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Everything posted by ManicManiac

  1. I tried to get an early start... but the weather is ugly and threatening another blizzard. I suppose I'll stay indoors for a couple more hours... or the rest of the day... depending on if a blizzard hits or not.
  2. I want to get all the way back over to finish exploring Fire Lookout and Homesteader's Respite today. In total that will mean at least four climbs total, it's going to be a rough day... but I'm ready. I had a feeling I might want this for Homesteader's Respite... First order of business was to deploy the rope and get 5kg back. ...because of course the was a rope here the entire time... oh well. I can always add it to the rope that's sitting down at Bitter Marsh. Although it seems we've lost the sunny skies... but the weather's still nice. Considering I'm my pack's already getting heavy... I may as well make my way down, drop off the rope and take the long way around. I'll need to drop things off to lighten my pack anyway. That will likely chew up the rest of the day... Hmm... somehow, I'd missed this the last time I was here on bitter marsh... not a problem, I'll just pick it up now. Always tricky getting back the Angler's Den when I come this way. At least this time I'll be able to open that lockbox. All-in-all, it turned out to be a rather e-fish-ient trip. 😋 I went to bed a bit early... tomorrow, I think I see about getting up to Runaway Bridge.
  3. [Accompaniment:] Friendships - YouTube Sun peeking out over the mountains... beautiful clear sky... got to get moving. Dropped weight to less than 25kg. Hopefully the pack won't fill up so quickly today...
  4. I decided to only sleep 10 hours in favor of getting an early start on the day. I want to cover as much ground as I can. Thanks to the bad weather, I feel like I have time to make up. Between Miner's Folly and the Forman's Retreat... frankly, I found a lot more than I had expected to. I was going to have leave behind all the clothing and cooking ingredients (as well as a bot and a skillet) behind for another time. The weather was beginning to threaten another turn for the worse... I decided to press on for the High Meadow. When I got to High Meadow... that's when the weather decided it was time to change my plans. I've been gambling pretty hard against the weather lately, but this time I was caught a bit off-guard. Rather than try get back to the cave... or even risk a push onward to the Fire Overlook, I decided it might be better to get back down to the Climber's Cave. It seems that Climber's Cave was a little further off from the climb than I had thought... I had to feel my way across the expanse. It seems I was able to keep my sense of direction and arrived on target at Climber's Cave began form out of the whiteout's blast. I was able to get my fire going quickly, and just piled on the coal. Before I'd even made it down the first rope, I had already started freezing... the warm of a 12-hour coal fed fire was a real treat. I guess this will be the rest of my day (and night)... I will unload as much as possible in the morning and head back up the ropes (in the interest of saving some time) and continue on my route tomorrow.
  5. After the storm last night, I think I finally made up my mind today's route... Time to pare down the pack again... maybe just two night's worth of food and water. I imagine there should be quite a bit to find while out on the day's route, and there will be ropes to contend with. I'll need all the carrying capacity I can manage. I spent nearly half the day on the sort and stow (and a little bit of mending). I'm down to just one carboard match left... but rather than take some of the wooden matches I have here at Angler's Den... I think I'll just keep on going with the one I have on hand. I figure I'm likely to come across some more. Just above... the ominous reach of the "Wolf's Jaw." It can be tricky to stealth past the wolves in some spots, but so far, it's always been possible. [Of course, a couple of rocks in one's pocket just in case... that's just good sense.] I did double back along the opposite bank, just to see if there was anything of interest... there was not. Although, there is a shallow recess where one could potentially take cover if needed. Long Falls... This cave will lead up to Miner's Folly (and a bear's den... so that worth keeping in mind). Made it to Miner's Folly (have not yet seen hide nor hair of the bear... but I know it's out there). I hope to prospect through Miner's Folly, Forman's Retreat, High Meadow, Fire Overlook, and Homesteader's Respite tomorrow (or at least get as much of that area covered as the day allows).
  6. I suppose then... this might beg the question; why add the affliction then? I think the answer lies in the power of player choice. I think that if we choose to neglect our "diet" for the purposes of trying to "min/max," then it seems now we have a consequence we can suffer from just (for example) solely subsisting off of rabbit snares (or whatever might prompt this sort of malnutrition... I'm not a nutritionist... so take my example with a "grain of salt" 😋). I have no idea how it's all going to work... but I hope it's more akin to cabin fever where it becomes something as a consequence of player choice rather than something we have to actively micromanage.
  7. @xanna & @Leeanda Thank you for reminding me... I'd more-or-less forgotten about this. I have yet to even find all the recipes (let alone try them out). I feel like I need to commit to really giving the cooking system a shot. I think perhaps after I get through Blackrock... and before I set out for the Far Territory, I need to regroup and do some science with the mechanics I've not really had much reason to experiment with yet. (this includes fishing and hunting Ptarmigans)
  8. The mental imagery kind of reminded me of a webcomic I used to read: Also a little bit of New Vegas: Very much looking forward to seeing and trying on the new clothing/gear.
  9. I left Scarlet back in the cabin. It's been a while since our encounter with the bear... so I decided to spend the day fishing and collecting sticks. I figure, if I'm ever not certain of what to do, keep gathering food. Managed to gather a few more sticks on the way back this evening. It was time to cook, give Scarlet another treat, and probably just go to bed.
