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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. I will certainly respect HLs wishes with regards to mods, but I will continue to be in support of the mod community because I have seen the benefit that they can provide. Some of my favorites are: Remember break-down weapon - SO useful, but especially when tearing up a house full of curtains! The ability to drain lantern oil from lanterns Indoor lighting improvements Inventory Item stacking = priceless! There are many others but I'm at work now and those are the ones that come to mind
  2. Personally, in relation to other media in our world today, TLD is very tame! Music, movies, TV - it has all declined pretty sharply. My wife and I have really gotten in to a 1940's XM radio station lately because of so much garbage today.
  3. I misspoke then. It was my understanding from reading what modders were saying that with the architecture change, it would make modding almost impossible.
  4. Getting pretty argumentative here... In summary, I think those that support mods have made their viewpoint and desire known. Raph has clearly stated his current viewpoint on mods and we don't have much choice other than to be okay with that and anxiously await the day HL will support mods (hopefully sooner rather than later!) If we want HL to support mods, I certainly don't think we should piss off the ones who can give it to us (despite how we feel).
  5. Before I do that, I'm going to wait to see what HL is going to do. They mentioned they may temporarily roll back some updates to fix the crashing (which would re-enable mods).
  6. Hopefully this will be addressed in the next mailbag:
  7. I know this is a taboo topic and I apologize in advance if it violates any forum use policies, but here goes: Hinterland does not condone the use of player-created mods and, understandably, discourages their use due to support. I read through all the great ideas coming in on the Wish List forum and it seems that if HL did support mods, that this would prompt more mid-to-end-game interest and also possibly free up some HL resources to work on more intensive game improvements/enhancements. My question: What is your current thoughts on mods? Are you working on supporting them?
  8. I doubt it has been "fixed". As a workaround for the achievement, you could create a super-easy custom game. You could probably find all the books within a couple hours (especially if you research where some of the constant spawns are).
  9. I know exactly where that is! I use it almost every time before that (possible) double climb.
  10. @Mroz4k, I fully understand you don't understand my point. For the sake of others, I won't continue discussing this. Let's agree to disagree and let it lie.
  11. Greetings! There has been a recent forum post on shooting bears with a bow, getting blood splatter, bear flees and leaves blood trail. Some time passes and the bear does not die but resumes it's normal pathing. According to the wiki (and we do understand this could be outdated, in which case we/I would like to update it) all (excluding moose) animals shot with a successful bow shot should bleed out and die. Could you clear up how this game mechanic works for us? Thanks.
  12. See, those are specific examples of how to play it safe. I think that's what people are looking for in this thread. If I was new to the game and I read that post, it would be meaningless to me.
  13. What is a risk? What is safe?
  14. Care to expand on that? 🤔
  15. Personally, sure, I'd love to see more content sooner - who wouldn't!? I'm old enough and have been playing games long enough (started with Ultima IV on the Commodore 64) that I am accustomed to waiting. I try to find other things/games to fill my time so I'm not focusing too much on it (and therefore getting more frustrated). Guess that's how I deal. I certainly hope you will continue checking back because HL has promised us the rest of the episodes and I'm sure they'll be great!
  16. $30 may be a lot for someone to "try" a game and find out they don't like it.
  17. Can't say I have...surprisingly because I have played quite a few times drunk.
  18. I suppose if the custom settings are right, this may be achievable.
  19. It's near a stream/river.
  20. I don't agree this is "grindy", in fact it's an achievement you will get through normal play (if you live long enough).
  21. Nope, give you a hint: you actually drop down a small ledge to where you see my footprints. I thought I was going to be trapped at first!