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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Welcome to the forums, @I_eat_only_wolf_meat. Glad you're enjoying the game as much as the rest of us.
  2. I wish, but still at work and before Noon 🤪
  3. I do run mods, but none of them should affect the aurora frequency (to my knowledge). I do have a command console, so could (if I wanted) turn them on/off on demand (but don't).
  4. Lee - "Cat Pee Sipper"! 🤭
  5. Just had it happen. One kicked in early, went out, then another kicked in early morning.
  6. I'm right there with ya @peteloud - I find it difficult to play without a beverage next to me. Hence, the reason for this post.
  7. Length of bleed-out has quite a bit of variability IME.
  8. I suppose I could try. Nope, those are all legit finds.
  9. hozz1235


    Somewhere, it is discovered Mystery Lake is referred to by another name. What is it?
  10. ...must take/break down...but can't...
  11. I'm just about to finish the game - addicting! And yes, I'm blown away that some college students developed this!!
  12. I believe that mine was added to Survival right around Ep3.
  13. Sometimes the blood trail is not real obvious - I've seen very small spots (which are hard to see) and some spots that are spread out quite far.
  14. When I need them... TheLongDark 2021-08-24 19-49-09.mp4
  15. I have to shovel the snow away frequently to shut it.
  16. https://thelongdark.fandom.com/wiki/Polaroids
  17. I actually had a moose carcass decay and disappear before I could even finish harvesting it. For that reason, I quarter all bear and moose now.
  18. After you've done it a few hundred times, it just becomes tedious! Yeah, it's not pretty, but it is practical!
  19. hozz1235


    Welcome @ingil!
  20. I think the circled area took the longest for me to navigate without getting turned around!
  21. I want ZERO chance of a misfire when confronted with a charging moose!