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Everything posted by Kranium

  1. I imagine very few, if any, of you have heard of Yorke Island. It's located towards the north end of Vancouver Island, in the straight. It has an old abandoned military outpost.
  2. BR is my biggest long-term base, I love it there. I mostly hunker down in the outdoor part of the maintenance shed, no cabin fever and plenty of amenities. All that area needs is a fishing spot, IMO. Another connection would be great, too. I don't miss the coal much, I tend to bring some back after every adventure run to other areas, it piles up plenty before I need to forge again. Gives me a reason to venture out, rather than camp in place indefinitely & getting bored.
  3. Perhaps zombie rabbits resurrected from carcasses left behind? lol
  4. The above is what us Canadians call a "Thunder Pavilion".
  5. Depends on my supplies & what I'm doing. I tend to let it go longer if I'm in "hanging around base for a week" mode, kinda thing. And I'll do a few repair sessions immediately before going on a big journey/move.
  6. Akshually, I say it at least requires a spoon. A big one, in my case. Yummers! (full disclosure: I normally pack a small jar of peanut butter for my backpacking trips. And a spoon.)
  7. Beans: +5°C warmth when consumed before sleep because of Dutch Oven effect; duration 6 hours. OK seriously: cougars only come out at night. Silent unless running, stalking behaviour, can bee seen from a distance if equipped with a light source via glowing eyes, light also works like flares on wolves. Attack: cutscene like bear/moose; Result: no broken bones, lower risk of sprain, higher lacerations/blood loss & way higher clothing damage. ???
  8. Well I will say that I post this more as a wish list for TLD2. And I'd definitely like more of a simulator than emulator, however, it's possible to balance everything out either way. I can't see any big changes in TLD outside of new areas & a few more new items that are little more than tweaks to already existing ones. (excluding mods, I haven't bothered yet, not until I get too bored) Also, we have peanut butter. It requires toast. 😁
  9. If they eliminated the lantern spark dealio because it was a "cheat" to see in teh dark, they should do the same with placing objects for a similar result. One can navigate pitch black caves, for example, by "placing" a fire. Moving the red firepit (or bedroll, or any other object) outline around will show you all obstacles.
  10. IMO, story mode is best experienced as your first experience with the game.
  11. Love the hot springs idea. They are spattered all around the province, so it makes some sense. Always wanted a ski resort in the game. It's the one thing that's ubiquitous in BC rural areas but isn't in the game. I'm hoping PM is/has a tourist/ski area in it. Mountain lions. If there's going to be some good new loot here, then we should also add balance: cougars are common here in BC. Let's do it.
  12. I said 1 because it was my introduction to this amazing game experience. I went into TLD totally blind, I had no idea at all. Blew me away. So, nostalgia wins & EP1 it is.
  13. I do this (also with deer, but it's a bit harder) when I know I'm heading into wolf territory. I'll basically herd rabbits to run in the direction I'm going, so that wolves will go after them rather than me. I've found it to be a very effective tactic in Interloper.
  14. I find the map to be near-useless, especially after you've memorized it anyway after your 300th day or whatever. (I find the charcoal map to be laughably & extremely unrealistically vague, in regards to terrain/pathing) So having the option to unlock it as per the above post is harmless at worst. Now, having the map show you exactly where you are would be another thing, and I'd love it, albeit with limitations. (utilizing a more sensible version of the spray paint exploit, for ex.)
  15. A flintlock muzzle-loading blunderbuss would be great, haha. There's actually a black powder club not far from where I live, those people are nuts/great! Anyway, it's a good fit, in a way: only need black powder, a bit of cloth for a wad, then just drop in some pebbles... BAM! Cobra chicken soup. :)
  16. Ability to step over larger objects (eg. logs) Why can't I fill up on water at open water spots? (eg. waterfalls, ice fishing hole) Can make it cost something, like wet gloves and/or frostbite risk to hands, parasites (google "beaver fever"). Pain killers are OP IMO. Make them take time to work, and/or have them make you drowsy while they're working. Also shouldn't be targeted! Candles Cross-country skis & snowshoes, maybe toboggans (hauling gear) [ties into candles: use for ski wax, which is needed to maintain; less ski wax, slower/use more energy] Lower/raise backpack via rope at rope climbs, lightens your load. Saves energy, costs time. (As a mountain scrambler IRL, the rope climbing cost re: sleep is kind of ludicrous) Alcohol. Pass time while drinking, cures cabin fever, risks sprains, maybe costs temperature. Possible crafting ingredient (disinfectant, accelerant, painkiller) Cougars. (no, not like my aunt) Bone tools Snow depth as a mobility factor. Snowblindness, and sunglasses. (craftable) see this wiki I also want bread so I can use toasters during an aurora, because I love toast. That is all for now.
  17. No way. I DO NOT want death from above in this game!
  18. Well, it's possible a squadron of Cobra Chickens could fly some down...
  19. I didn't realize there were Timberwolves in Broken Railroad!
  20. I mean, IRL I've lowered my pack down via rope then climbed down after. (I've done my share of scrambling)
  21. The biggest game "map" would be No Man's Sky. Not. Even. Close.
  22. yeah it was a car parked in front of the trailer in Keepers Pass. I found the same thing (although the car was blue)
  23. Yes, the Steam achievments is a good list to conquer. Also, try finding all the cairns without using a map. (they're only in the first few created regions, up to but not including Pleasant Valley) HINT: make sure you have lots of bandages on hand!