coastal Highway is the only option but from there you can move to Pleasant Valley with Thomson Crossing not too far from the transition point or go to the Ravine and then Mystery Lake, it depends on you. Finding food and better clothing would be a good idea. Mystery Lake may be the better of the two options.
  4. I think a sponge bath could work if a mechanic for cleansing was introduced, but as I have said before, you are alone and hygiene seems like too much use of energy that it would be better spent elsewhere.
  5. Maybe it's the DarkWalker or the ghost of Fluffy . .or both O.O
  6. Day 14 - I have started checking the homes here in this small town, even went to the bank and post office. Furniture was overturned and some broken glass. It seemed like people left in a hurry, but where did they go? No one was at Grey Mother's home, no one anywhere. A few wolves around that I've taken to avoiding as I go into each home. I see some homes boarded up or just looks like they were completely caved in and not for the first time I wondered what happened here... I started taking what supplies I could and brought them to Grey Mother . .also getting real handy with mending clothing and feeling warmer than I did 2 weeks ago. Except I still haven't found a gun, just ammo. Even raided the gas station on the off chance I could find a rifle or something, but no such like. I feel almost ready to go back to Hushed River Valley. But I want to finish checking the town on the off chance I can find someone who can tell me what happened here. I also ventured out to what looks to be the schoolhouse. It was burnt down to the ground. Why? I see discarded clothes, shoes, glasses, and a frozen corpse. Before I could think too much about it, I saw a farm house in the distance. Surely someone would be there. I grabbed some supplies and my cured guts and deerskin and made for the farm house. It was eerily quiet on the walk over and when I initially tried the door it was locked. I started calling out and knocking on the door but the only living being to answer my call was a couple of wolves. I looked around quickly and found a tractor. I sent a small pray that the tractor was not locked and got inside, the wolves nipping at my heels. I took a few calming breaths as the wolves circled the vehicle. Once I calmed down, I checked the tractor and there on the floor was the key, must be the house key. Hopefully the wolves get bored soon. I took another look around and notice a workbench. That should come in handy. Once I noticed that the wolves had given up, I made my way to the house and got inside without any further incident. Taking a quick glance around, I found the bed slept til morning. When I woke up, I did a better look around the homestead. Still no rifle, but after a quick breakfast I peeked out the door and upon seeing no wolves, made it over to the shed? and began looking around. A few good finds, including some blueprints to make some deerskin boots and pants, which should be warm enough for Hushed River Valley. Also made some fishing tackle and snares. I didn't see any places to fish, but there was some rabbits, so the snares will be useful. It's been a long few days, I think it would be a good idea to sleep and think about my next move . ."I don't think I can carry this gear for much longer..."
  7. Day 1 - I arrived in Great Bear Island, or I should say, crash landed. There was some electric problems with the plane and most of the wreckage was scattered out. Luckily, my seat had an emergency ejection with a parachute so I wasn't too harmed, but all of my stuff is missing and where I landed is windy and freezing. Hopefully the pilot is alright as I was not able to see where the plane went or the pilot. I landed in what seemed to be a landslide, and thought it might be a good idea to find someone or some shelter or something before I freeze to death. I walked for what seemed like ages, finding little tools here and there. I finally found a cliff and could see some smoke in the distance. Could that have been the plane? As I continued walking, trying to keep the smoke in my mind's eye, I began to feel like the cliffs and the waterfalls seemed familiar, and then I remembered. . . . Dear Astrid, It's March 1st, 20XX and I finally have some time to sit and write a letter. It's been very busy since arriving here in early February. I had made it to a small town called Milton, set in the Mountains on Great Bear Island. It's a quaint little town. The kind of town that seems very backwater, and neighbours helping neighbours. A real wholesome town. The school is a one room classroom for all ages and the older kids are more expected to help at the farm then going to school. I found lodgings with an elderly woman by the name of Grey Mother and her daughter Lilith who is meant to be my guide for the area. Lilith is quiet and very nice. She is very knowledgeable about the surrounding area and about mountaineering. I might just be able to get this surveying done quicker than expected. Grey Mother stays inside mostly, usually with her rifle in arm's reach, rocking in her chair next to the fire. She may be blind, and a bit rough around the edges, calling me "Outsider", but after a few caught rabbits and deer, she has started to warm up to me. Making rabbit stew for us with what I caught, and Astrid, It was SO good. You have got to come here in the summer and try it. She warmed up to me so much she would send me on errands for her, to the bank, the post office and to the gas station which is the only other place to buy supplies in this town. She even gave me some of her husband's mountain