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Everything posted by Catlover

  1. Ooh, now I have found something to watch. Was it difficult? If so, I might one day give it a go. Though I doubt that I would make it past the first day, haha.
  2. It would do a combination of helping and hindering your progress, and possibly survival. Maybe there would even be fawns and other juveniles, but that is most likely too much work for something temporary
  3. Thank you, @sierra 117. I've been trying to find out for some time.
  4. This is most likely a topic talked about many times, but perhaps sixty days on or so, the season could change. I'm not meaning lots of changes, just maybe more flora and fauna, like taller grass, more wolves, etc. Perhaps it would snow less, and thus have less on the ground. Maybe the temperature could climb a few degrees. This is just an idea I thought of. It might ruin the aspects of the winter hell, as a downside, so there would most likely be only a few changes, to keep with the Long Dark themes.
  5. I don't honestly know if it would fit with the theme. Sure, everyone wants a fluffy doggo, especially when stranded, but it would break the solitary theme. Like @ManicManiacand @UTC-10stated, it would take a long time to make and just wouldn't be worth it. I do like the idea, but it just doesn't work with TLD.
  6. If I remember correctly, it was spoken on the Steadfast Ranger release on YouTube. Pretty sure that he spoke about it and a way to turn it off, that I forgot. May be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that it was mentioned.
  7. Mind if I give this a go, after finishing my current challenge?
  8. Something I had discovered the hard way: Sardines and Pork 'N Beans can kill at a higher condition rate than I had originally thought. I ate one at around 40% and died some time later. Always check the condition and eat lower quality cereal bars and such first. Just keep a wary eye on your Sardines and Pork 'N Beans. Jerky never really becomes dangerous, so even on 30%, you will be fine. That's something handy to know, as I used to throw out any low quality food, wasting jerky multiple times.
  9. I have too much time on my hands, so I would like to hear everyone's story. Be it an encounter or a walk, I'd love to hear of it!
  10. Hey guys. I just found this forum yesterday and decided to join, so here I am. Random TLD Things About Me My favourite map has to be Timberwolf Mountain or Mountain Town. Haha, recognise a theme going on? I am not scared by bears or moose. Wolves though. Those things often jump me without warning, making me feel exposed and paranoid. I enjoy making up my own challenges, so that's mostly what I'll be posting about. Maybe check out my first story, involving one of them. (It's called The Forgotten Scrawling of a Semi-Noob) I detest the name now, but I can't change it. My favourite item is a cooking pot. Nothing makes my day like finding one of those. For some reason, I really feel complete with a good ol' cooking pot. I would love to know more about everyone's TLD things about them, so if you are reading, maybe post a few things in your reply? Always glad to know more about fellow members/survivors. Good luck surviving!
  11. Night 1 I arrive near a trailer, so a decent start. Downside? It's midnight, so I stumble blindly around, miraculously finding it in a short amount of time. As I arrive, the noise of footprints makes me freeze, my heartbeat quickening to a speed that can't be healthy. As the sound grows louder, a beast runs right in front of me. Instant death? An unpreventable struggle? No. Just a deer that scares the bejeezus out of me. I don't hesitate to open the door, greeted by darkness. Safe darkness. I waste two matches searching for a bed, and rest for an hour before playing cards until I can see. I get out, greeted by fog. Day 1 Sighing, I light a fire in a nearby barrel to get a little water and pass the time. The fog clears slightly and I get going, praying to the TLD gods that no wolves ambush me. Checking a nearby car, I find food and a hunting knife. Pretty good. I see St Christopher's Church and loot the place. I find basic stuff and....A hunting rifle! The gods love me, so far. I start another fire, as the dreaded Hypo comes to say 'hi'. Feeling extra lucky, I eat low quality sardines and actually survive. Then I simply fix my clothing slightly before checking outside. The weather was clear, so I begin walking, checking for wolves with noticeable paranoia. I notice around three nearby vehicles and quickly get in them and see what I can find, putting the visors down like every good survivor. Wood matches and cloth in a truck. My thirst is empty, and the wind is picking up a lot. I loot a second car and run back to the church, promising to search the others later. Inside the church, I try to light the fire, praying that it'll work. After two wasted matches, it lights. I boil water at sonic speed and play cards until the wind hopefully dies down. It does, and I search the others quickly as night slowly falls. I don't want to spend long in the church, but camping with rubbish clothes is pretty much suicidal. Milton is not far, so I could walk to Grey Mother's. I consider it, checking the time. Eventually, I decide to go. Holy Guacamole, the gods are shining down on me. I now have what I call, the Big Three. Hatchet, rifle and knife. I'm all set, hopefully! Gearwise, anyway. Wolves, look out! Grey Mother's was a good call, closer than I had remembered. Getting inside, I get what I can find in minimal daylight before collapsing into a warm bed. Day 2 I wake up, dehydrated and starving. An orange pop solves it, for the time being. I begin murdering curtains, the wind instantly changing. I can't tell if it's a full on whiteout or strong wind like the previous day. Either way, it doesn't matter as I am indoors and warm. Well, as warm as it gets in Canada. Grey Mother's is huge, and I have decided to trash the rule of no indoors, for a short while. I find good stuff, including an apparently invisible cardboard box. Not complaining. I also spy a sneaky soda behind a cloth and snag that, proud of myself for spotting it. I finish upstairs, thinking to myself ''Man, Voyager is easy' But remember that the slightest thing can ruin your day. *Cough* Wolf attack *cough* It may sound weird, but my most valuable possession, to me, is a cooking pot. Not a rifle. Not a hatchet. A cooking pot. Nothing brings me the same level of relief as one of those. Finding one, I do a mental happy dance and then resume searching the cabinets. I break down Grey Mother's cloth by the rocking chair, feeling like she's going to shoot me like I always feel. It has yet to happen, however. I finish up and sort my inventory as night closes in, and fall asleep listening to the still roaring winds.
