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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Oh, just get the thing printed and stick it on your wall (for your own enjoyment). I doubt Hinterland is going to come knocking on your door and have you arrested for that... Betamax!
  2. No, I mean, have you tried tweaking the game's graphic settings? Generally, if you have the game's graphic settings lowered, FPS will increase, and vice-versa. Of course, the cost is that the game doesn't look as good. Many times, it's a balancing act, unless you have the horsepower to support the highest settings.
  3. ahhh...to be able to start the game as if you'd never played...I envy you. Welcome!
  4. We really do need to get you on the PC, @Leeanda! 💻
  5. What happens if you just quit the game when that occurs? When you log back in, do you appear with all the condition loss? Have you reported this to HL?
  6. I would certainly think if you're only hanging it on your wall, that would be fine. Now, if you were selling the posters, that may be something else.
  7. Could do some fishing...good way to pass time. Also, I love that 6-burner stove in the collapsed lighthouse - one of my favorite spots in the whole game. Listening to the night sounds or blizzard raging outside while something bubbles/sizzles on the warm stove...
  8. Mmm, roasted pumpkin seeds - Love 'em! My family makes fun of me because, following Halloween, I will call local grocery stores asking if they are giving away their left-over pumpkins. I harvest them for the seeds, season and roast them. One year, I did 20!
  9. That does have some allure, but also thinking about re-exploring ALL previous areas again (I have already done this countless times). I'd still like the option.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I will dive headlong into the new content, and may never look back on my older save, but if HL does reverse their decision, I still want the option available to use my older save in the new content. I don't know, just feels like I'd be burning a bridge.
  11. I've been seeing more and more posts about people killing off their old saves because they will not be compatible with TFT (Tales from the Far Territory). Couldn't help but wonder: what if HL changes their mind (due to player feedback) and does make the old saves compatible? Doh!
  12. I like to look at this as a natural phenomenon. In @jeffpeng's example, what would stop a stick from falling from an overhead tree and "spawning"? Same could be said for larger branches, although the game does not have the (current) capability to actually show the animation of a branch/stick breaking off from a tree and falling to the ground.
  13. @piddy3825 is fabulous at this! Perhaps he could dig up some of his past posts on "What happened here?".
  14. https://images.app.goo.gl/pvqCutRKKaU99c2f6
  15. Hi-res screenshot and send it off to a poster-maker?
  16. But, are you old enough to remember when, late at night, television stations would go off the air?
  17. What kind of radio was it? Handheld? What we see sitting on tables in the game now?
  18. After doing more research into Shortwave (SW) radio, it appears you need a "transceiver" to send and a receiver to receive. According to my research, transceivers take too much power to be handheld. So, maybe this isn't a way to communicate, but just to listen to broadcasts from other areas. If so, this could dramatically affect some of our other theories about traders, rescue and such.
  19. I like where this is going with the Forest Talkers. Taking this further, perhaps the visors and caches will be the method for exchanging? Then again, I still want to be able to just find hidden caches without trading if I don't want to. Maybe only certain cars will be "drop boxes" for exchange notes...
  20. In the 19th century USA, pioneers would cut and flatten old tin cans and use them for siding on their houses. I've seen countless old ghost-towns with such buildings. I believe some modern home-owners still practice this.
  21. I was thinking about this... Say I don't buy the 2023-24 xpass (the sacrilege!) and HL decides to do another for 2024-25 and I do purchase that one? I'm wondering how difficult it will be for them (given the inter-relationships certain functionality has with others) to keep that separated in the game? I guess they would have to.