gear which included a heavy duty Moose Satchel that allowed me to carry more items, but without feeling like I was carrying that much more weight. This will be useful for the gear I need to carry to survey, plus Lilith recommended we carry some rifles and ammo for our trip to Hushed River Valley. "Just in case we run into any wildlife," Lilith had said. "Not to mention we need some warm clothing. That region is quite windy, we'll need to be prepared." But not much could have prepared us. . . .but anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself . . .we made it to Hushed River Valley just fine. We had a small team with us to help carry supplies and there was a lot of wildlife and plants so we could stay relatively well fed and warm. The region had a lower, ground level area, and then cliffs to help navigate to the highest plateau of the region. It was stressful at times, but as we were reaching one of the areas marked for surveying, a few of the men tried to make off with our supplies and a struggle ensued. Lilith . .Lilith ended up getting knocked back over the cliff, but was able to hold on to the rope. I wasn't close enough, and I yelled for the ones who were to help her. They didn't and I was getting worried, so I took my revolver and shot it in the air. The other men, they started running, ignoring mine and Lilith's pleas. At this time the winds had picked up, and Lilith's screams had become more desperate. I ran over to her to try and pull her up. The rope, it had twisted around one of her legs, pulling it tight enough to severely cut into her leg. I could see the blood, and realized we may not have enough to stop the bleeding. With what supplies were left, I took Lilith to a cave nearby and started a fire. Lilith said, start a signal fire, someone might see it and come looking before passing out. I did as she asked, and made sure it was big and strong enough to not blow out from the wind. I set my moose satchel down and pulled out a book, but I couldn't read it. I checked on Lilith who was looking very pale and checked her wound. She would be alright if we got found soon. took a couple days due to the wind picking up so badly. Even going out for firewood and food was scary. And on the day we were rescued, maybe a minute, or an hour or a moment before we were, Lilith had died. I ended up leaving the supplies; we had to concentrate on getting Lilith back to Grey Mother. When I had told Grey Mother the news of what had happened, we had found out a couple of the men were convicts from Blackrock Prison and the rest were men from Milton who scurried back to their homes like cowards. Grey Mother didn't say much, about Lilith's death, only mentioned the Moose Satchel. I promised her I would get it back for her, but she said no. That I was not to go back out there. I think Grey Mother . .I grew on her . .and she didn't want another death so soon. We had a nice ceremony for Lilith, however, Grey Mother, she began to worry me. "Why did no one help her?" She would say this several times in the day. Until one day, she said it was time for me to stop worrying about her and move on. There was more surveying to do and it was important for Great Bear that it got done. That she didn't trust anyone else to do this, and so I started making preparations to move to .......(illegible text). Regards, Will Mackenzie That's right, Mackenzie had drawn a picture of the Hushed Valley River region. There would, hopefully still be supplies, and that moose satchel. I just gotta find it before I freeze to death. Day 7 - I was not able to find the signal fire, but I am determined to come back and find it, once I am better prepared. I found many dead deer, not too many wolves, and was able to not starve or completely freeze. I came across a cave and realized it wasn't shallow like the rest, and it didn't look like an ice cave. Could this be the way to the Mountain Town??? I trekked my way through and came across a road. I walked for what seemed like ages and found a car, and then several more, all abandoned. I found some food and clothing to keep me going, but some of the trunks wouldn't open. I walked further and found a cave... Day 12 - There was a snow storm and I ended up getting turned around and found a small plane crash. I was able to get some supplies and found a cave to spend the night before heading back out to Milton. I finally arrived at a radio tower and saw the town below. It seemed devoid of life and what looked to be ruined buildings. There must be people still. I got down from the cliff and followed the path to a home on a hill that looked just like the one Mackenzie sent me of Grey Mother's. However, when I knocked, no one answered the door. It was getting cold, so I tried the knob and the door swung open. I looked around the room and noticed the fallen down rocking chair, the bullets in the wall and overturned furniture . .what happened here?
  8. I made it to where I can get to Timberwolf Mountain. It is a dead end region so I am going to consult the map but we maybe going there on stream later today.
  9. Yeah I would love a poncho like Astrid has, it'd be nice as an accessory.
  10. OMG, this is amazing!!! A new region to explore, new gear items and it will be available on all platforms??? I can not wait for that December update! Happy Holidays!!!
  11. True enough. I don't know the maps well as yet, so my custom would be considered easy mode. I figured getting my skills and learning the map in an easier setting would help me to immerse more and not get frustrated and quit. I love the no hand holding since some games basically lead you.