  12. Just curious. How are you doing now? If you have any more stories, please share them! I enjoyed reading this, and look forward to possible updates!
  13. They are so generous and other companies really should follow their examples instead of using it in pointless ways. I find that if I like a game, but the developers get greedy, I dislike the game, even though it has not changed. Seeing their kindness brings my love of this game to more than I thought possible. I apologize if I was rambling, but I just wanted to say it.
  14. When I came back, after a long time away. (Thanks PC, for breaking on me) I was mildly surprised by it. I find it wholesome to see companies and game developers do things like that. They have many other ways to spend their money, and yet they use it in the most valuable way possible. Well done, indeed.
  15. I'll write down my previous attempt, basically because I have nothing else to do. I started in HRV because I fancied a challenge. Turns out it was too much of a challenge! The Failed Attempt of STS I land in an unknown area. Pretty easy to do that, as literally everywhere is unknown as I have never entered there before. I head off into the unknown, now I have Frozen II in my head, and almost instantly find Two Step Falls, I think that it was called. It was beautiful but I had more important things, like actually staying alive, to do, so I stopped gazing at it and moving onward towards a woodland. It parted abrubtly, showing a ravine with a rope at the other end. Becoming my inner mountain goat, I climbed down and slid down the snowy dune. Fun times, am I right. Getting down unscathed was rather easy and I climbed the rope, wanting out of the ravine. The wind noticed me having a pretty easy time and got cross, picking up alarmingly and sending clouds speeding across overhead. I predicted a blizzard, picking up sticks and searching for possible shelters. A noise spooked me and I crouched beside a rock, assuming that it was our notorious furry friends. When all was quiet, I got out and saw a bear heading away from me. How I confused a bear with a wolf, I do not know. Moving away, I saw a bunny or two having a good time. Getting some rocks, I hit the wrong button, still adapting to Xbox controls, sending a rock flying towards the bunnies. It hit one by sheer luck, but it got up by the time I had arrived. My food on me was actually great (Jerky, granola bar and a tin of sardines) so I didn't mind. I kill a bunny almost instantly after losing the others, giving me unintended paranoia as I seemed to douse myself in a slight stench of dead meat. The latest fragrance for predators. The sun was descending as the temperature dropped, bringing my warmth to near nothing. I set up camp by a rock providing shelter from the biting wind and lit a fire on my second time. Mid roasting the rabbit meat and boiling more water, I headed away to find a few more sticks as the blizzard closed in. I put in all of my precious 45+ sticks, only to lose the flame when the wind changed direction and the snowfall turned into a full on whiteout. So I got up and legged it to a better location, realising too late that I had left my tin can behind. I knew that I would soon die of thirst, but it never came to that. I appeared to have turned a half circle, the blizzard still masking my vision. My inner mountain goat gone, I plummeted off of the cliff as I didn't see it until it came up to meet me. Didn't even survive 24 hours.
  16. First of all, the exhaustion. I find it irritating that you can go to bed, wake fully tested and begin climbing a long rope and leaving you completely drained and needing to sleep again. It really hinders my progression in the game, nearly causing my demise once as I met wolves with a sprained ankle and wrist from exhaustion. Second request is maybe more psycogical problems the more you play, and more to Cabin Fever which is currently just annoying sometimes. I cannot think of anything else off of the top of my head so that will be all. Someone else stated these in a video so if you have heard of these things before, that's most likely where you heard them.
  17. I am enjoying reading this. You are reckless, where as I instantly have a panic attack whilst facing wolfies. I swear that those things hate me. Good luck in Bleak Inlet! Hope the Timbers don't annoy you too much.
  18. This is my first thing on a forum, so don't expect much. This will be most likely a collection of stupid mistakes, death and sheer stupidity. If you like laughing at people's failures on TLD, then I hope you will like this. I will be trying a made up challenge that I call the Sun To Snow Challenge. Let me explain about it a little. To sum it up, it will be on Voyager level, with the weather things as high as humanly possible, apart from blizzards that are at a sad medium. I cannot stay more than a day in a man made structure. I'm not good at surviving outdoors, so this will be immensely helpful, as I frequently die and learn at the same time! I am starting in Mountain Town. I won't spend long there, trying to move around the island whist playing hide and seek with those who seem intent on my demise. I'll try update daily but no promises. I play on Xbox so unless one of you know how to take screenshots on it, I'll be unable to have some, which makes me mildly disappointed. Await the first attempt later on today!