  10. Oh, I see... I would not have expected that. That's some good science.
  11. @Pencil To be fair, of course, my mini challenge isn't the same as actually living with Fluffy in the workshop... but being able to occupy the space with her for even a short time means it's at least possible. I suppose all one would need are many flares and/or torches, and the will to keep the fires burning (so to speak). This is a wonderful chronicle of what you've achieved so far. Keep it up.
  12. @Pencil It can be done. I recently finished a mini challenge in my current run. It was a Weaponless Stealth run of Bleak Inlet. I'd managed to never get spotted by the Timberwolves (even through the Cannery Rush)... and then to top it off, used a single flare to search the Workshop without either Fluffy or myself coming to harm. You're right... it was tough, but it can be done. If interested: ...Memory Lane... [Weaponless Sealth run - Bleak Inlet] Starts on page 18... concludes on page 21
  13. @Pencil You could even kind of do that now with Fluffy in the Break Inlet Cannery Workshop... if one were so inclined. Could also be done in the cave with Scruffy over on Desolation Point.
  14. @Leeanda But in digging deep and rising to the challenge against all odds... I've been able to push the boundaries of what I thought I could do in a run... or what was even possible in the game itself. Your advice and ideas have always been valued and appreciated.
  15. I'd say you give perfectly good advice. Yours has always been positive presence, and it was while talking with you that I thought to tackle an "early summit" at the beginning of my Silent Fury personal challenge run. It was also while talking strategy with you, that I got excited about the idea of proving a Weaponless Stealth run of Bleak Inlet was attainable (chronicled earlier in this very run).
  16. @Leeanda 🤔I don't want to say that I'm not concerned with the wolves... because of course I am, but I guess I am more concerned with trying to cover the ground somewhat efficiently. No matter which why I look at it... there seems there is going to be some backtracking, and I don't see a way to avoid that. So, I guess I'm just trying to think about it strategically. I think at the moment, I'm favoring running heavy and dropping nearly everything off at the Angler's Den again. I figure that way I have more room for packing up things I find at Miner's Folley, High Meadow, and Homesteader's Respite (and all the good spots in between). That way I can also check out what's on the ledge just below this level and right above Angler's Den. Though, on the other hand... it might also be worthwhile to keep and really supply this secondary encampment up to Climber's Cave (since its relatively close proximity to the exit leading to Deer Clearing on Timberwolf Mountain). Making it an easier place to return to in order to pick up things later on. 🤔 I feel like panning is everything on these little adventures of mine.
  17. @Leeanda Yes...but hopefully that means if I find one up in Blackrock, it ought to be full. 🤭 I suppose I'm roughly half-done with Ash Canyon, the rest is mostly on the "Upper Shelves." I'll need to think about how I want to start working on the mid and top levels of the region. I do also need to remember to also revisit the narrow ravine (there is a sort of "upper" foot-trail along the walls I need to cover on the way back down, at some point). I guess, what I mean is... I'm not sure if it's better to goat back down and hike up to the cave at Long Falls, or if I go from here to High Meadow. 🤔 Both ways provide the same result... so I suppose I'll have to think on it some more. Of course (as always), other ideas are always welcomed.
  18. Managed an early start. The weather was a bit foggy, but I suppose then at least it might be a bit warmer. Hmm... looks like perhaps some has been through this way before. I think I'll follow the trail... Looks like someone's lost their towel... most unfortunate. According to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:" A grand overlook on to Pillar's Footrest... Also, a couple other things to check out while I'm up here. I suppose first I'll go up... then I'll head down. Found an interesting openair (sort of) "shelter" complete with pine bough bed. A gorgeous view below though. Speaking of down below... it was time to follow the lower trail. That's a steep drop just ahead... the cave looked familiar. I think it was the same one I explored a couple of days ago, which means I think that it will lead me back to Pillar's Footrest. ...and I was correct. I decided to head back up the slope and back over to Climber's Cave. I've stayed hydrated today, but still not feeling the best in the wake of the bout of food poisoning I had to deal with last night... I figured this is a good chance to take it easy and try to fully recover. This way I know I'm close to good shelter and can finish exploring the area around Climber's Cave before sitting down to decide the next route. Well, plenty of stick to pick up. This is the last section of this area to prospect; I should be able to get it done at a leisurely pace before sundown. The topside of the rope I'd spotted the other day... but I've already been down there though. Also... starting to snow. I guess there's little chance of getting some sunshine for "free" fire later; oh well. I do love these little rewards we get from exploring Great Bear Island... they are not always material though. Here is a beautiful overlook of Bitter Marsh below. The weather, however, is threatening a blizzard... so I'm going to head back to Climber's Cave. More stunning views... Back at Climber's Cave for the evening... Even though I don't need it. I think I will build up a 12-hour fire, have some tea, and bolster my water supply some more.
  19. ...A can of rather sketchy dogfood gave me food poisoning... I quickly choaked down some more of the sketchiest food I had to hand, downed some antibiotics with a lot of water, and bedded down hard to sleep it off. I may have to take it easy when I go exploring today.