  12. That's my hope, wolf meat and clothing will soon be mine. The Bow seems easier than the gun, at least more renewable I guess.
  13. Thanks. I have tried to stone a rabbit and even when I think I have the rabbit centered between my forefinger and thumb I still miss. I did take some archery in school, but that was so long ago and it's not exactly the same lol doing it in game even with a first person pov.
  14. I actually did go to the barn and shot a few. My aim is improving. Close to the bullseye on the last one. Was in the ring just outside the bullseye. And yes it does feel nice to get that kill in.
  15. I have been having trouble aiming and killing an animal be it revolver, rifle or with a bow n arrow. I am currently at Pensive Pond to do some fishing and gather any surrounding supplies before moving on to Signal Hill. So between fishing, wood gathering and reading, my snare has netted no rabbits as yet. One was on the pond, moving target. Took aim, readjusted and fired. Blood splattered and the rabbit was gutted. I broke my arrow, but that's fine. I can make more at the farmstead. So proud of myself, especially with a small target. The deer and wolves are next. I really wanted to get this skill down so I can eat more than snared rabbit and fish or food left behind.
  16. How about when the music changes to something creepy for no reason 🤔
  17. The area is remote and damaged due to seismic activity. Depends how you want to tell your story. Some people can hold onto hope and survive and get rescued. Maybe it happens off screen. People do like to tell stories with these kind of games. Or maybe he succumbed to the elements, wildlife, etc. But it depends on a person's character if they can survive or not. Also the people who tell a story when playing can use their imagination. Like I finally made it to the farmstead in PV. The family was nice enough to let me in, however....the game is what you make of it. Also to add, there is nothing day to day about being in a plane crash somewhere remote and expecting it to be like your day to day real life. Especially if very few people live there, they would be spread out thinly. Add an unfriendly environment and only the very brave or very stupid stay behind.
  18. There is a day counter. The save tells you how long you survived. Getting to about 90 days on my custom, which is like 3 months. Also if Great Bear Island is in Canada near Vancouver, it doesn't snow there all year round. And the point of the survival is to survive in the winter. Also you are meant to be alone. There is no one else, or they already left. Except the people of Milton...RIP. No one who is surviving in this setting cares about what day it is or what holiday is approaching. That is unrealistic. But point is, it's meant to be lonely and taking comfort where you can get it.
  19. We are going to be exploring a bit of PV and getting a snare for those rascal-y rabbits.
  20. I live in Canada and I was going to say, if it's not curds it doesn't qualify to be called poutine. Most places make it with French Fries or hand-cut fries and every restaurant I have been to with Beef Gravy and cheese curds...I could go for a poutine . . .in game too.
  21. Welcome to The Long Dark! It's a great spot here.
  22. I have Cabin Fever in my custom, and it took about 80 days to get it. I get it, Mackenzie is cracking up. In survival mode, maybe he ran into Astrid and she was a frozen corpse, so he's going it alone. Maybe he's still searching, but he knows he has to pack up and move on to survive, so they keep missing each other. But I didn't find the Cabin Fever to be a huge deal. I got to the small town in PV, Thompson? Crossing and sleep in the car near the Community hall. He was warm, and safe and spent the days breaking down and gathering supplies to bring to the Community Hall as my base of operations from that side of the map. Although in my Custom with Astrid, I think I will do without the Cabin Fever and change a few settings and see if I miss it or if it adds anything to the game. I like the exploration and the resource gathering, so I doubt it.
  23. I got the game recently (Switch player) and this is one of the only games I play daily (whether I stream it or not). It just sort of relaxes me and helps me sleep at night. It seems to be releasing whatever stress I've been feeling for the last 7 months -.- . .probably been stressed longer, but I know I am a newer player, but I love the game. I have also learned how to read a map. The scaled maps people have created over the years, while some are out of date, I can figure out where I am by looking at the map and the scenery around me. I consider that a bonus LOL.
  24. The Aurora freaks me out, and the Old Bear. I have a custom with no bears, moose or timber wolves, and a low population of wolves. I wanted to get used to the game in an easier setting. I've also gotten lost in 2 blizzards, couldn't see and I thought I was going to die. I transitioned from BR to FM and was able to find my way after getting turned around several times. I wouldn't say that scares me, more unsettles. Also, I am only familiar with Broken Railroad, Forlorn Muskeg and Mystery Lake (and Milton), the other maps I am just starting my journey in my Custom noted above. I found the little town and I am going to the Outbuildings/Barn tonight. I have a map someone made and I have charcoal to map my the region...I'll be fineeeeeee!