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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Easy to climb in and out using the snow bank on the right-side of the picture.
  2. Sorry, I can't understand you.
  3. I've just visited AC on a new run, and I have been finding excessive matches on bridges - not as many as you, but I've found up to 2 of them on each end of a bridge! <edit> Look what I just found in the "cave" near Wolf's Jaw Lookout:
  4. Do you ever find yourself picking up stones, even though you don't need anymore? I do - in particular in areas where they seem to cause "clutter"!
  5. Been a while, but I'm back at it. Believe I've finished up PV and am heading on to AC since I'm in the area.
  6. Yup, that's what I did as well. The tracks (and powerlines!) are one of the best landmarks to keep orientation. If fog, or bad weather, began to show, I would immediately begin looking for cover for the same reason you mentioned in your 2nd paragraph.
  7. I'm just reinforced in my decision to ignore @ManicManiac. I can't even see what he is saying, but it appears most people have trouble dealing with him.
  8. In my longest run, I'm always looking for things to do. My latest mission was to completely loot FM. This means all non-respawning harvestables. Have to say, FM has a LOT! Far more than any other zone IMO. Plenty of opportunities to hone my wolf-hunting skills while I was at it.
  9. Biggest trigger for me is hearing crows. Amazing how close they sound in the game to real life. No, I don't begin searching for a corpse though! 😄
  10. Can't say I have. You could try to recreate it with a new game with the exact same settings. Take screen shots of items you suspect as re/depsawning.
  11. I get so tired of these statements. People are different! Their playstyle is different! Their skill is different! Just because it's "not even hard" for you, does not mean this applies to everyone else!
  12. @galahan, I know it can be very frustrating to lose all your progress and hard-work! This is the very reason why I choose to back up my save files periodically. Some will argue that it defeats the purpose of the game and shouldn't be done, but if perma-death is the only thing keeping you from playing the game, back up your saves! I won't describe how to do it here, but a quick internet search should give you instruction.
  13. They are repairable now - at the BI milling machine.
  14. Welcome to the forums! Also, if you're tired of looking for it, there are many maps on the web of the region which show possible spawn locations.
  15. I just repaired them at the BI workshop milling station!
  16. Just repaired them at the BI Workshop milling station!
  17. Same! Namely, the one-shot head kill with the flare gun. I'm going to try it out! Finally have a use for all those shells sitting around.
  18. I also notice this behavior - in fact, I use that mechanic in my wolf-hunting technique. I did notice he aimed with a stone vs. a weapon - maybe that is the difference?
  19. Anyone know how to translate this to English automatically in the page?
  20. You've checked all the locations listed on the wiki?
  21. From my observations, tool condition has no effect on breakdown/harvest times.
  22. Good research! There must be some kind of day counter variable, otherwise, it may be possible for the moose to spawn every day, or not for 50 days! I really wish Hinterland would give us more detailed information on what each of the custom settings do. It has seemed from the very beginning of custom settings, there that was confusion as to what they mean, which in turn made it difficult to "tune" the game just the way you want (which is the reason for custom?). I understand some variability is always necessary to keep it "interesting", but to me it feels like there is TOO much.
  23. Perhaps, but wouldn't that trigger all harvestables to refresh(regrow)?
  24. 1. I don't remember if I harvested, let alone where I harvested it! 2. Yes, it is possible I missed harvesting it all the times I've been through FM, but this seems unlikely.
  25. I think that, despite the settings, and the internal "day counter", we are not guaranteed a moose spawn in rubbing areas. This is what makes this very difficult to test because, as I experienced, I did see a moose spawn in the same rubbing area, albeit 37 days apart, so conceivably, I could of missed a "cycle" if the true internal day counter is more like 18. I would expect, but no guarantee, that the moose day timer would be longer than bear, which is 16 given my current settings.