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Everything posted by ManicManiac

  1. @JerimiahSettle To be fair... bird snares tend to look quite a bit different from rabbit snares.
  2. @Leeanda Thank you for the reminder... I have yet to hunt them at all. Perhaps after Blackrock. 🤔
  3. Fair enough... perhaps that's the case. In any event that was years ago... perhaps @Admin could shed some light on it. In either case, I can't imagine that finding three moose in one day is intended behavior... but who knows, maybe it is. If it's the new normal, then that's fine... I just think I liked it better when moose were rare and harder to find.
  4. The oddest thing I've seen lately... is a ridiculous abundance of moose. In the span of one day, I once positively identified three (one in each region I went through that day). Traditionally... there was only supposed to be one moose at a time that migrated around Great Bear (later there was a dedicated moose spawn in Bleak Inlet). This made a moose hunt a rather good test of patience and persistence... These days, I can hardly go more than three days without seeing one, they seem so terribly abundant now. I'm kind of hoping this is a bug... but I guess time will tell.
  5. Scarface (Push It To The Limit) - YouTube Alternate: Scarface - Push it to the limit (Extended Version) - YouTube
  6. Radioactivity (1991 Remix) (2009 Remaster) - YouTube Alternate Links: Kraftwerk - Radioactivity [The Mix] - YouTube
  7. Resident Evil Soundtrack 1. Prologue & Main Title - Marco Beltrami - YouTube
  8. @GrimmVenom1118 So far, I think the most fun and interesting ways to have a shared experience with TLD: 1. A "Double-Blind" Run - in this case, each participant plays a session (perhaps one game day), and then "hands it off" to the next person. The idea is that the next person has no idea where they might be or what gear and supplies they have to work with... and each participant takes turns playing (for example) one game day at a time, and it sort of becomes a relay-style survival experience. 2. Two or more people can be playing on their own, but via discord (or even playing the same room if that's feasible) the players all get to communicate with each other while sharing their survival adventures together. (sort of in the same way the Neebs Gaming did for their TLD series).
  9. @GrimmVenom1118 I'm not meaning to be critical of your ideas, per se... just offering my thoughts and perspective. That's a fair point. And they are indeed cool and interesting ideas. I think a lot of people would feel the same. I think that the biggest hurdle with co-op for this game is the time compression mechanics:
  10. @GrimmVenom1118 I certainly respect the creativity and thought put into the idea... but considering the lore, it feels like a carnivorous animal companion would only really ever be a threat to our survivor's life. Of course, it is a fictional game... so anything the developers want to be cannon; they certainly can.
  11. Yes indeed, that particular ravaged carcass looks like fellow lying next to the campfire fought hard (maybe even ate off the carcass for a few days) before scumming to their wounds.
  12. Another one good for an animal companion: Among Trees on Steam ( But it's worth noting... this was an early access game but seems that it was eventually abandoned (so no further updates are expected)... however, in its current state, the features that is has does feel more-or-less complete. Again... it seems that the developers are no longer working on the game... so for those who look at it, know that what's there now is all the game is going to be. Notable features: Animal companion, base "building"/expansion (though this happens in just one predetermined location, later in game there is an option to build a greenhouse addon to your base where you can garden... (there are more but I won't spoil it for those who might just like to explore). Again... things that I think that work well as their own game.
  13. Another one that feels like it "borrows" a lot of ideas for TLD (while still going its own way): Kona on Steam (
  14. For those who like the idea of sled dogs, animal companions, cold cold weather, and survival gameplay... you might perhaps like: The Red Lantern — Timberline Studio Suffice to say... I don't really think I'd like it in my TLD survival sandbox... but as its own game I think it works just fine.
  15. It took a few hours to prospect my way through the old Gold Mine... Considering I came up where with a little less than 25kg in my pack... and currently have a little more than 40... I'll take the added capacity (even if only for the sake of being able to make the descent without needing a second trip carry thing out). Once I'm clear of the last rope... I think I'll take off the moose hide satchel once and for all in order to compensate. If I fill my stomach and fully sate my thrust... I think I'll be able to make weight in the morning (assuming I don't pick anything up along the way down). Push comes to shove... I do have a pair of trail boots, and a couple of other clothing items that I can abandon. For now, I camp here for the night.
  16. Only got about 8 hours of rest... but the weather was favorable enough to at least make it over to the Wolf's Jaw Overlook. Of course... the first thing I hear when I poke my head outside is that of the local grinch. But at least of the bear is here... I can make a beeline for its den with impunity. It's only marginally less creepy to be in the bears den in the daytime. There's the ultimate goal... the old, abandoned gold mine. I know I got burned last time... but there's no way I'm not hauling this rope along with me; just in case. 🤭 Looks tasty, if I'm being honest... too bad I'm already freezing and need to keep moving. I've not been picking up sticks... so I don't really have anything to burn right now anyway. I remember there being shallow cave along this route. I may have to pick up a few sticks now, if I don't find a place to warm up before getting to Wolf's Jaw. Getting close now. I really wish the wind would die down... I suppose I regret forgoing sticks to keep my pack weight under 25kg. 😖 The view from Wolf's Jaw is breathtaking... I decided to just tank the cold, took my one piece of charcoal I had on hand, and spent the time to do some surveying. Of course... a warm spot to take shelter was just on the other side of Wolf's Jaw. The hit wasn't bad... the birch bark tea that I had when I got hungry (to help tide me over) helped "fortify me" to brace up against the cold. All told, a good night's sleep and I'll be feeling in top shape again. For the moment, I just needed to sit a while and warm up. Final stretch... Dropped off the few bits of firewood and coal that I'd picked up along the way from Wolf's Jaw... I'm sure Future Me will appreciate it. Approached the climb and deployed the rope... It only just hit midday. From the top of Long Falls... Don't have much need for it... but even the scrap could come in handy. Finally made it... I'm already exhausted, but I'll spend the rest of the day here. I'll gather up what I want to take out with me and look to make the descent tomorrow.
  17. @Leeanda Thank you. The trip up to Runaway Bridge kind of felt like a waste of a day... but I was glad that I could make up for it with a night hike.
  18. Hmm... not great, but at least better. Had and rather unfortunate sprain while trying to sneak past the wolves again... so I opted to alternate naps and birch bark tea while having to waste 4 hours letting my ankle recover. 😖 I mean, I'll always welcome another striker. This was a larger area up here than I remembered... Hmm... so if I had brought a rope with me... I could have just slid down and been right next to Climber's Cave. I'd forgotten about this shortcut. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to make note of this for later. I don't think I want to make the trek back down to Bitter Marsh to get a rope. I have found so many flares in this region... On the way back down Pillar's Footrest (and the likely night hike from Climber's Cave to the cave near Minor's Folly)... and I just have to take a moment to say that I've been startled by these sort of tree stumps more than a few times coming over a blind hill (they always look like wolf ears for a second... wherein I stop dead in my tracks, crouch, and wait for my heart to resume beating again). ...And an aurora is starting right at moonrise. More caution, will be called for... At the very least, this tells me that I can expect good visibility, so perhaps this night hike can get me all the way back to Miner's Folley. This was just a stunning view. Made it up to High Meadow... Somehow, these bridges are even more terrifying in the middle of the night and while an aurora rages overhead. It's nearly midnight... so won't be able to get a full night's sleep unless I want that much less daylight to work with tomorrow.
  19. I tried to get an early start... but the weather is ugly and threatening another blizzard. I suppose I'll stay indoors for a couple more hours... or the rest of the day... depending on if a blizzard hits or not.