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Everything posted by Catlover

  1. Brilliant work as always! Can’t wait to fill my base with screenshots from the game Though how do you change the image?
  2. Recently noticed that a revolver often spawns under grey mother's bed. Never noticed it before! Some items are so hidden it's like playing hide and seek
  3. My bad, thought you were saying that you'd died 😅 Glad to know your survivor is still alive and well!
  4. Agreed, unfortunately I'm still in the latter category of dying after 40 days but I do like doing a little camping every now and again. And you're completely right, the lopers who say it's survival not camping seem to be a little hypocritical. I love when I get to a point where I am just camping out, minus a tent and annoying nephew of course, though I typically die way before then 😅
  5. Honestly my memory is pretty rubbish, so I’m glad I wasn’t just making things up completely. That would be pretty cool, those kinds of,people must have a lot of patience.
  6. That being said, I don't mean to cause a debate. We clearly have different opinions and I respect that. I always like seeing new ideas here, even if I may not agree with them sometimes. Shall we agree to disagree?
  7. Yes it is trying to be realistic, though it's not hyper-realistic and true to real life. It simplifies a lot of things like hunger, first aid, guns, but that's why I like it. I like how it's pretty simple in regards to the hatchets, knives, etc. That's how it has worked for a long time, same with the guns. Why fix what isn't broken? Nothing wrong with simplifying things every once in a while. This is my opinion though, I wouldn't be against adding other items like axes and whatnot, I would just feel like having a gun for every wildlife challenge takes away the struggle of survival by a lot.
  8. I believe there are plenty of hunting simulators if you wanted gun realism, however I doubt that's something you'll see added to the game. And I disagree, the sharp items do things differently with the exception of cutting meat. The knife is for cloth, pillows, etc, the hatchet for saplings, bookcases, larger furniture, and the hacksaw for metal objects. Every necessity has been filled with that, without adding different types of hatches, hacksaws, with the exception of course of improvised ones. I don't personally see why guns would be any different.
  9. I was going to say, I hope they don't remember all the bunny slaughter! At least I have terrible aim, most of my bunnies are killed via snares. Not sure which is more humane to be honest 🤔
  10. That does sound interesting! Let me know what it's lot and I'll definitely check it out. I'm all for a bit more realism with the first aid side of things.
  11. Haha I have too, made me fear them. Something that fluffy and cute must have an ulterior motive!
  12. I get that ,however why complicate a system that many players find works pretty well? More guns is a common request, however many players, including myself, simply don't see the point in adding more. The game is not made to be a hyper realistic survival game,and I don't want it to become a bit of a shooter. I imagine this will be a mod one day, which would be cool, however I'm not a fan of it being added to the game. In my opinion it would overcomplicate a system that works fine for the game and has done for a while. That being said, I do see where you're coming from, I just don't think that more guns is something a game like TLD really needs
  13. Agreed, I love hunger revamped, not tried the temp drop one, though but I'll have a look for it. I'm glad mod support is finally a thing, I've found it greatly enhanced my game, even ones that are purely cosmetic, like ambient lighting.
  14. Heard those bunnies are nasty, I wouldn't trust them 🤔 Though they're definitely better than a bear!
  15. May have made this up completely but I'm pretty sure that when you shoot a wall inside, a temporary mark appears where you shot. Not sure if I have just made it up but I'm pretty sure I noticed that once when I pressed the wrong button and fired a bullet at the wall, noticing it left a mark. Hinterland are great at the small details! From audio, to graphics, truly a great dev team that designed what has to be my favourite game of all time
  16. Why not take them with you? You can start the world first Great Bear Bear Zoo! Or something like that, if they don't maul you first 🤔Feel bad for the poor guys, they've had their sleep rudely disrupted, no wonder they're angry
  17. I disagree, the game has no use for more guns. As realistic as it may be, I don't want to tip the scales from survival game to FPS. @SpanishMossis right, there are only two categories and both are already filled. The point of the game is to survive in the Canadian wilderness and I wouldn't want to have too many guns in the game as surviving becomes considerably easier with a rifle alone. That's not to say you don't have a bad idea, no ideas are bad. It's just that imo, not everything in the game has to be realistic, and that includes the guns. I don't want every single one of our problems in game to be solved by a simple press of a trigger, I like the challenges the rifle and revolver give you. They're not perfect for everything which still adds an aspect of difficulty, especially with large game. Again though, this is my own opinion and I can understand why you want more guns, but to me, they just wouldn't fit with the style of this game.
  18. Haha yeah that's true, in the BI wind it would blow you and your tiny raft miles away!
  19. Could be an alternative ending to the game? You sailed away into the mist, heading for the mainland.. with underwear as a mast 😜
  20. It appears that I've woken up to a bit of a debate here! I agree with @JMK, building a base is common in survival games, which is another thing that makes tld stand out, and building a base wouldn't be of interest to me personally. Haha I've realised that the whole no arguing thing was slightly impractical 😅 That being said, yes, how dare you argue! (kidding, of course)
  21. Agreed though I often time my expeditions, when geared up, to do out when there's a blizzard. That's because I find wildlife despawns so I can head into the CH garage, or the PV farmhouse without any wolfies. If I know the map well and have decent gear, I like to time certain expeditions for blizzards. I play stalker and doubt I'll be doing that tactic in loper, less wolves and lower temperatures for a start, but I do like blizzards in certain circumstances. That's not to say I haven't lost many a survivor to them !
  22. Here before this post blows up with bear encounters! Mine was in by the hybernia processing, can't remember if it's in CH or DP, one of the two. I was just leaving the factory when like @UpUpAway95, I got jumpscared by the infamous roar, I turned to see a bear on its hind legs, exited the save, never played it again! Of course I don't do that any more but I believe that was one of my very first saves so I didn't know what would happen and it scared the life out of me! Thought I'd mention I was walking away from the factory so it was too late to run back, with good old Yogi being so close. Maybe I could have made it, maybe not, I'll unfortunately never know
  23. Agreed, I'm a fan of custom mode yet I never play it because I'm trying to get the feats. I really hope they add feat progression to custom but that's a debate for another time. I'd like to see them add and tweak things further, and hopefully in a later update that will happen. Love your slogan by the way!
  24. @Digitalzombieput a link above to all the mods. It lets you know which work, which don't, etc I know there is also a mod discord somewhere so I recommend joining that if you have any questions about them
  25. I too prefer the higher difficulties for that reason, I simply don't find the others as challenging. But everyone has different preferences, and that's why I like this community. Everyone likes playing the game a little different, which sparks so many discussions. The game is to be played however you want, and though I don't like pilgrim, I know many players who do. And I'm sorry about that death, eating raw meat always sucks. Good luck with NOGOA, heard that's really tough!